Please hear me out!! I was listening I promise! but I did not have good service and my discord messages weren’t sending the day I was able to tune in and listen! I thought it was fun to listen to. I though a loud of what I heard were a lot of escalating sounds and kinda chilling! like spooky vibes! The intro was a very extreme, I saw our Professors warning but I was not prepared in the current moment. Imagine this, you are working a dinner at the CRUC (I do marketing for the dining hall at UMW!) and you have your *noise canceling* AirPods in and in an elevator with about 8 people and and you heard the intro and trying to compose yourself. I also was on sos mode on my phone becuase I don’t get service in the Nest bathroom for some reason so the radio show was paused for my poor connection. So, I took my airpods and laughed at myself and snapped my reaction after a solid 2 mintues of me laughing. But I had to listen at work because I was unable to the other days!
Overall I think listening to the radio show was really awesome to do! I think it was really cool to be able to use discord to be able to chat! I wish I had better service but my discord was not loading up to message but I saved the radio show link in my phone so i could listen. I could see what everyone was saying but I just couldn’t load discord myself with my service. I do apoligies for being quiet doing that assignment!
-Reese Kubricki