Category Archives: Challenges

20 Minute Photoblitz and Reflections

I decided to take on this assignment in a public library, and I faced some difficulties with the tasks I was given. A few of them required me to go outside to take the pictures but luckily I was planning on leaving within the allotted 20 minutes anyways, so I was able to get these photos.

Start time: 5:05PM

  • Take a picture that emphasizes a single color.
  • Take a picture of an object that is a metaphor for your learning style
  • Make a portrait of someone with catchlights in their eyes.
  • Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors.
  • Make a photo dominated by your favourite colour and share it!
  • Take a photograph of a toy in action
  • Make a photograph of the front of a building.

End time: 5:25pm

I was surprised at how many of these could be done from the limited space of a tiny room. I had to be creative with the types of props to use for my images, such as my water bottle and the leftover trash from my snack. It forced me to be creative with photography and it was a fun way to get my creative juices flowing while taking a study break.