Category Archives: dailycreate

Daily Creates Shenanigans

I made 3 daily creations this week. I also tried to up my commenting game and become more engaged with other through commenting and liking post.

My 3 DC posts:

Use Words to Draw a Body Part

Lips!! I made this on Canva. I chose a gradient back drop and then moved the words around to create the lips.

Strange Mini-Golf

I found this image on google. I couldn’t imagine playing mini-golf here!!

Anti spam poems

My response:

My antispam word was: hod quill. I’m really struggling to create a poem using these words. But this is what I came up with:

Kevin’s meandering mind moved homes.
His new home is online and named hod.
He moved because his last home “quill-ed” the vibe”

The end.

I did my best.

The End of the Daily Create Shenanigans haha!

A hubcap diamond star halo


Post by @phb256
View on Mastodon


The challenge for today’s Daily Create was to draw a T Rex. I considered attempting to sketch Marc Bolan, but liked the idea of a hubcap diamond star halo better. I also liked the vieo idea, so I found an image of a hubcap and one of a T Rex album cover and combined them in a PowerPoint animation with diamond and star shapes and exported it as a video. I recorded a snippet of their famous song and put that together with the video in iMovie. That was actually a bit of work to avoid actually drawing. Maybe I need to rethink my strategy.

Daily Create Shenanigans Week 3

Me Then and Now Doing Technology

I always loved my Tamagotchi and my ds! Now I rarely play any video games but if I do I play on my iPhone. I made this using Canva. I pasted the pictures in from Google and the only editing I did was to the background colors.

For the second DC, DS106 Design Our Header Image. I created this design using Canva. I looked up Technological Universe in Google and this pic came up. I used it as my background, with no edits made to it. Then I added a text box with the text “DS106 The Daily Create text”.

For the last Daily Create #tdc4767 #ds106 Obviously Photoshopped. I found a pic of Mona Lisa that is CLEARLY already photoshopped. Then I added my own little razzle-dazzle to it with a picture of myself. #MeAndMyBestieMona #WereJustHanging LOL I also made this on canva. Only edit I made was cropping my face to the picture.

I also made more efforts this week to respond to my peers on Mastodon for the Daily Creates. You can see my replies by clicking on the links below:

Mae B: “@creating EXACTLY!!! Thank y…” – ds106 Social

Mae B: “@NairCinders @creating This …” – ds106 Social

Mae B: “@dk @creating This is awesom…” – ds106 Social

Mae B: “@nomadwarmachine @creating @wo…” – ds106 Social

Getting creative with the Daily Create

See other TDC responses at and

Wednesday’s Daily Create was an exemplary challenge. As I understood it, it said “I don’t know what to do with this thing. Make something and figure it out.” It would be cool if you could generate an Anti-Tag Cloud from any text you submit, but that doesn’t seem to be an option. What was cool was that people took very different approaches, creating stories, visuals and typographic designs. It doesn’t look like anyone tried to make audio out of it, so…

I told it to make a sea shanty out of the anti-Moby Dick words. I guess sea shanties weren’t part of its training.