The first PSA I wanted my character to react to was by Destiny. I found this one interesting since it takes a conflicting viewpoint from what my character would believe. My character is trying to encourage people to be wary of the dangers of Aggressive Technologies and not let them take over the markets. I think Düşünür would strongly disagree with this message and would encourage others not to think this way and instead encourage others not to join Aggressive Technologies.
The next PSA I wanted my character to react to was posted on here and there it’s everything. This PSA is suggesting the public be okay with constant surveillance by Aggressive Technologies because it would lead to greater safety for society. Düşünür would disagree with this PSA and suggest that it is best to never allow this level of surveillance. He would be shocked that others would be so willing to let them invade the personal privacy of the citizens.
The last PSA I considered was posted on cat on a moped. This PSA is about the creation of a fully AI-operated moped by Dr. Ravioli. I think this would scare Düşünür because this is yet another way AI is taking over every market. It seems like a harmless invention, but demonstrates how wide of a net Aggressive Technologies casts and how much influence they really have.
I have to say that I clicked on three different websites that were kind of hard to navigate so I ended up leaving them because I could not find their PSA.
However, I think that Josh and Dr. Ravioli should team together to create cars and moped. Dr. Ravioli really has something special so far that no one else seem to understand other than Josh. Wanting to learn more about Dr. Ravioli moped PSA, here is their website:
That will take you directly to the PSA. Thank you Dr. Ravioli, I hope you and josh will be able to speak to each other soon!
Maybe after Josh and Dr. Ravioli talk they can try to turn around Xander from not having a good experience with Aggressive Technology into a better one. Xander thinks that this company has not been treating their employees well but needless to say that Aggressive Technologies helped Josh get out of his small hometown and gave him the greatest opportunity of his life. By clicking the button you can hear more about Xander PSA.
Then we have Leila, which also had a bad run in with Aggressive Technology and you can bring up their PSA by clicking on the picture.
I guess Josh was one of the lucky few that has his pockets lined with cash. I am hoping that Josh does not get laid off and the company will take away his money that he has earned.
I think that with most companies, everyone has good and bad reviews. Depending on where you are working within the company will depend on how much you enjoy working for said company.
This poster resonated with Hwei, as he is also pushing for the acceptance of AI. The visual representation of how humans and AI can be linked in the mind and body directly aligns with his research. While Hwei’s initial goal was to create an entirely new robot civilization that would attain absolute perfection, Isaiah Beacon and his activism towards creating unity between AI and humans is an interesting idea that piqued Hwei’s interest.
The potential for humans to be turned into robots in the future is something that Hwei might experiment with in the future. The only concern would be the potential ideological clashes between the two individuals, as Hwei will prioritize AI prospering over humankind, no matter the circumstance, while Isaiah would like both entities to coexist.
Regardless of the outcome, Hwei would like to collaborate with Isaiah Beacon in the future to push his own agenda even further.
Sol did view this poster about “The Only Thing Better Than AI is Aggressive Technologies,” which they immediately rolled their eyes to. Of course, Aggressive Technologies is trying to one up their own source of money. Sol thought that it really felt like Aggressive Technologies would be the future, and not a good one. Aggressive Technologies seemed egotistical, powerful, and only searching for more power. Sol is not a fan.
Sol felt a little iffy on this use of AI for surveillance. Without a lot of context, they thought this may be really good and can protect people. However, they did start thinking, “how does the AI decide who is good and who is bad?” and “how does the AI determine if a familar face is safe?” They think they would need to do some more research on this to really understand, but they also think that this does not really even apply to them, so why should they even care?
Sol thinks that there are some good things related to AI, however. They heard the PSA about Dr. Ravioli (who they will admit that they are a big fan of) and Dr. Ravioli’s new AI moped, and they were thinking . . . huh, maybe AI can be a little harmless! They are considering that this is something that could be useful for AI, but they would prefer if this was the norm, not AI taking jobs.
Sol was a big fan of this one! Obviously an artist is going to applaud a PSA about art and how Aggressive Technologies can be a threat to that! They were nodding over and over watching this one.
According to Natasha Sidorov, she was surprised that some negative comments and responses have come out regarding Aggressive Technologies. The word aggressive has a negative connotation, so I looked up the definition. The online dictionary stated: ready or likely to attack or confront. Synonyms were hostile, belligerent and forceful. On the other hand, a positive side of aggression can be being competitive. My character is a cybersecurity employee for the CIA, and she has a contract to lead AI development for Aggressive Technologies. Natasha responded favorably to Don’t Believe Everything You See – I make a propaganda poster – Sydney Says Things (, because the branding of that poster went with her vision of where Aggressive Technologies is going to go. We don’t agree that AI will completely separate you from meaning relationships as shown in Propaganda Video… Hope Thats OK? – Abiotic Interface. My character and I both support aggressive tech: propaganda poster – here and there it’s everything (
The following are the privet thoughts of a fictional character in a fictional universe. The opinions expressed here are not to be confused with the author’s personal thoughts and opinions. Any similarities to real people are a coincidence.
Another day and more propaganda. Really another sinister poster trying to convince me to trust a computer? People are full of errors why would something they make be perfect? Well, I am sure the AI are smarter than most people and it would be doing them a favor to trust it.
That video plays perfectly into people’s fears for the future. It has to be the same person that created the poster I saw earlier. Both products were so clean and to the point. “Trust us we will lead you.” people are such sheep. Well, it will make it easier to do what I want in the end.
look another poster…we are so friendly let us help you! It is so funny what the weak will believe.
lol that one was funny. Anyone that knows political history should know what that referenced. I wonder how many people got the warning in it or did everyone think it was just about helping? I want to say it is hard to believe it got past the sensors but not really people are dumb. Oh well you can’t fix stupid just rule over it.
