Category Archives: psa-propaganda

Beware the AI

Design Some Propaganda Assignment for Week 7

This is a propaganda piece made with Picsart based on a vaporwave aesthetic. I believe this alert would appear on phones, buildings, or other screens that would be impossible to ignore. This warning was made in response to the discovery that AI had become self-aware, represented by the brain in the glowing triangle. Many people fear what AI might do to humanity if it were capable of independent thought, evident through movies like The Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey. I believe the same would be true in a world more technologically advanced than ours, where people are constantly surrounded by robots that could pose a threat. In the story, this leads to people having a negative opinion of robots to the point where people with mechanic prosthetics are discriminated against. Although there has never been a case of a robot causing the death of a human in this universe, robots like Zer0 are deeply feared and distrusted.

Goth is Political: Propaganda Creation

Growing up in a very political family and working in a very political counterculture scene, propaganda is something I am very familiar with. However, I’ve never made it before. I decided to use my own roots that overlap with my character’s to use this opportunity to spread a message that seems to have been lost over the years that has been making waves in recent times especially with the current administration. Goth is political. It always has been, and it always will be. It stemmed from the punk culture of the 70s and 80s, the music has always been steeped in allegory, and it’s more important now than ever to understand that and use those beliefs to fight for the same rights and freedoms that we’ve been fighting for the whole time; it’s life or death.

I hopped onto Canva, grabbed some commonly associated political symbols with the goth scene, and got to designing. It’s a fairly simple design as I am still very sick, but I overlapped and overlayed some various paper textures to give it that old school punk propaganda feel, I chose a font reminiscent of counterculture zines, and made sure to outline it to contrast the font color with the background color. I purposely chose to make the outline of the word “political” blue because punk/goth ideals lean very left and blue is the color most commonly associated with that.

While simple, I feel like propaganda should be simple. Colors, fonts, and symbols to catch the eye, but it should be able to be digested in a quick glance without a need to think much about it. The message should be blunt and clear. And this is one that will always be important.

You Are What You Eat

The food you eat are the bricks that build up your body. Everything you consume has an effect whether you notice it now or years later. So every greasy slab of meat, glob of butter, and sugary honeybun leaves your body gross and sluggish. Why do that to yourself when you can choose the healthy bricks like delicious fruit, roasted vegetables, yummy bread, and seasoned nuts that leave your body strong and energized! So choose your next bricks wisely and become vegan.

Poster Design

I chose to make my propaganda poster based on veganism because I tried to think of what type of poster would be seen by my character Runa Starr in her world. She loves snacking and eating fast food so I feel like it would be common in a futuristic city to have vegans protesting and spreading posters to stop eating meat around her favorite fast food restaurants. Runa isn’t vegan so I doubt the poster would have any influence on her especially since she’s a young adult who loves junk food, but I tried to design it to have a visual impact. I used ArtBreeder to make Ai generated photos of a humanoid burger until I got one that looked creepy enough with its gross body and bulging eyes staring at the viewer. I also liked the picture because it helped to push my narrative with the added words You are what you eat. I used Canva to add in the effects of the warning police tape and the captions in the front I included Become Vegan Now before its too late! I also made the font red with the final word “late” in all caps to make it look more urgent.


M. Marshall 2.28

I have to start this by saying that I am a liberal. I hate Donald Trump, I cannot stand the Republican party, and I vote blue in every election. I try not to get overly political in this class because I know it can make people uncomfortable (although, isn’t being uncomfortable how we learn? I digress) and that isn’t the purpose of this class. If you disagree with me, you disagree with me, and that is none of my business. However, propaganda could not be described as anything but political, so that is the direction I am going. After any assassination attempt in any country, there will be a lot of controversy and discussion about political violence. To be clear: I do not believe that attempting to shoot anyone will address the problems going on in a country, but most likely martyrize the individual at the center of the controversy. Also, gun violence is wrong. With those things in mind, since this happened, I have seen the image of Trump, his bloody ear, and his fist pumped into the air more times than I can count, some might call it heroic, some might call it idiotic for remaining in the line of fire, I call it propaganda. He was almost shot for his cause makes Trump supporters dig in their heels further into the dirt. These images enforce the idea that he is patriotic and will fight for his country. The other week, at the mall, I saw a picture of this event put onto a poster, perhaps to serve as a reminder of his strength and commitment to the country. I think it is a perfect example of propaganda, which is why I created this right-wing propaganda.

For the record, no, he won’t. Even if he would, no, I don’t.

