Category Archives: radioshowideas.

Radio Bumper and Radio Show Ideas!

I am not sure if I was supposed to do it in the beginning of the week to hear it on the ds106 radio but I with personal reason I was only able to start it on Wednesday. I wasn’t sure what I had wanted to do so I did what I would want for a radio bumper for my own show!

This is the bumper I had created! I wanted to use a little easter egg for any swifties out there! I wanted to add “are you ready for it” because when I was making the bumper, it was around the grammys and I thought she would be announcing Reputation (tv) but she dropped a NEW album!! She is also a big impact in my life as we can probably tell. I think for my idea for a radio show, having Taylor Swift as the bumper just makes total sense! my radio show idea is also an all female music to empower women. Sometimes women just want to listen to something more empowering to them and not so much rap and country. With everything going on, having female artists shine as their rights are stripped is a really strong idea.Ā With Roe v Wade, I feel like there is a new wave a feminism going around and with the NFL’s fragile masculinity I think an all female artist station can be refreshing!

overall, I hope I am able to combine the radio bumper assignment and my radio show idea into one blog post to make my mind a lot less cluttered with all the different blog posts we have to do!

Radio Show Ideas

I would like to have a radio show with Dr Ravioli, Marie E. Pearl, and Lady Alice Smythe. They can discuss mopeds, world domination, and why a cat would marry a lobster. Marie can be trying to pet Ravioli constantly and being neutral on all topics. Alice and Ravioli can argue about mopeds. Alice insisting, they are terrible and Ravioli singing their praises. Marie can just keep agreeing with both points of view. Alice can try to constantly to one up the cat while Dr Ravioli ignores her because he is a cat. Marie can lecture about being nice and then sort of fade into the background. Ravioli can throw his life experiences into the mix to prove what point he is making since he is the oldest. We could throw in a conversation about AI and weather that would improve mopeds or not.

Another Idea for a radio show would be Dr. Ravioli talking to any of the robot characters trying to convince them to be turned into a moped.

All the AI enthusiasts do a radio show to raise money for the cause. I noticed there are several AI developers on the characters list and a televangelist. They could do a recruitment show.

Brainstorming Radio Brilliance

In a few weeks, we will have to organize groups and produce a radio show for this assignment. We need to brainstorm some ideas that use the course characters and the course theme in order to be ready for this. Consider the potential interactions between our course characters and others, recommended by  Professors Bond and Groom.

I think my course character will collaborate with Rishi Shankar’s course character, Xander Neoteric. As Rishi has discussed in a number of posts, Xander is a significant innovator in the tech industry and even graduated as valedictorian from MIT. He is the creator of Xander Technologies, a company that transformed challenging procedures with its AI-integrated surgical table. Xander recently made history by implanting an AI agent into his own brain, making him the first person on Earth to do so. Having said all of this, Rishi and I decided that Julius Lawrence, the character I created for the course, should invest in Xander’s AI agent product because of his experience in investing. Xander and Julius will finally choose to start a new business for these AI bots after making an investment. Julius decided to invest and collaborate with Xander because he was really intrigued by the product. 

Here’s another way our course characters could interact: Xander could spend all the money he makes from the AI agent to purchase an NBA team. Following the recent breaking news that Julius Lawrence is heading to the NBA from his position at Goldman Sachs, he signs with the franchise that Xander recently purchased. Due to Xander’s experience with AI and technology, all of the coaches, trainers, and scouts will be artificial intelligence. Julius and Xander can talk about whether AI can undertake NBA coaching jobs or if humans are still needed for the position. 

When Xander and Julius Meet!

One of the assignments for this week required us to come up with some ideas for an upcoming radio show with our course character and others as well. The upcoming radio show would involve the meeting and greeting of various course characters with mine and would discuss various topics on the show with other course characters. Everyone would participate and give their thoughts on the topic and the radio show would last for about 20-30 minutes.

