Category Archives: DesignAssignment

Level Up!

Mercenary in a cyberpunk world! Runa Starr is the perfect character for a RPG. She’s got the swiftness of a viper with the venom to match. Along with her ability to easily outsmart foes makes every fight an easy win. So if Runa had her own game card I believe her top stats would be definitely be skill, stealth, charisma, and confidence!

Trained since the age of 12 for close combat, Runa can disarm a man with a blade in seconds. Even at a distance, she’s prepared for every bullet to strike her target. But her marksmanship isn’t what makes her dangerous. Runa’s savvy mind strategizes and counters on the spot making her one of the most fearsome mercenaries of her generation.

She isn’t called The Shadow for nothing. Spying from rooftops, creeping behind guarded doors, or hiding in plain sight, Runa can do it all without leaving a single trail . . . unless she wants to be found because sometimes playing the distraction is more fun.

Runa has a certain alluring energy that catches the attention of the room right when she talks. Whether it’s her attractive charm, her mesmerizing beauty, her smooth velvety voice, or- Well let’s just say it’s a combination of all that leaves people begging for a second of her time.

Stats maxed out for a reason! Runa is bold and unapologetic so don’t get in her way, especially when it comes down to her strategic schemes. She’s isn’t afraid to take risk even if it means gambling her life, but yet her intuition is always right. Or maybe her confidence just makes her luck come off that way. No one will ever know.

This idea came from the assignment bank post called Personal Trading Card. The instructions were to create a card based on a character, so I chose to create one for Runa Starr using the website called Remixer. For the art I tried my best to find a futuristic mercenary themed picture from the website Pinterest. I wanted to keep the purple and black color scheme so I used it for the whole card’s design. Then when it came down to choosing Runa’s stats I made sure to pick words that matched her character perfectly. Skill, stealth, and charisma were easy choices, but for the last one of confidence I wanted to make a little joke by exaggerating a bit to emphasize her personality so I put the stats as maxed out.

Tattoos Hold Hidden Messages

It’s character week! So I was excited to make my main focus Runa aka The Shadow who was introduced last week. She is the 22 year old mercenary who works for the rebellion called the Claws with the goal of taking down the corrupt government officials who killed her parents. With Runa being in a rebellion I felt like it would be obvious that she would definitely have a tattoo or two. We all know tattoos hold meaning, whether it’s for self expression, a reminder, or holding a hidden message like proof that you’re a member of a secret rebellion. So these are the three tattoos I think Runa would mostly likely have on her body.

For this tattoo idea I drew a picture of a flower. They are normally a symbol of growth and beauty which fits Runa’s character perfectly. Her past is dark due to her parents’ death but yet she still grew up to be strong and resilient. So a blooming flower holds a lot of meaning for her.

For this tattoo idea I drew a picture of a crown. I feel like it was fitting considering Runa is deemed as one of the best mercenaries in the city. Also Runa’s goal is to take down the corrupt government which is similar to stealing their crown which represents their power.

For this tattoo idea I drew swords, but the focus is on the middle one. In the rebellion they would need a way to prove who is a member so a tattoo is perfect. A symbol of a sword represents you’re a weapon on their side. And it is very simplistic so it could be small and hidden on their wrist or ankle.

Partial credit goes to Fab from his post in the assignment bank called Tattoos that describe you. He gave the idea of creating a tattoo for yourself that has meaning behind it, but I chose to add a twist to mine by making the tattoos based on Runa’s perspective. Each tattoo I made is hand drawn and I kept a simple style because I feel like tattoo art usually isn’t too complicated. Also I avoided adding color because if Runa is working as a mercenary then I doubt she would have a tattoo with vibrant color that makes her stand out since she has to do a lot of sneaking and hiding.

Wanted Dead or Alive

Celeste is a city overflowing with crime. When given no choice people will do anything to survive, leading to bounties upon bounties appearing over people’s heads. So where is the best place to hide hundreds of rebels? Well obviously in a city amongst the wanted where no one would dare rat each other out to the corrupt government unless you want to be ousted as a secret snake.

