Category Archives: #Destiny

WARNING!! Don’t Say the word DESTINY while reading this post!

In this visual assignment, I created a poster on Canva and uploaded two images of tattoo designs that represent Sapphria Mae’s superpowers and explains what she would do with these superpowers as a super “hero”. First, I want to say that Sapphria is only a hero to herself. My femme fatale character is charming, desirable, beautiful, very manipulative, fearless, and fierce. A force not to be reckoned with.

Below are the super tattoos that Sapphria Mae has. The first one is of leafy vines intertwined in her finger. This tattoo even has a name, called the “Love Spell Vines.” Her powers are actually activated through this tattoo when she points her index finger at a person and locks eyes with them. This power enables her to cast a spell of love on the person that she is talking to and basically make them so in love with her that they will believe in anything that she says or does to be true. Or she can motivate a person to want to do things for her. An example, “That person over there was so mean to me, I think you should go over there and punch them in the face” and that person would WANT to go do it because they are so deeply intoxicated by her spell. These powers could be used for the good or for the bad, but they truly define and express her inner femme fatale motives.

The tattoo below that is of a Chinese symbol for the word destiny. Destiny as we know it is said to be synonymous with meaning of fate. Events that will particularly happen in the future to a person or thing. Well, if Sapphria Mae can make you say the word “Destiny”, then she can decide or plan your fate. Again, could be for the good or bad. Probably bad. But this tattoo also channels her inner femme through being selfish, manipulative, and carrying hidden agendas that are self-serving to her.