One of the first ideas that I cam up with was to work with another course character by the name of Julius Lawrence. If you have not read about him yet, he is a highly successful investment banker who went to the University of Virginia to play basketball and study finance. He chose to follow his true dream and landed his dream job in finance. However, recently he announced that he is considering a transition to the NBA to follow his dream of also playing professional basketball. This got me thinking as how Xander and Julius could work together and maybe talk about an idea on their radio show. I came up with an idea that I really liked. Xander also made a big move in his life recently and became the very first human to implant a AI agent into his own brain. Since he was the first and Julius has a great mind when it comes to investments and finance, Julius could invest into Xander and his AI agent product. They would discuss how they would plan to start a new company for the AI agents and how they would go about actually constructing the necessary marketing, technologies, and ideas to make this idea come to fruition. They would also talk about why Julius was interested in a product like this and why he was so drawn to it.

Another possible idea that the two could discuss during their radio talk show would be the idea of AI and how it has become so rampant in everyday life throughout society. Xander, as a master in his field, would be able to drop his thoughts on the subject, and Julius who is not directly related to the field but also works in a field when AI could very much be integrated into, could talk about his thoughts on the subject matter. The two could also discuss if AI poses a threat to everyday life in society or if it will produce more good than bad and how it could be beneficial or detrimental to the real world. By having this conversation, viewers could potentially listen to both sides of the argument as Xander would advocate for AI due to the AI agent in his brain, whereas Julius’s ideas may be more contradictory. It would definitely be an interesting meeting between the two and whatever they end up discussing in their radio show, it will for sure draw a crowd. I am looking forward for the two to meet and have a short discussion about whatever we decide the topic ends up being and everyone will be looking forward to their thoughts. Be on the lookout for the radio show, coming to a radio station near you!

ā›ˆļøBRain StoRMā›ˆļø

I think it would be cool to create a show where a bunch of skeptical characters come together to create a show talking about nonsense stories related to AI. Like a panel of characters that would be very techno-pessimistic like my character Marie and the characters all sit down in a podcast like setting and review reddit stories of problems with AI and technology and put in their two cents with of course some disagreements along the way. Maybe even an inventor that is very techno-optimistic and would contribute to a good conversation and arguments for the technological side.

I think that Marie would be very anti-technologist because of how her husband passed (which is undisclosed for the moment and will be revealed at a later time). She also is a manager of a call center and corporate keeps trying to force an AI pre-screen for her customers to determine which department would best benefit them, but it will cost many workers their jobs and livelihoods. She would at the same time be open to learning more about different perspectives while holding strong to her beliefs. She is okay with technology (like the Daleks) in movies like Dr. Who but not in real life. I think her character would be very respectful of other characters point of views while adding very monotone jokes in the dialogue and provide stories that she has in her life. She may however provide some flat responses from time to time or get flustered when her point of view is proven wrong to much. I think that it will be very exciting to see how this comes to fruition in the coming weeks.

āœšŸ¼Week of 2/5 ā€“ 2/9āœšŸ¼

Let’s talk about it. This week forced me to get out of my comfort zone and experiment with audio storytelling. I was interested in starting my very own podcast previously but I didn’t really know where to start. This whole week was a learning experience that I did not take lightly. I am also trying a new format! Instead of trying to put together my whole week into one blog post and tell you a short creative process that leaves a lot out I am going to imbed the posts below so you can click them directly! I also added the creative process in each of the posts so you can see them individually as well as a whole. Update: I see that the posts don’t show fully, so I’ll adjust and add the creative process passage below it as a caption.


Assignments from this week šŸ“† :

Behind the creation:
I was really intimidated by this project and using a new audio editing service, but I still wanted the outcome to be something I could be proud of. I didnā€™t want something that sounded like it was put together in three or less seconds and then tossed to the side, and instead something that would put you in a dream-like state as we discussed earlier this week in the videos we watched. I first started by compiling a list of sounds that I would normally hear on a bus or on a train like bags rustling, the train moving, low chatter. Then I added some other sounds that would give you the since of being frightened or tense like the creepy voice, and the beating heart. I was actually hanging out with someone towards the end of my editing which admittedly was time consuming, and they said that even they got tense listening to it and compared my audio to some of the horror movie sounds. A problem that I ran into was the fact that the audios, even though they were placed properly to be cohesive, were way too long for this assignment with a cap of 90 seconds. So, I had to meticulously go through each audio and adjust it to fit right and cut out unnecessary bits. I am really proud of the product and all in all this took me about a hour and a half to complete!

