I held onto the Technoir theme of surveillance, I was inspired by the modern problem of being over reliant on phones. They just seem like devices to keep people distracted from reality at times. So that was what I went with here, other version included keep your head down and ears covered but that seemed a little on the nose, I used elements from Canva to create this, should really use it more often. The eyeball I added was purposefully discreet since surveillance tends to be.
Propaganda refers to the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion.
Going off that definition I lied, nothing is fine, you simply don’t notice things are wrong till it’s too late.
Spent more than a second figuring out what I could do within a second and lots of time limiting the video to a second. This was one of the ones I did relating to my character Max, this is her during her learning process of hacking, so although it’s simple since it’s only one second, I think I got the message across. She was learning about destroying firewalls.
This is the second one I did relates to Max Matrix, at this point I need to make a full tag for her. Still for this one I used Picrew once again the three I used were https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2279033https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2439614/complete?cd=CZejO11znXhttps://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569 These three allowed me to add a visual to my narrative つな, Weewa, and ヨイコ are the creators of the customizers. I interpreted the prompt as a call to a younger self not just a 16-year old self. In the end it can out cute and made me consider looking up ways to give Max her own voice.
Finally, this was a nice personal one I definitely plan to delete after this week since I don’t like putting myself or my families face on the internet for too long. Precious memories should be cherished and saved. Anyway, these are all the images I have taken since I enter college that weren’t deleted to make space.
Had a stressful week unfortunately finally I can breathe tomorrow.
For this assignment I decided to go back to the Technoir movie I reviewed before choosing option two for this assignment.
I chose from 7:55 to 9:10 or so to analyze I am not a specialist and there for cannot be expected to point out every detail don’t judge to harshly, analyze the scene yourself and see what you notice. I did my best to take notes from the article and videos we had to watch this week. I did struggle a bit trying to figure out what scene to use but then decided this would be best due to the crowd. They mentioned that large crowds can be used to express certain emotions or used to draw your eyes to certain places. In this, the crowd did the latter. I looked at the lighting, their positions, the clothes they had to wear, and the scene around them. Watch the solider fidget with his gun and how many other stepped lightly. Tried to cover plenty of bases without overwhelming the viewer.
Participate in a live listening session with ds106 radio this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 PM. We will be listening to audio productions and sharing our thoughts on what we hear. You might even hear your bumpers. We will use the #ds106radio channel in Discord for our discussion. If you didn’t get the Discord invitation in week 1 let us know and we’ll resend it. Blog about the experience and tag it ds106radio.
Tuned in at 7 to a nice song about being free, Lime town, a small town in Tennessee where everyone suddenly disappeared without a trace.
I ended up paying more attention to the story then the sounds for a while but managed to snap back to attention. There were many sounds that triggered certain emotions and memories. Clicks of lighters, bangs of movements, soft sounds, and tones of voices. The story was full of sounds of atmospheric music and plenty of other things. Snapping wood in half sounds like that? I never really paid attention. Despite the abrupt end it was a compelling story you couldn’t pull away from. The sounds pulling you into the story and driving your imagination the entire time. Adding deeper elements to a story and really bringing it to life.
I managed to tune in 2/4/25 on Tuesday a bit upset to realize I was dropped into an ongoing tale.
Starting off did not love the fact I couldn’t figure out subtitles or captions, so I was a bit lost. Audio stuff is certainly not the best for me, but I can appreciate sounds since words never reach my brain right and come out even worse. The beeping was nice but I did not enjoy the radio sounds but that does tell how easy sounds allow you to imagine things. Hearing the crash and hearing the panic in the men’s voices was interesting. Weird to realize I recognized so many small sounds. Are you there mike with a soft buzzing that made you feel anxious. The sound of unsteady breathing, anxious breaths unsure of what was happening. Didn’t know kicking dust was so important. Rip to the cosmonauts sacrificed. After listening you can feel the emotions even without ever seeing face.
Audio storytelling creates an immersive experience that engages the listener’s imagination, making them active participants in the narrative.
The lack of pictures in radio storytelling encourages a listener to go beyond simply enjoying but allows their minds to craft a scene making it a work between the storyteller and the listener.
Sound is not just a background element but the driving force in audio storytelling, shaping the world, shaping the mood, and advancing the narrative. More than a boom and bang here and there.
Sound effects, changes in tone, music, and silence create a powerful sense of place and atmosphere.
Sound design allows the listener to feel the reality of the situation without seeing it.
Sound advances the narrative by introducing changes in the astronauts’ tone of voice, program alarms, and the Nixon speech.
Jad Abumrad’s insights into radio’s power are applicable in the way “Moon Graffiti” uses sound to prompt the listener to create their own mental images. Jad Abumrad’s ideas on radio and sound are important in audio storytelling. He argues that the absence of visuals in radio is a strength, requiring the listener to actively participate in creating their own mental images. This co-authorship is essential, as the listener paints their own mental images based on the audio cues provided by the storyteller. The human voice, a fundamental element of radio storytelling, can convey significant emotional weight, emphasizing the immediacy and intimacy of the story. Abumrad’s ideas are demonstrated in the audio drama “Moon Graffiti,” where the listener uses audio cues to construct their own understanding of the story.
I did not know what to expect going into this and even while I was doing it I felt somewhat stupid. Though I couldn’t get all the prompts done I did multiple for one.
