Category Archives: ds106goals2

Let’s Continue This Thing – Revisiting My Goals

I’ve been feeling good in this class, so going back to look at my goals was comforting. Unfortunately, my goals at the beginning of the semester were not very measurable. Here is what I originally said:

My goal in this class is to become semi-acceptable at using the internet. I’ve always been passable with everyday tech but lost with anything more difficult than the Google Suite. I know technology will be important to the future and it’s high time I get on the bandwagon. I want to learn how to operate this website, understand how the internet works in conjunction with everyday life, and how I can make the internet work for me.

Outside of technology, I hope to improve my reflection skills. I have trouble being honest about myself and my own work. I will be constantly evaluating myself and writing about my process and experiences.

I think I have succeeded at being good at the internet – there’s still room for improvement, but then, when is there not? Mostly, the issue I see with this is in my reflections. I’ve been pretty honest but not very constructive with myself and did not analyze my work as much as I should have. My reflections have been a lot of emotions – I enjoyed this, I was stressed at that, this thing confused me, and so on. I have not been looking and evaluating my process.

Going forward, I will focus on improving my reflections and the quality of those blog posts.

Looking Back to the Beginning

I’ll be reflecting today on the objectives I set for myself before  beginning this class’s coursework. If you would want to review the original post, here is a link to it: Original DS106 Goals. My objectives for the work I have completed so far in ds106 are, I would say, largely similar with what I outlined the first time around. Even though most classes give us students clear-cut instructions, I still want to be as creative as I can. In contrast, many of the assignments in this class are left open-ended for our own interpretation. I’ve had the opportunity to play around with several free tools and software over the past few weeks to understand how they operate. My trust in my ability to pick up new software quicker than I used to has been growing. AI was a topic I neglected to address in my course objectives. AI has a lot of promise, and I want to find the best method to apply it. Additionally, I want to learn how to employ AI in some assignments that most people wouldn’t even consider. Finding out how much AI is capable of is one of my main objectives in this course. AI has a lot of skills. I want to spend the remainder of this semester being creative and engaging with my peers. 

On the Right Track

To re-cap what my goals were from the beginning: I want to discover and learn how to use creative tools to better express myself and hopefully along the way hit those ALPP outcomes and enjoying the ride.

Has anything changed? I don’t think so. I am learning a lot and using a ton of tools that I have never used before, and I am having a pretty good time doing it.

The stress level is still a bit high though. The class is really fun and interesting, but the work is still a lot for me since I work full time about 40 miles away and have two young kids and 3 other classes. It is more work than all of my other classes combined that’s for sure. If I was just a full-time student, I think I would be enjoying it just a little bit more. Don’t get me wrong, it is still my favorite class, and I am having a great time, but stress wise, it is up there.

Sorry for the rant but I felt I had to express my stress a bit. Anyway, I still look forward to doing the assignments every week because they will challenge me and be interesting and fun and my goals still remain the same, learn a lot and enjoy the ride.

Goals for DS 106 – 2

Ah goals. Things to strive for, a marker of growth, a way to assess failure or success. I dislike public failure or failure at all. I still don’t know how to properly make a gif. I am happy with how much I have learned to do in Audacity. I am still struggling to remember how to use Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. I have discovered I like writing a blog. I like writing out my thoughts and explaining what I have done. I like the comments and feedback. I want to be more comfortable discussing what I have made. I am doing more than just surviving this semester or class. I am having fun. I think I am on track to make my goals.

  • I still need to learn to make a gif
  • make a video with balanced sound
  • still working on learning how to use wordpress
  • I am still relearning how to make computer art

Here is a link to Goals for your reviewing pleasure.

Reflections on ds Goals🔍


I would say I’m somewhat on track with my goals. I haven’t been as disciplined as I would have liked so far in this class, but my goals of learning my way around the technology, learning to be more competent with it and having some fun whilst doing so has been accomplished to a decent degree. But at the same time, to say I have been on track wouldn’t be true. This being the reality, I would say my goals have changed, or more so rearranged, to being more disciplined with the assignments and work first and learning the skills and having fun will come embedded with that.

I would say I feel better about the course. I still don’t think I’m very good at what the course entails, but I actually glad this a course where learning is prioritized and not just a letter grade. I also like how the assignments and grading truly displays that that is the goal of the course.

Revisiting Course Goals!

One of the tasks that we were assigned with this week was to go back and look at the course goals that we blogged about in the opening weeks of the course and reflect on how we are doing in terms of achieving those goals. We needed to look back at what we wrote and attempt to explain if we are on the right track with completing them, or if we needed to try and change course a little bit to meet those goals. One of the first things that I said in my course goals post was the course would very interesting in terms of the information we gain and the assignments we do, and I can confidently say that that statement as true. I have enjoyed all of the assignments we have done thus far and I expect that trend to continue till the end of the course. One of my goals this semester was to create various pieces of work and then explain the thought process that went into them and why each assignment was done the way it was. Once again, I think I am doing a good job in terms of achieving this goal with every post that I make because I give the audience a final product, along with the thought process that went behind to explain why I did what I did for each assignment. So, from the course goals that I wrote about in the past, I am on track and intend to keep it that way. Another goal that I had was to show my creative skills to others in the class. With each assignment that I do, I take the time to think about the different ways that I can approach these assignments and how I can make them unique. By doing this, it allows me to be more engaged and creative with my work which I think I have done a good job with over the course of the last couple weeks. From my main post, “My main goal is create multiple works of digital art that are creative and intriguing while also explaining my thought process along the way so that others can understand the story behind the works of art.” This is the main goal that I had and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I have been doing a good job in terms of maintaining and achieving that goal. I feel like I am on track with my goals and i would not change anything because I made my goals a little difficult but still within my limits and by making it such a broad goal, almost anything I do in this course would apply to that goal as long as it is creative, thoughtful, and intuitive. Now that I have a better feeling for the course, I am in a routine when it comes to getting my work done and I am doing it efficiently and with time as well. I enjoy reading the assignments and coming up with different approaches to that assignment and finally settling on the best choice. So far, the course as been great and I expect these same trends to continue throughout the rest of this course.