Wel well an intern made it in the video. I wonder what her online presents is like. I bet there is something I can use here. She could be an easy mark and another way in to get information. Aggressive Technologies admits it openly they are spying on you, and no one bats and eye. That’s still so funny to me “a force for good”. Who’s good? Well soon to be my good after I run the place. No one is going to be allowed to spy on me and control my life. Safety, convenience, and wellbeing my ass. Well, I guess not for the company ha ha ha. Well, I am aggressive because I care to take over. Not a bad commercial I am sure it will do its job for the company. But how to use it for my gain….
I will be using the propaganda poster below by Greta Hammen to respond to. Georgia is, in general, a fan of using AI as a tool. She drank the Aggressive Technologies cool-aid a while ago. She agrees that AT’s AI is there to help, especially since she helped develop it. Georgia may be low in the ranks of developers, but she is still on the team and feels immense pride in being a part of the project. Since she is so proud of it, seeing a promotion makes her happy.
This assignment asks us to react to the other course characters’ PSA videos as our course character. There aren’t a lot of PSAs done at this time but it seems like the ideas are equal with 2 being against Aggressive technologies and 2 being for Aggressive technologies. Marie frequently looks at news regarding Aggressive technologies on her burner account and now burner laptop because Aggressive technologies is now monitoring all of her known devices and adding AI to “help her be more productive and job orientated.” While doing her nightly research she found a couple of PSA videos related to aggressive technologies and decides to bring attention to them on her page.
The first one she responded to was this one: This PSA aligns with her views and even though she has a grudge against Aggressive technologies, she is proud of Xander for stepping up and speaking out as an inside whistle-blower. She is going to bring awareness to his movement but she cannot go to any events because it puts her livelihood at risk. She looks forward to the new information brought forward by him and hopes that his movement picks up momentum fast.
The next one She saw was this one, which made her livid. This makes AI seem like it is all good and nothing is bad, while thousands are being ruthlessly laid off for its gain in popularity. What are the workers who got laid off going to do with a robot friend who doesn’t pay bills? They might not even be able to afford a robot friend and could be on the streets next week.
Marie is becoming distressed by the amount of propaganda supporting the AI scene at Aggressive Technologies, so she has decided to comment on one last PSA video for now. This one is blatantly telling the public that AI is good for them and that they should trust AI because it is the future. When you can’t think, AI will? What about the original thoughts that we as humans have and the ability to quickly adapt to situations in real life, AI cannot do that even with thousands of programs constantly coding it. Ai has no human touch, yet they are promoting it as the future while you lay off human workers for no good reason other than making room for AI and cuts to further the company.
Behind the creation: Being able to step into the shoes of Marie for a little through third person was very fun, I wish that there were other videos to respond to but I understand that I move fast with DS106 work. I will be looking forward to seeing the other PSA videos over the next couple of days and seeing how others respond to them. I like seeing how everyones skills that we learned in the last couple of weeks really came together to be able to create PSA videos that seem somewhat realistic.
One of the final assignments that we needed to complete this week was to create a PSA about our course character in relation to the field of AI or Aggressive Technologies. However, that was a separate assignment, on top of that we needed to create a blog post that talked about how our characters may respond to some of the PSA’s that others in the class might create. As a result, I am writing this blog post to do just that. The first PSA that I was able to view is located here, and this PSA talks about how AI can be used to accomplish a variety of tasks and how useful it can to complete everyday tasks. We all know that Xander is an innovator and inventor and is all for using AI in everyday life and so I think his reaction to this announcement would be very positive and he would stand behind this message. He would definitely push for this announcement to be made even more public because not only does it stand by what he believes in, it also would help promote his future and reputation in the industry since he just launched his new AI-implant chip that people will eventually be able to get for themselves to help them with everyday tasks and in various situations. The second PSA that I was able to find is located here, and tries to spread the message that we should all trust AI and that we should not worry about the consequences that it could bring and that we should also trust the people that are in charge of manufacturing AI tools, such as Aggressive Technologies. Xander would only agree with some parts of this message I believe, because he would advocate for the trusting of AI, however, he would not advocate for the trusting of Aggressive Technologies. This is because, as we all now know, AT stabbed Xander in the back in recent weeks, and Xander has plans on going public with the information he has on them. Therefore, Xander would not agree to trust AT after what they did to him, however, he would ask the public to continue to trust AI and wait and see all the benefits that it could/would bring in the future. The final PSA that I chose to comment on, was this one, which talks about how AT is all about making money and there are no ethical actions that they take to help their employees. They ruthlessly lay off their employees with no severance packages and all of their promises are just a mask to what they are really trying to do, use AI to line the pockets of those at the top while the hard working employees all suffer. Xander would be at the forefront of this revolution and he would not back down. After learning about AT’s plan to line their pockets based on his invention, he knows that he was not the first and will not be the last so he is going to do everything in power to make sure that AT pays for what they have done to him and to others just like him. Without a shadow of a doubt, Xander would and could be used a poster boy for this revolution and he would be all for it because he will spend the rest of his life if he has to, to get revenge and make AT pay for what they did to him. Overall, all of the PSA’s were really interesting and was cool to see how everyone went about completing the assignment and how they chose the various applications that they used to get it done. I enjoyed watching all of them and trying to figure what Xander would say about them and I think this version of commenting on other’s peoples post is nice, however, I think that the smaller comments are better because they are more personal than a blog post. Still, this assignment was enjoyable to complete and I had a fun time watching other people’s PSAs and was cool to see how different people expressed their creativity.