Tuning in the ds106 radio for the first time, I was lost at first. I wasn’t sure what I was listening to, nor the type of conversion we were supposed to have on discord. So I brought out a coloring book and listened while coloring.
Mid first episode of Limetown things became interesting. I noticed a lot of comments that the professor was making was on the sound design of the show so I started to listen for those. I thought that the actors voices sounded very clear so I thought it was an AI generated show but after doing a quick google I learned that this podcast is a production of Two-Up which is the same people who created the podcast musical 36 Questions starring Jonathan Groff and Jessie Shelton, and this news made me even more excited that Limetown is a production with actors and a fully thought out creative team and storyline.
I listened to this podcast with a good friend who is not in this class and we were having the time of our lives listening to this. My friend doesn’t necessarily like horror and thriller genre things and I really only read them but this podcast was so tense that by the end of the second episode we were screaming and tensing our bodys. The production was so well done from the acting to the sound effects and background music. So much of the sound design went into the ambiance of the podcast and set the scene in so many ways. The sound also allowed for the listeners to fully picture what is happening and it was like watching a movie without a screen.
Something else that I pointed out was how well done the script is. The premiss is that we are listening to a reporter, so she is recording things while they happen to her, recounting every detials she encounters which makes sense in the world of the podcast as well as benefiting the listener in picturing the scene. This is something that is prevalent in 36 Questions as well and its something I really like about Two-Up productions.
Overall, this experience had taught me a lot more about storytelling and how powerful audio storytelling is. I have a new appreciation for foley artists in addition to my already existing admiration.