Category Archives: dailycreate

Super Fun Creates

This week was probably one of my favorite week of creates so far! Not only did I really enjoy creating them I really loved seeing everybody else’s interpretations of the creates.

I completed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays creates read and check them out here:

For Monday’s create I created a GIf based off one of my favorite childhood movies “Alice in Wonderland (2010)”

For Tuesday’s create I showed the perspective the grass outside sees during sunset. Very beautiful view if you ask me.

Wednesday’s create was my favorite surprisingly. I don’t normally love creating stories or poems, but this one came fairly easy to me. Click here to read the 2 part post about the magical/mystical world of “Neverwinter”

I hope you enjoy the creates this week as much as I did!

Sincerely, Kristen

Daily Create 2/26/25

Prompt: One upon a time …

There was a girl who could manipulate water. She could move streams, lakes, and oceans. She used this power to water the crops in her village and give water to the animals. But one day her village was having a party. A big gathering to celebrate the sun and its warmth as the season changed. The girl knew exactly the thing the village needed. She took some water from the nearest lake and made a rainbow that stretched the entire length of the village so that the people not only celebrated the warmth of the sun but also of the beautiful light that the sun provides.

Daily Create Shenanigans ;)

Favorite Movie Gif Daily Create:

#tdc4791 #ds106 Gif of my favorite movie

This gif is of Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. It’s hard to pick a single favorite movie but this one will always be in my top list. I love this movie because it humorous and because I love the message in it about this strong female character who learned about self-love and self-acceptance.

I also can relate to this GIF when I’m hungry “I’m starved and I’m armed. Don’t mess with me” hahaha

Opposite View Pic Daily Create:

#tdc4792 #ds106 “Opposite view” Pic

This is what my phone sees when I’m in a group chat with my besties, hehehe

Once Upon a Time … Daily Create:

#tdc4793 #ds106 One upon a time …

Princess Mira of the enchanted forest had the power to speak to the great creatures that roamed her land, including the mighty Thunder Beast. When an evil sorcerer cast a spell to drain the kingdom’s magic, Mira called upon the Thunder Beast, whose roar shattered the dark enchantment. With the magic restored, Mira and her mythical friends protected the kingdom, ensuring that peace and enchantment would forever reign.

Fun topics this week!!!

Daily Creates – Week 6 :)

The two daily creates I completed are posted below:

DC #1: Just like riding a bicycle

I chose to find a picture on Google for this one because I don’t currently own a bike. Although, I wish I did!! Riding a bike was one of my favorite things to do outside as a kid. By myself or with friends. I also chose a bike that represented our class them, Cyber Punk bike!

DC #2: My Safe Haven

I posted a canvas with 3 pictures on it that represents my safe haven; Which are the beach, the spa, and the gym. I always find peace, clarity, and happiness when I go to these places. I find them very important to my mental health. I’m glad I got to share that with you all and I loved seeing everyone else’s safe havens as well.

I loved seeing everyone else’s work so far this week and I can’t wait to see and comment on you all’s work for the rest of the week!

Great job on week 6 daily creates everyone.

Daily Creates Week 5 :)

Daily Create #tdc4778

My first Daily Create – A Found Poem, I was inspired by the idea that Sarah Honeychurch had done for her poem. Sarah used the first words of the subjects of the emails that were in the inbox folder for the day. I basically did the same, except for a few of the poem lines in mine I added the second word to the subject email.

Here is my poem 🙂

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Taking Leave

Daily Create #tdc4779

My second Daily Create – Put it elsewhere, I found a photo of the desert with the statue of liberty cropped in the picture. I chose this photo because it gave me tech noir vibes and it was fitting for the daily create task. The photo seemed a little darker and black around the edges and the statue of Liberty was not green but a tan-ish color with little pebbles of blue sparkles around it. Here is my photo: