The prompt for this assignment excited me because it’s a clever idea and a good way to get creative. Once I started editing this story together, I had an easy time, but coming up with an idea was really tough for me. The problem I kept running into was I would think of the story I wanted to tell but couldn’t find any sounds for it. However, if I tried to do the reverse, downloading sounds and then coming up with a story, I became overwhelmed with options and didn’t know where to begin. Another challenge was that I could not find inspiration for a prompt online. I thought because this assignment was fun and easy, multiple people would have their own takes on it, but I couldn’t find anything. Eventually, I decided to do the sounds of a class period. It wasn’t groundbreaking, but I was stumped. I started downloading the sounds I wanted, and when I went to download the teacher’s voice, it only gave me Charlie Brown Teacher voices, but I figured that would be a much more interesting take, so I went with it. The process of editing the story together was fairly quick. I took the downloaded sounds and compiled them in the order I wanted. I used the cutting tool to end some clips early or split them up. After that, I exported the story and uploaded it to SoundCloud. Again, it’s a simple story, but I hope the Charlie Brown aspect makes it a little less mundane.