Category Archives: post reaction

media brainwashing: andrea reacts

After making my own PSA and propaganda poster, we had to create a reaction post about how our characters would react to some of the designs from other blogs in the class. While Andrea, my character, works for Aggressive Technologies and has put in considerable time on the newer projects they’re releasing, she isn’t as fanatic about AI as most employees are. She mostly sees the job as a step towards the future she’s planned for herself and of course another way to crush Georgia under her foot.

First is Destiny’s propaganda poster on their blog Sunrisen. Andrea probably wouldn’t think too much about the posters if she saw them since it’s the same old speech she hears every day at work. She might be a little weirded out though if they were to show up multiple times on her walk. Because even though she’s working for the company making the software, even Andrea is sometimes concerned with how far Aggressive Tech is trying to go. Especially if their reach starts to extend beyond the everyday folk and into her world.

Next, I saw According to Greta’s PSA. Andrea would definitely hate the fact that the only option is a sweatshirt. Even though it’s an NFT appearances matter to her and she would avoid it, even if the actual function is convenient. Andrea will willingly spend more time and money on other options until she can fully express her immaculate style through every part of her life.

Finally Hurkle-Durkling’s propaganda poster. Andrea would probably love the poster for the ideas it gives her. Ways to monitor people (Georgia) when she’s not there, an assistant that will complete all her tasks with no question on her quest to defeat her enemies (Georgia again), or for its actual intended use of being there after she dies to haunt people (Georgia of course).

Julius’ Thoughts on Classmates Posts

Writing a blog post detailing my character’s response to some of the designs and PSAs created by the other students in the class is the final assignment for week 7. I started by writing about this propaganda assignment: Propoganda Assignment. Because Julius, my course character, is a traditionalist and believes that AI should not take over the world, even though he enjoys some features of it, would not approve of this propaganda image. Additionally, Julius believes that aggressive technologies will incorporate AI. Furthermore, Julius would undoubtedly voice concerns about the author’s scenario, in which Aggressive Technologies collaborates with CIA cybersecurity. He would be concerned about possible misuse and invasion of privacy. Though Julius would not approve of the propaganda ad overall, he would acknowledge the great potential of AI in improving cybersecurity.

This PSA was the second post I looked at, found atPSA Assignment. Julius would begin by praising the good things mentioned in the PSA and stressing how crucial it is to maintain human contact. Julius would voice concerns about the prospect of AI being involved in every aspect of human activity, even while he acknowledges AI’s contributions to the construction of robot companions and the creation of art. Julius would support caution when using AI in order to make sure that it complements rather than takes the place of the special attributes of human connection.