Category Archives: photoblitz

The Johnson Journal

by Andrew Johnson

Chip Kidd Interview: My analysis of the interview with Chip Kidd is his expression of comic books being considered a cinematic medium. He does not agree with this because there is much left out and much for the reader to accomplish. Kidd refers to movies, and how the film determines the place of not the person watching it. Comics, however, allow for the reader to be involved, meaning you have to bring something to it.

The Works of James Verdesoto: Verdesoto introduces color trends in movie poster designs. Throughout the video, The Fast And The Furious posters caught my attention because they are some of my favorite films. I personally love action thrillers and the series of these movies has impacted my movie lifestyle. As Verdesoto represents the first movie poster of the action series, the detail of the black & white faces of the main actors blends well with the green, yellow, and red outlining of the car that is shown. This brings the perspective of the eye to be drawn into the car design, then the whole poster itself.

Stranger Things Retro Style: It is unique how the popular television show, Stranger Things, came across the 80’s style theme. Especially how the title design company Imaginary Forces came across such a perfect retro-style intro. Imaginary Forces wanted to replicate a title design that was rugged and imperfect so that it represented a 1980s-style theme. The sequence that the company used for the lettering, Kodalith, shows a high-contrast image that draws in the individual(s) watching the show.

Photoblitz: Seven Points

  • Take a picture from the inside of something looking out.
  • Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another
  • A photo that looks better in black and white than it did in color.
  • “The dusky path of a dream…” Tagore. Photograph that idea.
  • A fork in the road. Casting a ballot. Buying bread. Choices abound.Take a photo of a choice.
  • Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors.
  • Take a photo that emphasizes the detail of a human hand

Middlebury College: During the process of the Middlebury assignment; It’s not art, it’s data. The page supplies some very detailed descriptions of how AI imaging can be used. Some steps that the site proposed as how to start AI-image generation continued as; Pick your tool, such as Craiyon. Build your base, refine your prompt to generate a simple image that you will enjoy. Add some flair, allow for more detail in your description for the image generator. Transform it, an example they shared is “Marilyn Monroe in the style of Mona Lisa. Share your output, share the image that you most disliked and most liked. Dig deeper, they provided a link such as AI can make art that feels human. Whose fault is that? Overall, this post gave me some things to think about for the next time I use an AI image generator.

Populate the Landscape: Character Image.

The Grand Canyon, destination poster: The Golden State Bridge, where my character may be.

Weekly Summary: To open up with week three of ds106, I encountered creative aspects on the assignment board. The three videos that I watched; Chip Kidd, James Verdesoto, and Stranger Things, introduced numerous factors for the illustration of popular films and books. For example, James Verdesoto expresses his detailed posters and how he wanted to catch the eye by coming up with different color combinations. As I finished up the videos I started to move to the Photoblitz assignment, there isn’t much to say about this, to be honest. The Middlebury College assignment helped me to learn more about AI digital imaging, it was informative and I recommend reading through their website. With the Middlebury assignment, I created two visual design images that represent my character, I think they speak for themselves. Overall, for the assignments this week, I did not have any trouble using the websites as well as producing the daily creates.

SO Many Photos

We had to attempt to capture images of seven tasks in the allowed 20 minutes for the photoblitz assignment. All of the tasks I was given for this photoblitz are visible above. The time stamps for when I started and finished the assignment are also visible. Even though it only took me around 19 minutes to do, I’m proud that I managed to finish all 7 tasks.

“Doors can have a lot of character, be it in the hinges, knob, or style,” was the first prompt. I simply took a photo of my wooden door in Eagle Landing, taking this very literally.

“Get close! Photograph an ordinary object from as close as you can manage,” was the following prompt. This meant that even though I was supposed to be closer, I could still see the object. I snapped a photo of some glasses on my desk for this task; it’s not a perfect shot, but you can still see what they are.

“Make a photo containing or suggesting fire and/or smoke” was the third prompt. For this prompt, I turned the stove on high, so you can see it burning in the picture. If you are not safe, you can definitely start a fire or produce smoke from the stove.

“Turn signals, gauges, and meters are all indicators” was the next prompt. I thought about using the shower handle, which regulates the temperature of the water that emerges from the shower, for this task.

“Make a photo of an outdoor scene free of any human artifacts,” was the fifth prompt. I found it impossible to locate an outside image near Eagle Landing without human artifacts, so I kind of cheated on this prompt. My camera roll contained a photo from a remote area of Pennsylvania that had a lot of mountains in it. It absolutely satisfies the requirements though!

The next guideline was to “Take a close-up photo of something very shiny. Make it hard to guess what it is.” For this prompt, I wasn’t sure what to do but I decided on part of my car keys that are shiny silver, and I doubt many people would have known what that was.

“Take a photograph of a spinning object, frozen motion or blurred,” was the final photoblitz prompt. When I snapped the photo, the tiny basketball was spinning and a little blurry. I was shooting it into a hoop.

