Be aware, the sound effects are loud so maybe turn your volume down just a little bit before pressing play.
After completing the Sound Effects Story Assignment, I noticed I got way more comfortable using Audacity. I used a total of 7 different sound effects to create my story. If you’re curious which ones I used I embedded them below. There was one sound that I didn’t have permission to upload but the other 6 are posted:
My sound effect story was about people having fun on a roller coaster ride. They were screaming, laughing, talking, clapping, and things like that. I tried to center the effects in the right spots, so they didn’t sound awkward. Although, there is one lady’s scream that I just could seem to make flow with the rest of the sounds. I still kept it though! You’ll be able to tell which one it is haha!
This was my first time creating something like this and playing around with all of the other tools on Audacity. I learned how to import sound effects and music, how to move the tracks around, lower the volume on some effects and increase the volume on others. I thought I did pretty good with this one, so I can’t wait to see what progress I make throughout the rest of the week!
While listening to “Moon Graffiti”, I could tell you what the setting was, the tone/atmosphere, how the characters feel, and overall what’s going on just by listening to this audio story. I’d never really thought about how important and powerful sound is in storytelling. Sound drives stories with the dialogue, sound effects, and atmosphere that will inform or entertain the listener. With all of these elements put together, it creates a scene or narrative with layers of context and depth.
Sound ultimately builds a feeling that can be interpreted differently by the listener. This can trigger emotions and transport the listener to a particular setting or emotional state. This contributes to what perceived atmosphere the listener will create from the story. The types of sounds or melodies that are being used can influence the mood and often evoke nostalgia, joy, sadness, or comfort as they activate memories and feelings from the past.
Radiolabâs Jad Abumrad – Abumrad’s videos were very insightful and broke down sound, storytelling, and creation down to its core fundamentals. I liked when he was talking about the power of empathy. If a story can create empathy, then it’s doing its job. It’s the storyteller’s job to create the empathy, which will create a circle of connections, or induce a dream state. Current storytelling is the equivalent to sitting around a campfire Power is 1000 years ago telling stories. Which is interesting to think about with all of our modern-day technology. Technology allows people to have a voice to create stories, especially for people who may not like public speaking.
Overall, I really enjoyed listening to his thoughts about storytelling.
I was really nervous about posting this. I haven’t always felt confident or comfortable in the way I sound in recordings, but I took my best shot at this assignment. This was also one of my goals when I first started this class; Was to become more comfortable with recording myself or creating audio content!
I had a lot of fun creating this bumper. It didn’t take me very long to come up with what I wanted to say. I recorded my bumper announcement on Audacity and started editing the audio track from there. I first began to listen to the different sound effects and generative tools. I found a couple sounds I liked and added them, then I organized them and put them where I wanted them to go after listening to the track a few times.
The only thing that I am uncertain about is the way the bass/drums sound in the back. So, I’d love to hear some feedback on that. I wanted the bumper to feel upbeat and alive! The other sound effects sounded techno and radio station-like to me so that’s why I chose those sounds. Although I’m not sure yet on how to add in music or other beats. I’m actually trying to play around with this now.
Thank you guys for listening to my DS106 radio bumper. I can’t wait to receive feedback on this
First off, what-in-the-h-e-double-hockey-stick-is-a-photoblitz?! I’d never heard of that before, and this was the first time I got to experience something like this. I can only imagine what this would look like in an in-person classroom setting. I had fun with it and my inner child came out while I was running around trying to find things to take pictures of to match with the tasks in the time frame of 20 minutes. 10/10 for this assignment activity.
I found 3 assignments that I wanted to complete in the Design Assignment bank this week.
Before completing any assignments, I had gone through almost all of the assignments in both the Visual and Design Assignment Bank. I resonated with 3 assignments in the design bank the most.
The first one I completed was the tattoo designs assignment, which is based on âTattoos that Describe youâ. Instead of describing myself I wanted to build the image of my Technoir character, Sapphria Mae. In my post, Don’t Say the Word Destiny While Reading This Post, you can feel the femme fatale vibes through the description of the tattoos. It isn’t the actual tattoos by itself that will lead you to think “femme fatale”. But I also thought that it was perfect for this type of character because it’s a little manipulative. The tattoos look sweet and innocent or cute, but they can be fatal if you look Sapphria in the eyes while she’s pointing her finger at you, or if she can get you to say the word “Destiny”. Read my post for more details on this.
The second assignment was a missing person flyer. I also created this in honor of Sapphria Mae because it’s in her nature to go missing or disappear! My post talks about the circumstance for her disappearance being unknown. With added information about her appearance, what she was wearing before she went missing, and an image of her on a flyer with contact information if you see her. I had fun with this one and put the most effort into this assignment because I had to make many edits to the flyer template. So worth it though.
