My original goals are posted here and posted below:
Three goals I wanted to achieve:
- Effectively tell a story through my work.
- Use new techniques that will make my content engaging.
- I want to learn more about my creative side. Most courses that I’ve been taking are business related. Some possible skills I’d like to work on: Selecting imagery and music, feeling more comfortable with recording myself, and familiarizing myself with these new online publishing formats.
So far, I feel like I have achieved these current goals. I effectively told a story in my sound effect story creation. Also, when creating my character, Sapphria Mae.
Each week, I try to come up with an engaging Title/Headline for my posts, create content that goes along with the class themes, and using themes in my work. I really try to do this in the Daily Creates as well, here is one of my daily create posts with my week 3 creations and posts.
Learning how to use audacity, using iMovie to create a scene analysis, and getting more comfortable with Canva. I’ve used Canva for a good portion of the assignments. I think I’ve definitely found more creativity in myself and have gotten much more comfortable and confident with using these platforms and formats. For example, on week 2 I put all of my “posts” in one post because I thought it would look better. So, each day I would add to that one post. I then received feedback on the post and saw other students work and I see that it’s much better to format the post individually because I can share them easier and receive comments on the individual posts. I’m also not hording them all week and then blasting everyone with my work all at one.
Revised/Refine Goals
- Effectively tell a story through my character. I’ve gave little bits and pieces of my character throughout each week’s assignments, but I can’t wait to actually put together many pieces and elements of my character that I’ve built up in different ways and put it all together. Especially in the group assignment. While also incorporating the class themes.
- Use new techniques that will make my content engaging, such as; Adding music to my work from now on, adding in extra details, designs, and images to enhance my work. Learning all of the new material has been a little challenging in itself but now that I’ve had some practice with the basics, I would like to take it up a notch each week.
- I’ve loved getting to be creative in my own way in this class. I haven’t recorded myself yet in a video but eventually I’d like to challenge myself to do that. Getting more comfortable with recording myself and hearing myself in audio recordings is a big goal that I would like to accomplish.
Review your assignment posts and weekly summaries. How do they make the case for your efforts to challenge yourself? Do they do a good job of showing and explaining the evidence?
I’ve reviewed my work, and I believe that I have put in a lot of effort to challenge myself. At least one assignment per week from the assignment bank I try to pick a higher rated or starred assignment. I try not to only do the one or two starred ones. Working on the new platforms and learning how to use different tools has been challenging for me in itself because I’m very unfamiliar with them. I think some of the greatest work that I did was during the week that we worked on with and sounds. I put in the effort to create a cool ds106 radio bumper, made a new beat, and created a sound effect story which was very rewarding when hearing the final outcome. Also hearing the bumper live on the DS106 radio station with my fellow peers. Creating and forming the outline for my character was also a big accomplishment of mine in this class. A couple assignments that I’m proud of making that incorporated my character are: Missing Person’s Alert – Where Did Sapphria Mae Go?, Let’s Get Some Dinner where I created a Sapphria Mae Menu, and this week I created a video on Tips from Sapphria Mae and Her Local Femme Fatal Friends. I can’t wait to introduce her even more to the class.
Are there areas where you feel you need help?
I think I need help with video editing. This has been the main thing that I’ve struggled with in this class, was creating and editing video content. Although, this week has shed some light on how I can improve. I have some ideas for future assignments. I also have been looking at my peers work for tips and ideas on what I could in the future.