by Greta Hammen
In order to produce this video, there were several steps. First, I downloaded the background music from Renatus Cartesius | Jamendo Music | Free music downloads. I liked this music because it is soft and would be appropriate behind a speaker’s voice. The second step was to go to ( to create an avatar that would give the announcement. The prompt that I typed in was Russian lady with dark hair. All the images were outdoors, so I edited the request, by adding “in a newsroom”. I chose this image, other options had her in sexy attire. The third step is to go to AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech | ElevenLabs and you sign in with your google account, there is no cost. Select a voice by listening to a few of the options, I chose Glinda’s voice. Paste your text from a word document into the script box and press generate. It will make a MP3 of the AI voice. I did this three times, because I would notice places where my text needed revising, in order for the dialogue to be understood. I downloaded the accepted version. The fourth step is to go to Studio ( to combine the image with the MP3. You sign in and upload the image and then upload the audio and press generate. The avatar will be animated, and the words will be synced with the mouth movements. The fifth step is to import the background music on one layer and then the created video on a second layer in Premiere Pro. The background music was too loud, select that layer and right click to get a menu of options, scroll down to audio gain, I lowered it to -12 and pressed ok. Also, the music was longer than the video, so I used the blade to cut it to have it end the same time as the video. I exported it as an MPEG4 to my downloads and then uploaded it to my YouTube channel. I copied the link to embed here.
The link to purchase the sweatshirt mentioned in above announcement is