Have you seen this girl? The government is offering an award of 25k for whoever brings her in. Security footage caught her breaking into a well fortified administration building stealing over 5 years worth of top secret government files . . . and snacks from the coffee room. She took down 5 officers alone along her path before disappearing without a trace. Last seen escaping through the main lobby’s skylight and traveling from rooftop. Suspect is described as a 5’2 young black girl wearing an oversized hoodie. Authorities warn that she is highly dangerous and presumed to be affiliated with the rebellion called the Claws.

For character week this idea was inspired by Miranda Skinner’s post in the assignment bank called Missing Person where she said to create a missing person poster, but I was inspired by this idea to instead create a wanted poster for my character Runa Starr. Since Celeste City is based on a cyberpunk theme I tried to express that in the poster with lots of city and neon futuristic designs using Canva. I assumed Runa’s first wanted poster would’ve been created when she was still a teen so I used Pinterest to find a picture that matched her character’s description. The city in the background of the picture helped with telling the story of how security camera’s caught her, and the snack in her hand gave me the funny idea of including that she casually stole snacks during the break in to emphasize that she’s bold and fully confident in her skills not to get caught. Lastly, due to her age she would definitely taunt her pursuers by messing with them, so I added graffiti to her wanted poster with a silly face, heart, and an arrow pointing at the word “wanted.” I also made sure to make it look like she used graffiti to cross out any information about her on the wanted poster.

Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Vacation Villa

When I need a break from my busy life I go relax in my Cherry Blossom Villa in Minecraft. Yes, you read that correctly, Minecraft. I created this beautiful pink home with a tranquil aesthetic in mind. From a gorgeous wrap around balcony on the top floor to the glass floors with a waterview. There’s intricate detail no matter where you look in this house and I am ready to explain every step of the way. So let the tour begin!

Material Used

  • Cherry Blossom Wood
  • Dark Oak
  • Glass
  • Sheared Cherry Blossom Leaves
  • Pink Glass
  • Cobblestone
  • Pink Carpet
  • Cherry Blossom Saplings
  • Dark Oak Stairs
  • Dark Oak Trap Doors
  • Dirt Blocks
  • Sandstone Block
  • Water Buckets
  • Flowers: Azure Bluet, Lilac, Lily of Valley, and Daisy

Elegant Entrance

Taking the first steps down my pretty pink path bordered by cobblestone, flowers, and cherry blossom trees, the first thing that catches your eyes in my frilly pink flower arches that greet you to enter. They give off nice spring vibes that give a grand entrance to the house. Before entering I’m sure you noticed the cute window boxes overflowing with cherry blossom saplings! They’re an adorable touch I included to the triangular windows. The home’s overall vibrant pink is a nice contrast to the villa’s dark wood border and roof, and let’s not forget the cobblestone foundation. But before heading in I want to add that the glass balcony overlooking the path above was made to resemble a vacation home, and even the flowers below were chosen in a neat pattern to look well manicured.

Gorgeous Foyer

Walking through the double doors the overall atmosphere screams ELEGANCE! The entire bottom level is an open layout with the balcony overlooking from the top. Dark wood frames the borders to give a nice finished look including the pillars. The whole floor is entirely glass with a pool of water beneath that’s sitting atop cobblestone. In the center lays a giant lush pink rug to make the glass floors pop out more.

Pink Paradise

Heading up stairs you are instantly hit with my favorite part of the house, THE CHERRY BLOSSOM CEILING! Yes! The entire ceiling is made completely out of cherry blossom leaves that drop pink petals on you as you go down the hall. The whole top floor is an open-air layout with a glass balcony view over the beautiful cherry blossom forest. It is a gorgeous sight whether looking at the house interior or outdoors. The floor is pink! The ceiling is pink! Even the walls are pink! Which is why I call it my pink paradise!

The Inspiration

Thanks for visiting my Cherry Blossom Villa! I hope you loved it as much as I do. I would also like to give thanks to Jonah Helbling for his post from the assignment bank called Back to Basics where he gave the idea of building a house in minecraft. He gave complete freedom to build your house any way you want so I chose to make mine cherry blossom themed. It was originally supposed to resemble a really girly dollhouse, but while building it I thought it would look prettier with more of a tranquil resort aesthetic which is how I ended up with this gorgeous pink creation!