“My goals for this class is to learn more about digital media and learn how to be more proficient with technology. For example, Im still learning how to use WordPress and this blog post is still taking me a while to set up because I have no idea how to use this program, but I’m learning! My goal is also to stay on top of the weekly assignments and to not fall behind.”
Above were my goals from the first week of classes. I became so overwhelmed with the new programs we had to use but now that we are 6 weeks in I’m getting the hang of learning new programs and working with them.
With Design and photography week I used a lot of programs I was familiar with but used my creativity in ways I had not before, so that was a great thing to learn.
Audio Week is where I think I started learning how to use new programs and working with them creatively. I had a great time that week with the audio assignments and learned a lot.
In terms of time management, its still a work in progress. I have started getting into the thick of it for my other classes and senior projects so I have to re adjust my schedule from when we started and its taking more time than I want it to. I don’t think I will fall behind too much but Im keeping an eye on it. I would also like to continue with my commenting on three posts per week and hopefully more when I have the time.