My third post is called, Let’s Get Some Dinner. Inspired by the menu design assignment in the design assignment bank. Instead of designing my own menu, I wanted to design a menu that I felt like my Greek Femme Fatal character would have liked, and with a story behind it! The storyline was of a local restaurant owner who fell in love with Sapphria in Greece (Her hometown) and let her make an inspiring menu for his restaurant for the weekend. I chose classic Greek dishes and beverages to put on the menu to go with my character’s theme. In my post I talk more about why I designed the menu the way I did. Go check it out.
I posted 3 daily creates this week on Mastodon. Each post being very different from the others. For all three of these Daily Creates I used Canva to create them or edit them. To see each of these you can click on the header of this paragraph, or you can click on the links below for quicker access.
Design Our Header Image ; This one I felt I was most creative with and put the most thought into.
Obviously Photoshopped ; This one I find the most humorous and I had the most fun with it.
I also did my best to comment more and make replies to my peers this week! You can also see my replies in my post.
Design Thoughts Reflection
My reflection post was mainly about Chipp Kidd. I found him to be humorous, intellectual, and creative. Overall, an awesome human being from what I could see in the materials I looked through this week. I loved learning more about graphic design, what goes into making a book jacket, and how 2 people can align to make an awesome creation together.
I also learned more about our DS106 Cyberpunk and Technoir themes. I look forward to implementing this material into my work in the weeks to come.
One of the last things I did was vote on my favorite post for the week. I thought this was fun and I can’t wait to see everyone’s top rated favorites (Hopefully we will see this) next week. I loved looking at my classmates’ characters, blog pages, and creativity!
Thank you all for taking the time to read up on Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush.
My reflection on this week’s reading, articles, and materials are mainly based on Chip Kidd. He’s a very intelligent and creative individual with a great sense of humor. I loved learning about his background and why he likes to make book jackets. I think he said something like “Idk, I’m just good at it” or something like that in the interview. I thought that was funny. One of the main parts of the conversation between Chip and Kelly that I found interesting was when they were talking about behind the scenes of what both the writer and the designer are going through. The writer and designer both have their own inspirations, visions, and missions for the book. Trying to align and build both of their ideas and creations together is an incredible process that takes a lot of analysis and effort.
I also loved Chipp Kidd’s Ted Talk video. His sense of humor, body language, the way he got the crowd engaged, pure talent! Not only is he great at what he does but he’s a wonderful public speaker/figure.
Deep diving a little more each week into our Cyber and Tech themes and graphic design is interesting. Learning more of the history, inspirations, and effects of the themes futuristic/neon/glitch style made me realize on what I can look forward to in the weeks ahead!
I always loved my Tamagotchi and my ds! Now I rarely play any video games but if I do I play on my iPhone. I made this using Canva. I pasted the pictures in from Google and the only editing I did was to the background colors.
For the second DC, DS106 Design Our Header Image. I created this design using Canva. I looked up Technological Universe in Google and this pic came up. I used it as my background, with no edits made to it. Then I added a text box with the text “DS106 The Daily Create text”.
For the last Daily Create #tdc4767 #ds106 Obviously Photoshopped. I found a pic of Mona Lisa that is CLEARLY already photoshopped. Then I added my own little razzle-dazzle to it with a picture of myself. #MeAndMyBestieMona #WereJustHanging LOL I also made this on canva. Only edit I made was cropping my face to the picture.
I also made more efforts this week to respond to my peers on Mastodon for the Daily Creates. You can see my replies by clicking on the links below:
This week A famous Restaurant owner in Greece fell in love with Sapphria Mae. The man even let her create her own Menu Design for the restaurant this weekend!
Her methods in creating such a stylish and elegant menu came from working on Canva. Her favorite stone is Sapphire which was what inspired her to use this deep Sapphire blue background color for her menu. All of the menu items are classic traditional Greek dishes and beverages. Sapphria chose these specific dishes because she grew up in Greece and these are her favorite. The menu is also minimalistic and doesn’t have a lot going on other than the text. This was done on purpose to keep it simple and divine.
You have the option of two choices for each course in this 3-course dinner. But before you start, please enjoy an ouzo martini which is a traditional Greek aperitif!
For my next design assignment, I created a Missing Person poster for our beloved Sapphria Mae. Last seen on 01/29/2098.
I had fun creating this poster using Canva. I copied this poster image from the original assignment and then pasted it into Canva. Then I used the drawing tool to white out all of the input information and created textboxes to fill in her information. I also added a picture from her that I already had saved in my files and aligned it in the *insert picture* spot.
Her disappearance was very sudden, and the circumstances are still unknown. Hopefully we will be able to find her soon!!!
If you have any info please call +1 (800) – fem – fatal
In this visual assignment, I created a poster on Canva and uploaded two images of tattoo designs that represent Sapphria Mae’s superpowers and explains what she would do with these superpowers as a super “hero”. First, I want to say that Sapphria is only a hero to herself. My femme fatale character is charming, desirable, beautiful, very manipulative, fearless, and fierce. A force not to be reckoned with.
