When I was a kid I would play the Nintendo wii non-stop and one of the games I had was the Beatles Wii Rock Band which was a wii game that came with a rock band set of drums, a bass, an electric guitar, and a microphone. The mechanics were mush like Guitar Hero. I think that this was the start of my love for guitar which is something I pursued from middle school to college!
Prompt: Happy 14th Birthday to #DS106Radio – Share a birthday song
happy birthday DS106 Radio!! Here is a happy birthday song, sung by the robot Curiosity on Mars for its 4th birthday! Don’t let it tug your heart strings…
I spent a good amount of last night freaking out about after graduation. Looking for houses, worrying about student debt and taxes, and finally the job search. So I made a collage of the things I was looking at last night. Pretty bad if I do say so myself…
Today’s Daily Create instructions were to visualize The Scream, but since I saw Down by Law way back when, “scream” suggests a different image. If I were smart I would have realized that someone must have made this GIF before, but as it is I just dove in and made my own. I used this video clip with Imgflip to make the base GIF, then opened it in Photoshop and deleted 3 of every 4 layers to bring the size down, then inserted the type layers and merged them with the image layers, rather tediously. There’s a better way to do that, I’m sure, and if I did this more often I might know and remember it. In any case, I made a thing, and that’s the whole point, isn’t it? #MakeArtDammit, as they say.
I started off with the eclipse poem, which I did a fairly simple version of it.
Poem: set out for a solar eclipse
The eclipse was enough art itself so for the poem, I kept it simple. Here’s a picture I took of it that day. We couldn’t find any glasses so my dad took an X-ray film, but he had it doubled for extra safety so it had some shadows but still looked great!
For my second daily create of the week, I created a slinky!
When I saw this daily create, I was honestly tired of these cool art tools, because I have done like five various ones at this point. However, I ended up accidentally creating a slinky and then I got excited about it! The only thing is that you can’t see the individual circles of it, which I tried to get it to have that aspect, but unfortunately it did not work.
Finally, my last daily create was what’s on the internet. For this, I choose to make it with what I’ve been seeing recently on the internet which is relatable memes.
I think this is probably what Eleanor Roosevelt was writing on her Post-it Note before saying this famous quote. I think this is a very inspirational quote as it allows people to get out of their comfort zone.
The first one is a trading card I made for Remy the Rat. I’m not sure when I started using Remy as my avatar for “anonymous” things online, but it has been my go to for a while, and it was fitting to make a card based on him.
The second one was to animate something that shouldn’t move. This is a moving / waving banana. Pretty self explanatory but I wish I could make GIFs of this quality on my own.
The last one was to make an eclipse poem. I highlighted a few words to stand out to create a piece on the emotions of the eclipse. A lot of descriptive adjectives to bring out the expressiveness of this poem.