Imposter Syndrome is a psychological effect where a person doubts their skills or talents, causing them to see themselves as a fraud and fearing being exposed for it. Surprisingly, this is a more common occurrence than one might think. Research shows that nearly 70% of individuals will go through Imposter Syndrome at least once in their life. Some may have Imposter Syndrome as an effect of another related mental health issue, but it is important to note that Imposter Syndrome itself is not a mental disorder.
I have personally experienced Imposter Syndrome, due to outside pressure and expectations. Whenever friends or family ask me about my major and I answer with “Cybersecurity,” they always give me praise for pursuing a well-paying major that is commonly associated with intelligence. When I explain the subjects I am taking and the homework/projects I am working on, my family and friends expect me to have extensive knowledge on computers. My fear is constant when questioned on it, since I am afraid that I would be exposed for not being that confident and knowledgeable on programming, computers, etc.
There is an article titled “Programmer Imposter Syndrome: 6 Ways to Get Over Yours” by Ethan Urie that explains how common Imposter Syndrome is in the programming field. The reason for this is because software development is constantly evolving. Also, software development is given a skewed image due to media, which portrays the founders of new tech startups as creative geniuses. This puts pressure on new programmers and gives them a false sense of insecurity. “Programmers and software developers need to be extremely smart”, is a saying that goes through their minds constantly, which can cause Imposter Syndrome.
There are six methods Urie explains that would help people get over Imposter Syndrome. First, one must be comfortable with being uncomfortable. He says that we see others success constantly but never see their failures or doubts. Everyone goes through negative times, but it is important to accept it and become motivated to overcome and learn from these moments. You will never become a expert in software development or programming, but that is okay because these fields are always changing.
The second method is to adopt the growth mindset. This means to see failures and obstacles as opportunities and moments of growth, instead of attacks on your intelligence. Third, is to keep track of your accomplishments. To do this, you should write down accomplishments and reflect on them. Even if you fail those accomplishments later, it is okay since it is a moment of growth. The fourth method is to find out how your manager thinks you’re doing. Setting up a meeting and asking them what they see as your strengths and weaknesses would be beneficial. Fifth, is to find out what method helps you learn the best. Some are better at reading over notes, while others are better at discussing it with someone. You should experiment to find the best method for you. The sixth and final method is to plan your career goals for the future. A lot of Imposter Syndrome stems from the uncertainty of the future, so planning on what you want to learn and where you want to work would help keep a clearer mind and increase motivation.
I think all of these methods would be effective. Everyone is different, but there is at least one method someone could use to ease their Imposter Syndrome. Another method I would recommend that helps me personally is to find a hobby that you enjoy, that is not related to programming, and work on it. Finding something one is passionate about, whether it be painting, dancing, singing, or many more things, one can feel more comfortable since they have an outlet of emotion where they can feel confident and happy. I like to write scripts and books. This has helped me overcome my Imposter Syndrome at critical times in my life at University.
Source: Wikipedia,being%20exposed%20as%20a%20fraud.