Below are the super tattoos that Sapphria Mae has. The first one is of leafy vines intertwined in her finger. This tattoo even has a name, called the “Love Spell Vines.” Her powers are actually activated through this tattoo when she points her index finger at a person and locks eyes with them. This power enables her to cast a spell of love on the person that she is talking to and basically make them so in love with her that they will believe in anything that she says or does to be true. Or she can motivate a person to want to do things for her. An example, “That person over there was so mean to me, I think you should go over there and punch them in the face” and that person would WANT to go do it because they are so deeply intoxicated by her spell. These powers could be used for the good or for the bad, but they truly define and express her inner femme fatale motives.
The tattoo below that is of a Chinese symbol for the word destiny. Destiny as we know it is said to be synonymous with meaning of fate. Events that will particularly happen in the future to a person or thing. Well, if Sapphria Mae can make you say the word “Destiny”, then she can decide or plan your fate. Again, could be for the good or bad. Probably bad. But this tattoo also channels her inner femme through being selfish, manipulative, and carrying hidden agendas that are self-serving to her.
In this photoblitzer activity I tried to capture as many of the photo ideas listed below as I could in the timeframe of 20 minutes.
20:49 was my photoblitz code. The following 7 tasks were assigned to me.
Make an abstract or literal photo that expresses how you feel.
Take a photo in which a mirror is a major element
Make a photo that emphasises one color much more than any others in the shot
Make a photograph that features vertical lines today.
The theme is blue. Blue Monday? Blue bird? Or something else blue?
Giraffes are brilliant. Show us what it would be like if they lived in human society.
Gauges, meters, and turn signals are all indicators.
My first photo was a screenshot of my phone screen. In this photo I was capturing my starting time @ 8:48pm.
Now that my time has started, I immediately start scrambling around to search for photos and images around me that matched with each task.
“Make an abstract or literal photo that expresses how you feel”
I took a picture of a picture that I have up in my living room. This lady is standing in front of a beach inside a nice home and dressed in fabulous clothes. It may or may not be her home, but she looks unbothered and comfortable in her own right. Her posture with her arms crossed is what gave me this perception of her in this photo. You also can’t see her eyes or forehead you can only see her lips. Her lips are kind of pierced and sassy looking. This photo expresses how I feel today; Glamourous, sassy, and unbothered… and wishing I was at the beach!
“Take a photo in which a mirror is a major element”
I wasn’t sure what to do for this one. I actually completed this task last, and I was in a rush because I only had a few minutes left on the clock. I pulled out my body mirror and I took a selfie of myself with my forward camera facing the mirror with me halfway in and halfway out. The mirror was the major element here because you can see multiple perceptions of me only because of the mirror literally mirroring my face when I took the picture.
“Make a photo that emphasizes one color much more than any others in the shot”
I took a picture with my iPhone of another picture that I have hung up in my kitchen area. This was a picture of a flower, but you can’t see thw entire flower because I was extremely close and zoomed in to this particular spot on the flower. I did this to emphasize the darker purple color more than any other color on this flower.
“Make a photograph that features vertical lines today.”
I looked around in my apartment and at first, I couldn’t find anything that featured vertical lines. Of course, I could find things with horizontal lines everywhere. Then I looked over and I saw my balcony blinds hung up and those feature many vertical lines.
“The theme is blue. Blue Monday? Blue bird? Or something else blue?”
For this task I found so many blue items in my house. I will feature several photos of random blue themed items here. I was literally running around my house taking pictures of everything blue. This was my second favorite task. Once you see the task below this one you will understand why it’s my second favorite. But I will say, it was almost like my inner child came out while I was doing this. I was frantically running around my apartment and just going nuts, taking pictures of everything blue. I just kept thinking “OOP this is blue, oh look this is blue, wait omg I never noticed but this is even blue”, and I got the chance to let some of my impulsive behaviors here, so that was fun. Also, it was perfect because I was even wearing blue while doing this exercise.
“Giraffes are brilliant. Show us what it would be like if they lived in human society.”
Ladies and gentlemen, this was my favorite task!!! I looked up on google photos of giraffes and I found the one below, decided to print it out, and then place it in two different areas to show how this giraffe would live in this human society. The first pic, I put this pic in front of my resting Roku tv with the cyber color themed in the background. It has buildings and such and I placed the giraffe there and snapped a picture. Then I placed the giraffe on the couch and laid him on a pillow and gave covered him with a blanket to keep him warm. What a better way to say this giraffe would spend in a human society other than sitting on the couch watching the Roku!?
“Gauges, meters, and turn signals are all indicators.”
For my last task, I had to call my boyfriend and ask him what items in my apartment are gauges and/or meters. I took multiple pictures of my findings. One was of my thermostat, and the other of my hot water machine heater meter. I did my best on this one!
My last photo is a screen shot I took on my iPhone to capture my ending time. Which was at 9:08pm.