During the creation of this Podcast my group and I had an interesting time in the span of two week. Click the buttons below to read about each week.
Category Archives: radioshowweek1
Radio Show Week One
Week one was very busy for me. I had a lot of work to do in other classes and was honestly slightly distracted in this class. However I was able to recover and get a bunch of my work done for this project. I have really enjoyed working with my classmates for this radio show. I am excited to see how our final project turns out, but I am feeling very confident due to how far we have come already.
I am super excited to be able to talk about my character, Himothy. Himothy is a one of a kind AI who is capable of doing things no one else can. He has the capability of creating cars in an instant. I can’t wait to share more about Himothy on “Three Point Chatter”!
Radio Show Week 1
After forming a group with Robin, Melea, and Tyler, we spoke on a call to discuss our characters to find an outline of what our radio show should be focused on. Initially, Robin and I decided that my character will be a shady character that the others will have to deal with as they slowly realize how insane my character is but after a brief discussion, we realized that everyone’s character had shady backgrounds. We wanted to focus on the topic of AI, since all of our characters are for it. I was worried, since there wouldn’t be a debate, but I realized that our reasons for agreeing on AI were very different. This gave us a lot to work with, so there could be many moments of comedy or quality discussion. Some of our characters are wanted for crimes, so we thought it would make sense to add voice changers to keep our character’s identities secret. Finally, we brainstormed on a name for our radio show. We decided on the name, Logic Pod: The Tech Podium.
Radio Show Progress
This week, my group did a pretty good job communicating and picking a time to meet. I found my group through the shared Google Sheet, and then I emailed the existing members and sent them my phone number to create a group chat with. We then created a Discord group and started communicating on there from that point forward. Before we met over Discord, we shared a group document where everyone put a bit of information about their characters and ideas for the radio show so we’d be more prepared for our meeting.
When we met, we finalized a topic and spent some time brainstorming podcast names. We also discussed what we thought each of our character’s roles should be in the show and sort of talked about how the format should go. We exchanged ideas on how we could seamlessly use AI in our show, as myself and another member need to use a voice changer for our characters. We also talked a bit about the assignments for this week and helped each other come up with ideas to fulfill the requirements. This was also important to make sure there wasn’t too much overlap in what each of us were doing.
Most importantly, we agreed to continue working on the script and committed to a time next week to record the show. We decided that instead of creating a line by line script, each of us would contribute a few ideas that our characters would like to talk about on a shared doc and then the other team members write their character’s responses.
Radio Show Progress
As the week continues me and my group are making good progress on our radio show. We have some radio bumpers made as well as different intros made, so we can pick and choose which one we like the best for our radio show. We haven’t recorded anything yet, but our plan is to lay out all of our information we are going to talk about. Each person in the group is going to talk about their character and their day in the life as we all have different types of characters. Our plan is to use Audacity to record all our radio show and incorporate radio bumpers, an introduction, and potential incorporate ads throughout the show. We haven’t run into too much trouble yet, knock on wood. However, if we do, I am confident our group can figure out a solution to any issues that arise. I am excited to see how this radio show comes out. This is my first time creating one and I’m a little nervous but also very excited. Stay tuned for our finished product.
Radio Show Progress: Pop Perception
So far this week me and my group haven’t started my “group” work I’d say. Its more individual preparing but group messaging, which has been going fine. I’m not really good with this AI stuff or technology so I think my role will end up being a helper to the more competent ones and that’s fine with me. Some people have made commercials and bumpers, and we have a name and fundamental idea of what we want to do. I’m pretty easy to work with but I have to say, I am not really a fan of online group work. It’s hard to do for obvious reasons. But other than that, I have no problems and look forward to the upcoming weeks! Ciao!
Radio Show P&P
by Andrew Johnson
For our upcoming radio show, Three Point Chatter, my classmates and I have decided to incorporate AI by representing the lives of different characters. Thus far we have met several times and really dove in on how we will piece the show together. I feel that my partners for this project are well in tune with what is going on and very up-to-date on current assignments that are needed to complete a full-finished show. We have listed our characters hobbies down on what they do, where they are from, and possibly where they all meet up. It is going to be fun to create content to support our themes with the amount of ideas we have.

Group Work 1
The progress and process of my group has been challenging for me. I am not much of a group worker, especially when we cannot meet in person. I am not enjoying the process of working in the group because it seems as though the other two group members are teaming up to do the script…I feel like I am not doing enough for the project. I made sure to let my group members know that I am here to help however, I do not want to step on anyone’s toes. I do not even know if the radio show will have different kinds of voices because my group members are not communicating that well…I guess we will see what it ends up being like next week.
Our group has worked out that Peter and Rishi will work on the script, and I was going to create the logo and the name of the Radio show. We will each be doing a radio bumper and a commercial. We have three people in our group so that part was easy to figure out.
The different kind of tools I have used to far in making the radio bumper and commercial was:
Even though this was an audio project I found it easier to use Clip Champ because I have used it so many times, so I worked smarter and not harder by using this software than Audacity. So far, this project is going well for the different assignments I have been doing. I made sure to create audio assignments that my group could use for the Radio Show.
Radio Show Progress!
Hello! The Radio Show progress has been super fun! Our group has been in communication all week discussing different ideas and names, roles, when to meet, etc. We agreed on the name “Pop Perception”! I think it is such a fun name for our topic! I think our group is at a good position for the radio project! I don’t have much to say besides how we have been talking all week and are planning a good time to meet!
I hope everyone else is having a good time with their radio shows!
-Reese Kubricki
Developing Aggression – Radio Show Progress
This week my group worked on developing our show, Aggressive Testimonials. The involved characters are Georgia Finch (me), Andrea Grant, and Düşünür. The original pitch was, “A tell-all about this company’s intrusive tech, feauturing 2 “neutral” employees.” The idea came from the fact that Andrea and Georgia both work at and agree with Aggressive Technologies. When Düşünür was added, this idea changed slightly. Düşünür is a writer who Aggressive Technologies has been trying to hire. He does not like the company, which changes the tone of the radio show significantly from what we had originally planned.
The current thought is that Aggressive Testimonials will still be a “tell-all,” now hosted by Düşünür who is trying to get Andrea and Georgia to slip up and say something bad about Aggressive Technologies. I think this idea has the potential to be very funny and I am excited to see where we go next.