Category Archives: ds106radio

Live Listening!

Please hear me out!! I was listening I promise! but I did not have good service and my discord messages weren’t sending the day I was able to tune in and listen! I thought it was fun to listen to. I though a loud of what I heard were a lot of escalating sounds and kinda chilling! like spooky vibes! The intro was a very extreme, I saw our Professors warning but I was not prepared in the current moment. Imagine this, you are working a dinner at the CRUC (I do marketing for the dining hall at UMW!) and you have your *noise canceling* AirPods in and in an elevator with about 8 people and and you heard the intro and trying to compose yourself. I also was on sos mode on my phone becuase I don’t get service in the Nest bathroom for some reason so the radio show was paused for my poor connection. So, I took my airpods and laughed at myself and snapped my reaction after a solid 2 mintues of me laughing. But I had to listen at work because I was unable to the other days!

I took a picture of my reaction for proof! the intro got me and this was when I went to the bathroom to laugh at myself lol!

Overall I think listening to the radio show was really awesome to do! I think it was really cool to be able to use discord to be able to chat! I wish I had better service but my discord was not loading up to message but I saved the radio show link in my phone so i could listen. I could see what everyone was saying but I just couldn’t load discord myself with my service. I do apoligies for being quiet doing that assignment!

-Reese Kubricki

The Sounds of Report on the Barnhouse Effect

As I listen to Report on the Barnhouse Effect on the DS106radio I noticed sounds played a huge role throughout the track. For example, there is a scene where a typewriter can be heard being used. This tells me this track took place in an older time frame. There also is a lot of buildup sounds being incorporated to build suspense as we the audience don’t know what is coming next. Another sound aspect I noticed was a beeping sound. The sound started off slow and progressively got faster and faster until the stopped completely. I think this worked well with building tension within the scene. I definitely felt a little tense listening to the beeping sound get louder and faster. Other small sound details almost made you feel like you were in the story. For example, the sound of the door creaking, footsteps, chair creaking, etc… Overall, I enjoyed listening to the Report on the Barnhouse Effect and it was great seeing what others had to say about the story in the discord.

Building a Scene Through Audio – ds106radio

Yesterday, I listened to the ds106radio playing an adaptation of a Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? and it was actually, really really interesting.

I found myself a lot more focused on how the sound made the scene instead of the actual scene, so I don’t think I could tell you exactly what was going on. I think it was a lot about the humanization of androids in this dystopian world and the uncertainty of knowing whether someone was or was not an android. For the bits that I did pick up, it was very interesting.

My favorite things were the little things in the background that set the scene, that allowed you to imagine what was happening: the click of a cup on a table, the rustling of furniture, as if someone was shifting their weight or taking off a coat, the click of buttons on an intercom or on a flashlight. I think my utmost favorite was when two of the characters were speaking in what I assumed to be an alleyway, both of their voices echoing, and you could tell one of them was further based on their voice having more echo. It was such a little detail, but it added distance and depth and was just so cool to me.

There was also, in more intense scenes, heavy white noise in the background that stayed and got more intense as the scene got heightened. I thought that was really cool, because it definitely made me feel tensed up. The scenes went from being calm to heavy all of a sudden, and I wish I had a better way to explain what “heavy” looks like in audio, but I don’t know how to explain it. A lot of white noise, I guess, that’s loud and constant without fluctuation. It wasn’t an environmental sound, it was almost like it was just in my head, just there to build tension. The characters didn’t see it, it was just for the audience.

There also was a sound that played between scenes, almost like a little cutscene that helped transition into the real one. I don’t really remember what it sounded like, but I thought that was helpful to understand where one scene ended and the next began without being able to actually see it.

Overall, I thought this was so cool. I wish more people were in the Discord, because I would’ve loved to also hear their thoughts and what they had picked up on, but regardless, I was amazed and impressed by this.