Not Cracking Any Jokes

Crack an egg
Make it rain

I was excited to start this assignment because I think studying propaganda is very interesting. I struggled to come up with an theme at first, I was overwhelmed with ideas, it felt like there were too many options. I eventually settled on the price of eggs, because it’s a point of frustration for me and a lot of Americans. On February 13th, published an article “US egg prices hit a record high of $4.95 and are likely to keep climbing” These are crazy prices when eggs are a necessity for most people, and it seems like some politicians aren’t willing to do anything about it.

To make this poster, I used Canva. A big thing I wanted to incorporate into this piece were elements such as colors, shapes, and general themes you would normally see in American propaganda. A lot of American propaganda that I saw when I was looking for examples was very patriotic, but I think this is a low point for America’s economy, so I wanted to use the patriotism in an ironic way. The pan and dollars falling were already on Canva so I added them to the poster. To get the egg, I googled an image of an egg being cracked, uploaded it to Canva and erased all the parts so only the egg shell was left. I then put all the pieces together and I think it came out nicely. For the text, I wanted to have something short and catchy to act as a slogan of sorts.

I’m really happy with how this poster came out, I think the ironic patriotism perfectly compliments the distaste many Americans have for the high egg prices. To make you giggle, here is the tweet that inspired me to make my poster about egg prices.

Back in my day there was so much toilet paper and eggs, that we would throw them at the houses of our enemies


The qoute “Legends rise in the dark ” is sued to emphasize that what is done in our darkest hour and out of sight is what comes to light and shapes us as who we are. This going along with DK’s morality and the questionable things he does as he trying to figure out the line between right and wrong.

Battle of The Birds

I’m a huge football fan (my personal favorite team is the Baltimore Ravens) and I plan to got into sports marketing after graduating. Also I have mentioned that my course character Krysta Ghosting is also a huge football fan and watches it to unwind after a long day at her restaurant.

What that being said I decided to create a NFL game flyer/poster

Here is the finished result:

First I chose to do the Ravens vs Eagles because thats a huge eye catching rivalry. This game has always been a highly viewed and anticipated game in past years.

Since this is a Baltimore Ravens home game I decided to add more of the ravens colors in the flier. I added a very minimal amount of eagles colors, but just enough for audiences to be able to identify the team.

The purple, black and white is not only the ravens franchise colors, but the colors are also bold and eye catching.

I used two different fonts “Alegreya Sans sc” font and “Mokoto” font. The “Alegreya” font is what I used towards the top of the poster. It has a sports like vibe to it which is why i picked it.

I added the “Mokoto” font towards the bottom of the poster. I feel this font gives more of a video game type of vibe and I thought it would be cool to mesh the two fonts together.

This has been one of my favorite posters i’ve created so far. I really like the color scenes and images I chose. I created this poster on Canva as well.

Hope you enjoy!

Sincerely, Kristen


I held onto the Technoir theme of surveillance, I was inspired by the modern problem of being over reliant on phones. They just seem like devices to keep people distracted from reality at times. So that was what I went with here, other version included keep your head down and ears covered but that seemed a little on the nose, I used elements from Canva to create this, should really use it more often. The eyeball I added was purposefully discreet since surveillance tends to be.

Going off that definition I lied, nothing is fine, you simply don’t notice things are wrong till it’s too late.

Evelyn’s Bumper Sticker

Evelyn loves bumper stickers. She is classy but that doesn’t mean that her car doesn’t deserve some love and decoration. Her favorite bumper sticker is one that warns drivers behind her. Where she lives tailgating is a huge problem and she does not stand for it. Getting to work is hard enough, she doesn’t need assholes in her business.

I used a Canva template to get the bumper sticker size and I chose one that just has a black background. I googled goose with a knife because it’s one of my favorite things and it makes me laugh, so I scrolled till I found one I liked. I found this one that said “flock around a find out” and this gave me the idea to make the bumper sticker have a message that warns drivers rather than a “I’m a new driver” type of message. I then added text that said maintain distance and this gives the other drivers instruction on what not to do to find out.

The Digital Canvas Times

Hitting 2 birds with 1 stone here. Once I saw the tech noir news and propaganda assignments, I thought it would be a really cool idea to incorporate them into 1 big newspaper cover. I chose The Terminator nightclub scene because I originally watched The Terminator earlier this semester and it was nice to revisit it and focus on one scene in particular. The propaganda I made (seen on the top right side) using Canva was something I thought of to connect my character, Eric Little, using a more dystopian style PSA, highlighting that reason of Eric’s innocence is because his family follows “The Arrow” a mysterious group that creates and enforces structure into all of society, much like in George Orwell’s 1984. I also made and used a wanted poster for Eric as he had been caught up in a previously unstated criminal conspiracy, which has now been revealed to be an underground anarchy against The Arrow. I really like being able to slowly tell the story of my character and progress as the semester goes forward.