This assignment was really enjoyable because I spent about twenty minutes rushing around Eagle Landing and my apartment, trying to think of creative ways to respond to the many challenges.


Photo Mania!

  • Make it green: green sleeves, green with envy, green eggs and ham.
  • Your favorite color.
  • Fabric: we wear it, sleep on it, decorate with it. An interesting cloth design or texture.
  • An instrument that measures something
  • If only shoes could talk. Tell their story in a photo, either on or off someone.
  • Take a photo of advertising that has been painted onto a building. The older the better.
  • Take a picture of something growing.

click for another list.

Above, you can see the different tasks that I had to do when accomplishing my photoblitz. I enjoyed going around and trying to find various pictures that fit the scheme of the prompt. To start off, I had to take a picture of the website itself to show the start and end time for the time spent working on the prompts. Those are pictured below, and as you can see from the time I started and the time I finished it took me about 18 minutes to complete. Now I want to take some time to go through the pictures that I took and why I chose them for each prompt.

Starting with the “Make it green: green sleeves, green with envy, green eggs and ham” prompt, I took a minute to think to myself what the prompt really wanted me to do and after a minute I decided to just take a picture with almost the entirety of it being covered with some shade of green. The following picture is used to represent the various things that I used to make the picture seem “green.” As you can see, I was able to find different items around my room that had different shades of green to throw some contrast in there. There are four tennis rackets with a very deep shade of green contrasting with two pieces of clothing that are also different shades of green as well. The one on the left is lighter while the one on the right is a darker shade. In the background, there is also a blanket that has more earthy, green tones to it that was used to cover up any extra space to fill the picture in with more green.

Moving on, the next prompt talked about taking a picture that involved you favorite color. This one was fairly simple, and since my favorite color was red, I decided to take a picture of my tennis bag that is very much bright red. This picture can be seen below.

My next prompt was to take a picture of a piece of fabric or clothing that has an interesting design or texture. As a result, i decided to take a picture of the following polo that I recently bought. This article of clothing fit the description perfectly in my opinion because of the different lines, textures, and shapes that are present on the t-shirt. As you can see, there is a very palleted design, meaning that it looks like there are different “heights” and “depths” to the t-shirt giving it a very cool design to look at. Also, the various lines and triangles that are used on the piece are also very cool to look at and make the t-shirt look and feel better when wearing it. One last design aspect that I thought made it perfect for this prompt was that when the t-shirt is just hanging as it is in the photo, it appears that all of the triangles and lines are converging to one center point at the bottom of the t-shirt which I thought was cool as well.

My fourth prompt was to take a picture of something that measures things. Now I think most people would go and take a picture of a tape measure or ruler, however, I did not have access to either of those items. Therefore, after walking around my apartment for a couple minutes, I decided to take a picture of my thermostat. This, in my opinion, still fits the description because it is measuring the temperature in my apartment as time goes on similar to measuring the height of a tree using a ruler or other measurement device. That image is pictured below.

Moving on, my fifth prompt was the one that talks about a picture of someone’s shoes. I decided to take a picture of the shoes that I have now had for over 2 years. This is because this was the first pair of shoes that I was able to purchase with my own money. I never worked a job in high school, and so having the ability to make some money during college and buy my first pair of shoes was pretty nice to experience. Those shoes are pictured below and you can definitely tell that they have been put through the wringer.

The next prompt was probably the toughest prompt for me to accomplish, however, I do have two pictures that could possibly work for this prompt. This prompt involved finding a picture of a advertisement that was painted onto the side of a building. One of the pictures is on the left hand side and that is a picture of a sticker that has been pasted onto the wall in my living room talking about protecting the walls. The one of the right hand side is a mural of Kobe Bryant that was painted on the side of the building in Los Angeles, California. As you can see, the image on the left is closest I could get to an advertisement because there is nothing on the side of my apartment complex. It says what materials are okay to use on the walls and what items are not okay on the walls and advertises them visually as well. On the right hand side, it is not an advertisement per say, rather an image of a great basketball player and the legacy that he left behind. It is a picture of Kobe Bryant next to a Black Mamba, as that was his nickname during his time in the NBA and after he retired. Again, not necessarily an advertisement, but a visual representation of the legacy of one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

My final prompt was to take a picture of something that was growing. This prompt is pretty self-explanatory in my opinion and so I decided to just take the simple route on this prompt. I just decided to take a picture of the forest area near my apartment complex which shows an abundance of trees that have grown and the small branches that are continuing to grow and flourish as the Spring season rolls around. That image can be found below.

I enjoyed completing this assignment because it allowed me to be a little more creative some of my prompts and the images that I chose to use for those prompts. Some I went the more simple route but some of them also required me to be a little more thoughtful about the image that I was using such as the thermostat and the picture of something being advertised on the side of a building. Overall, I really enjoyed completing this assignment and am very excited to see what everyone else in the class got the chance to come up with.