Behind the Creation: I first listened to the YouTube videos and took notes and then I compared them to the audio that we had to listen to. I re-listened to the YouTube videos a couple of times because they were short but detail-packed! I then went back in and edited my post to make sure that it was short and to the point to keep my readers entertained.
Behind the creation: For this, I went in with a strong idea of what my radio show would look like if it were up to me maybe a little too confident but I hope that this idea sounds interesting to the others and some would help bring this to life. I also thought about how she would interact with other characters and gave her a little more depth as a character so she isn’t as flat. I wanted to create a good idea of what I want so others if they see it on the ds106 website wouldn’t feel as intimidated to share theirs since I got this done a little earlier.
Behind the creation: Mic checks 1…2…1…2… is this thing on? This was a really fun assignment where I created a radio bumper for ds106. For this, I briefly listened to the radio station and instantly decided on a lofi inspired background audio to match the “vibe” of the radio channel. While I wanted to focus on matching the vibe of the radio station, I wanted to make my radio bumper unique. Something that was uniquely inspired by my experiences. I started off by recording the audio bit of my voice which took three tries and thenI headed over to free and instantly searched for key words like lofi, radio bumper, Mellow beats, outro, intro, and other things of that nature.
I found some hip hop type intro sounds to stack on top of each other and even took a snippet of someone else’s podcast intro and added that to the beginning of the audio. I then trimmed my voice recording and added the reverb sound effect to give it a radio feel. Then I adjusted the intro sounds accordingly and added some lofi beats to the background. I then added the outro bit which is like a power down sound and began to edit out unwanted sounds and arranging the snippets into ways that went together cohesively. After I was done I realized that something was missing. I found a bit on free audio which said “Well on this show did you expect anything else?” which I felt was a great touch to add right after my voice. Then it was radio ready so I uploaded it… also I can’t figure out how to allow downloads, so if you want to use it I’ll send you the file, just ask!

Assignments from the bank šŸ¦:

Behind the creation: For this assignment, I wanted to give you guys a little look at Marie’s life in the morning from coffee to her nap before work! I want to start by saying that this didn’t come out how I expected at all… I struggled to find sounds to use. IF I had the time, I would have recorded my own, but unfortunately, my schedule doesn’t allow for that. I will probably revisit this if I have more time later down the line. It was really fun mashing together different sounds and I enjoyed this! I have learned that with audio assignments it goes faster for me if I go through and brainstorm all the sounds that I want incorporated, search them up, and then drop them directly into Audacity. Then I start with my “starting sound(s)” and solo them so that I can only hear them, and adjust them as need be. I do this with all my sounds adding them slowly until I get the finished product!
Behind the creation: For this assignment, I had to create a story and read it. So I decided to think about a story prompt that my character would come up with and put it into an AI generator. to get an idea of a story. I then edited it to make it seem more natural and like a children’s story. I then put the final product in a text-to-voice generator and selected a feminine voice.
Behind the creator: Have you ever attended a musical production? Where there is nothing but music that tells a story. I recently attended a show like that last semester and thought that I’d take music and create a story. This assignment said to use new and old music to create a story but to avoid the SoundCloud police I used instrumentals. I copied and pasted a bunch of different sounds into audacity and created a story called broke music Box. In the beginning, the music box is playing nicely along with the music but the music box gets broken in the story and no longer functions well. I wanted to use this as symbolism for a tarnished innocence. In the back you can also hear birds that get silenced when the music box is broken. Listen down below.

Daily Creates:

Behind the creation: I always look at what others do for the TDC if I don’t know. While doing this today I noticed that people didn’t understand the prompt and I wanted to understand it so I clicked the related link and then added my response to mastodon.
Behind the creation: I just went with the flow for this one!
Behind the creation: As soon as I read the prompt I immediately thought about this lounge and magic bar hidden in a laundromat! So I submitted it.

In summary, this whole week I spent a long time figuring out what works best for me when creating audio projects. I learned that it is easier to brainstorm, compile, and then work in bits and pieces to make my life easier. While there were many upsides to this week there were also downsides, I had problems finding audio pieces that I wanted, and also scheduling out enough time to do these because of how time consuming they are. I also had problems with the software and learning how to segment play time and how to switch the orders of audio, but I quickly learned how to do so.