Be aware, the sound effects are loud so maybe turn your volume down just a little bit before pressing play.
After completing the Sound Effects Story Assignment, I noticed I got way more comfortable using Audacity. I used a total of 7 different sound effects to create my story. If you’re curious which ones I used I embedded them below. There was one sound that I didn’t have permission to upload but the other 6 are posted:
My sound effect story was about people having fun on a roller coaster ride. They were screaming, laughing, talking, clapping, and things like that. I tried to center the effects in the right spots, so they didn’t sound awkward. Although, there is one lady’s scream that I just could seem to make flow with the rest of the sounds. I still kept it though! You’ll be able to tell which one it is haha!
This was my first time creating something like this and playing around with all of the other tools on Audacity. I learned how to import sound effects and music, how to move the tracks around, lower the volume on some effects and increase the volume on others. I thought I did pretty good with this one, so I can’t wait to see what progress I make throughout the rest of the week!