Honestly the prompts were odd for me and since I was at work as you can see the environment doesn’t change much. Image 2 was based on the idea of an urban jungle with the cord being a snake. The 3rd image was the photo of destruction a cord fill mess with no humans in sight. 7 and 8 represent the second prompt. For prompt 4 I did quite a few using a cord as a bow, holding it like a fish and other nonsensical things. For the shadow prompt I only got one and even though you can’t tell that’s my pet rock that I keep at work. The process was mostly tedious as I was a bit lost with the prompts, but I managed to get through it. None of the pictures are pieces of art unfortunately.
I’m going to level with you what in the world was that space odyssey mess-
Anyways learned more about what makes cyberpunk design cyberpunk the use of digitally modified typography mixed with the unique layouts made it stand out. Bold exaggerated colors pushed together used to make it stand out. Cyberpunk takes inspiration from multiple genres and have influences them as well. Combing gothic and film noir style influencing fashion and games. They mention that software like Linearity Curve is well suited to make cyberpunk art.
Aka pretty colors that make your brain go boom and ooo it’s like creating fireworks without the explosion and then putting it into art. Colo wise I mean.
I was most interested in the title sequence design because honestly you always see them, yet I have never once questioned the created thought process for them. Each one has its only spark and flare. Naturally I prefer the videos over articles despite the fact that I use text to speech lol. Anyways if this topic interested me more, I wouldn’t mind indulging myself in a bit of a closer read, but I really only enjoy Typography stuff lighting stuff just goes over head blue tone what- black and white imagery huh …yellow background????? Bruh I am totally lost.
Your bank account’s worse nightmare and lady of the Salt Blue clan. Born on 08/20/2060…error…information deleted… Born on ??/??/????. She was raised under her single mother and forever absent father at the age of 5 she was sold to a repair shop to be an apprentice. Under the gang soon worked her way to become the top hacker. Hidden in the dark shadows and slowly hacking away in a broken world.
“Turn it off and let it burn” -Max
She loves eating meat but, in today’s society it’s hard to get the real stuff since most is synthetic meat. Although she isn’t a drinker her favorite is a blue martini from the Gear. A night club down the street from her. Favorite colors are red and blue since they pop up the most often on her screens. 100 ways to fix a computer is her favorite book and one of the first books she ever got. On the other hand, her favorite book in called blue moon romance….error….Information edited…..Her favorite movie is Brookshire murders. Finally, her favorite item is the Cyber Screwdriver, helpful for opening doors and zapping enemies in an emergency.
Your bank account’s worse nightmare and lady of the Salt Blue clan. Born on 08/20/2060…error…information deleted… Born on ??/??/????. She was raised under her single mother and forever absent father at the age of 5 she was sold to a repair shop to be an apprentice. Under the gang soon worked her way to become…
I began with the name Matrix since it’s very noir and ended with the name Max since it’s very gender neutral. I did not have a specific idea in mind so thinking of a good image that suited her took a while. She is inspired by hackers with deep dark circles and no social lives.
Tech noir is investigations, conspiracies, and betrayals
It’s not always man vs. machine
That’s at least how I saw it in The Groundstar Conspiracy.
A research computer complex called Groundstar is destroyed in an explosion, killing six people and leaving one survivor named John Welles, who is suspected of stealing a miniaturized fuel system.
Talk about a classic bit when he is finally saves and comes to, he has amnesia!
Sticking to cliches who comes to investigate? A silver haired fox named Tuxan a classic anti-hero. His methods are questionable, but his hair is exquisite.
With some good old interrogation and surveillance, Tuxan tries to piece together Welles’s past and uncover the identities of his collaborators, who he believes are trying to silence Welles and prevent him from revealing their secrets. Everyone is very gun happy.
Violence is clearly everyone’s favorite solution.
Guess what the twists aren’t over!!! This movie is an absolute maze, and it messed with my head because there is truly no one you can believe.
The real John Welles was a computer technician who died shortly after the explosion! The man’s true name is Peter Bellamy!
Who is Peter Bellamy you may ask?
Honestly, he’s not the victim; he’s just a sucker who was used and then thrown away, somehow the center of everything, yet in the end easy to disp. Our protagonist was caught in a web of manipulation and deceit. Left with whatever scraps of his true life he could remember, of course, more accurately whatever scraps he was told about or had nightmares about.
This tale ends with Tuxan admitting he was weaving a web to catch the true conspirators. I was right not to like him from the start. Bellamy was simply bait, the true John Wells now on ice, or should I say in it… low blow, I know, but guess what’s lower, his body! Kidding, kidding, he’s in a drawer, not a grave.
This was all to catch this mean son of gun. Smug, rich, and a weird amount of free time.
After all that I need a nap. But first let me give you a character map!
“The Groundstar Conspiracy” Key Characters
Peter Bellamy/John Welles: The amnesiac
Tuxan: Hard-boiled investigator and dirty cop
Senator Stanton: corrupt official
Honorable mention!
Nicole Devon: Femme Fatale
This is truly a classic of the tech noir genre.
Morally ambiguous characters, the blurring of Lines between good and evil, The constant surveillance and paranoia. I mean it was funny in a creepy way.
“I see you”
The film’s visual style and atmosphere evoke a sense of suspense and unease, reflecting the core anxieties and themes of tech noir.