“My mind is exploding with sound”

On Monday and Tuesday nights we listened to the BBC adaptation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep on ds106radio. We had great participation on Monday, and only one person showed up on Tuesday, but there were still many valuable insights and observations about how sound was used to drive the storytelling.

It was noted how simple sounds, like paper shuffling on a desk, let the listener visualize the scene. An echo on a voice indicates the size of a room. The sound of rain on a car roof shows us the scene. We can even hear the type of shoes:

an image of a Discord chat saying: "There are also two different footstep sounds" "She’s wearing pumps" "those details help us see the story" "Yes! I hear the 2 different foot steps in the background"There were also background sounds, hums and metallic drones, that had interesting effects. In some cases they gave a futuristic impression, like in the corporate headquarters. Other times, they subtly raised the tension in scenes. The presence of background sound throughout simultaneously kept our minds attuned to sound but also made it almost subliminal. Moon Graffiti excelled at this as well, exemplified by the point where the astronauts put on their helmets. You could visualize what was happening by the way their voices changed with the helmets on.

One of the challenges of audio storytelling is exposition. How do you show what’s going on, using dialogue, without it seeming forced? The BBC production, along with some versions of Blade Runner, used voice-over narration to do some of the work. There was a conversation between JR Isadore and Pris where JR casually mentioned “It’s my apartment after all,” which told a lot about what was going on in the situation.

I got a time-warp feeling from the production. The detective style dialogue and narration sounded like 40s noir. The music interludes were late 60s classic rock. The post-apocalyptic setting and the android technology were futuristic, but some clues in the script put the setting between 1988 and 1993. The novel was published in 1968, and one listener connected that to the music.

Another listener said this was a great activity. The idea actually came from a ds106 student, back when we did Wire106. It was suggested that we live-tweet an episode. We did, and everyone saw a benefit to having that synchronous conversation. So we’ve continued it ever since. The point here is we welcome your ideas. The best parts of ds106 come from student input.

Radio 106

by Andrew Johnson

ds106 Radio: The broadcast I listened to was called Norah Jones Border Lord. I found this story very amusing with the android (Rachel) and the human (Rick) having a interment relationship. It was kinda a weird story and I didn’t enjoy it much.

DS106 Radio Thoughts

Attending the Monday live listening session with ds106 radio station was my final task for the week. I regretfully can’t make it to the live listening sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I still learned a lot and will share it below.  It was also really great to hear my bumper at the start of the radio show. 

I was definitely drawn in by the live listening experience of the Blade Runner-inspired tale “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep.” The story seems to take place in San Francisco after a nuclear war, specifically in a post-apocalyptic world. The time range is established by allusions to “back in 88” and “before 1993,” as Professor Bond pointed out in our discord chat. The story was both incredibly old and futuristic at the same time, which I thought was interesting. We can visualize each scenario and what’s happening in our minds because to the abundance of noises in this first section. Along with that, sounds used during transitions indicate that the scene is probably changing. Footstep noises indicate what’s happening because there are two distinct footstep sounds, and we can determine what kind of shoes someone might be wearing. Small details like this enable us to visualize the scene in our minds. The size of a room can also be determined by the echoing footsteps.

I believe I’ve come to understand the significance of sound in setting the mood for our creative thinking after hearing this narrative and listening to the ds106 radio station. There are countless ways to communicate a story, one of which is by audio. I became more aware of how sound affects how we understand a tale after listening to this one. 

If you ever get a chance listen to DS106 radio, here:

My Thoughts on the DS106 Radio Station!

One of the assignments we were tasked with completing this semester was to live-listen to the DS106 radio station and give our thoughts on what we listened to. Specifically, we were told to talk about things like the sounds we hear, and how they tell a story. We were told to focus more on the sounds that we hear and how they drive the story rather than the dialogue that exists, if there was any. Keep reading to hear my thoughts!

So, after taking the time to listen to the radio station, I have a couple thoughts on what I listened to and how they relate to the field of audio storytelling.