Audio Assignment 416 Hear it Here
I wrote a very short little story that uses homophones. The words sound like other words, but can you tell what they mean without seeing the spelling? enjoy the recording.
I used a new microphone attached to headphones to do this recording. I think it is a little scratchy sounding. I need to work on making it clearer. Until this week I hadn’t made a voice recording before on a computer. When I was a child, I had a talk girl it was the pink version of a talk boy as seen in Home Alone 2 lost in New York. I spent a summer playing with that. So since then, I have not recorded myself on purpose really.
While I was considering using a computer voice generator for this assignment, I came across a web page that turns information into a pod cast script. You can then take the script and have it read in a style. I took the short story I wrote and gave it a pod cast theme that I thought would be in line with my character Lady Alice. I found it very amusing how much it read into a story I wrote in less than 20 mins.
I really feel like it captures Lady Alice. I think the podcast does a good job of connecting the assignment to my character and shows more of how I envision her to be.