Author Archives: Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

Week 7 – As A News Anchor

For assignment #1, I took it a step further than reporting The Terminator in a news article and I reported on the scene of The Terminator with a Police Station Shootout as a news anchor. The video I created represents how I think this news would be reported.

For the next assignment, I created Femme Fatale Propaganda. This propaganda would come from those that are femme fatale haters and those that support the patriarchal system and feel like FF should be punished for challenging this way of thinking. Although, jokes on them because Sapphria, along with the other FFs, will not change for these systematic patriarchal standards. This was one of my favorite creations yet!

Daily Create Shenanigans 😉 are always fun! I made 3 daily creates this week. I have an opposite view post where I posted a pic of myself that my phone would see if I was talking to my besties in a group chat. I also posted a cute little fairy tale story and a favorite movie gif from Miss Congeniality! #Classic!

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphria Mae Edition! I checked out the PSAs from the class and I chose a few that Sapphria would like/love and why. Overall, we learned that President Trump would most likely become one of Sapphria’s next victims… and he’ll be losing a lot more than the skin of his ear LOLLL. We also learned this week (Nothing new) that Sapphria like to watch men beat each other up (In sports) and Sapphria agrees that people are on their phones WAY too much. Although, it doesn’t necessarily affect her, so she doesn’t really care.

This week was awesome! I voted and I commented back and forth with my peers. Woohoo!

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphria Mae Edition.

Sapphria Mae would have like this post about the Propaganda rather than the actual propaganda itself. I’m not exactly sure where on the political ideological spectrum she would be but as a femme fatale I don’t believe she would like the current President very much. Which may or may not be personal, I don’t believe she admires or likes many men. Trump would have probably become one of her next victims and lost a lot more than the skin off of his ear.

Battle of The Birds – Sincerely, Kristen; Sapphria Mae would love this propaganda. I don’t believe she’s the biggest sports fan, but she loves competition and rivalry. What’s better than watching men beat each other up? Less work for her to have to do.

Sapphria would probably agree with this Propaganda. She doesn’t use a cell phone a lot and she see’s others overindulging themselves into their screens on the daily and not paying attention to what is going on in the world. Although, she enjoys it because that means less people are paying attention to any scandals that she may be getting into.

Macie Burke Reporting on the scene of The Terminator – A Police Station Shootout!

I chose to report from the scene of The Terminator after the police station shootout. I created this video using Canva. I used 3 different sound effects. I also recorded myself in a little bubble while talking about what happened at the shootout. Sometimes when I watch the news, I see that they show both, the news anchor that is talking, and the actual released footage that they can show to viewers. So that inspired me to do it this way.

**And yes, I’m using my hairbrush as a mic, lol**

Some of the information in this news-video is incorrect or not as telling as it could be… Not saying that news channels do this to us or will give us only the information, video footage, or parts of the story that they want us to hear or see… but this news video does that. I edited the movie clip to show basically only “The Terminator” and the police officers. I gave no other deeper background or context of the story even though I could have. I mainly showed the violence, the aggressor, the victims, and the gore of it all. I didn’t show Sarah once in this clip, even though all of this happened because the terminator wanted her dead.

Sometimes I feel like some people or context will get left out of stories because news anchors only have limited time to give whatever is deemed as the most “important” information. I made this video seem as if it was the terminator against the police. Not the terminator doing whatever he has to do to get to Sarah. Things may not always be as they seem at first. As a news anchor or news channel, this would give me the opportunity after this video released to get people hooked to the story and wonder what happened and why. Then I could release another video with more information on it. And so on.

I also tried to make this a PSA as well. At the very end I tell residents in California to stay home and be safe and things like that. I feel like news anchors also do that as well.

Overall, had a lot of fun creating this. I also got comfortable with recording myself on a video clip. Yay! Hope you guys like it.

Daily Create Shenanigans ;)

Favorite Movie Gif Daily Create:

#tdc4791 #ds106 Gif of my favorite movie

This gif is of Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. It’s hard to pick a single favorite movie but this one will always be in my top list. I love this movie because it humorous and because I love the message in it about this strong female character who learned about self-love and self-acceptance.

I also can relate to this GIF when I’m hungry “I’m starved and I’m armed. Don’t mess with me” hahaha

Opposite View Pic Daily Create:

#tdc4792 #ds106 “Opposite view” Pic

This is what my phone sees when I’m in a group chat with my besties, hehehe

Once Upon a Time … Daily Create:

#tdc4793 #ds106 One upon a time …

Princess Mira of the enchanted forest had the power to speak to the great creatures that roamed her land, including the mighty Thunder Beast. When an evil sorcerer cast a spell to drain the kingdom’s magic, Mira called upon the Thunder Beast, whose roar shattered the dark enchantment. With the magic restored, Mira and her mythical friends protected the kingdom, ensuring that peace and enchantment would forever reign.

Fun topics this week!!!

Femme Fatale Propaganda

I created a negative, name-calling, and hateful type of propaganda towards femme fatales and temptresses. Femme Fatales that are in Noir Films can be seen as dark, dangerous, and seductive; Or known as being too “free”, wild, or unorthodox. This poster was intended to have a futuristic take on anti-femme fatale propaganda. This propaganda would come from those that feel anxious or threatened by women holding some type of power and then trying to suppress them. Femme Fatales may not always have the best intentions but in a deeper look into the hatred for femme fatales, it’s also about people and media portraying that women overall should be submissive, obedient, and innocent. Rather than independent or dominant.

Femme Fatales can also represent power, and that idea goes against the masculine rule of patriarchy. The idea that a woman must subject herself to submission in order to survive. Although, even in a lot of femme fatale noir films women face animosity from men and in the end their “power” or “dominance” is taken in some type of way. Which really defeats the whole purpose. It’s seen that these are evil women who need to be punished or called out on.

My character Sapphria Mae’s archetype is femme fatale so that is why I created this poster. I know in real life, even in futuristic times, she would probably face some type of hatred for her not adhering to the rules of patriarchy. Some may think that she needs to change, or she needs to fix her attitude. But she doesn’t. And she won’t. Muahah. Her power and independence are eternal and will never be able to be diminished.

Femme Fatales are not always the enemy. In either case, they will rise in adversity and will not be defeated by anti-fem propaganda.

I hope I demonstrated emotional appeal in this propaganda poster, aside from the reading to go along with it. Comment below and let me know what you think.

Summary of the Week

Here we go!

Revisiting Goals from Week 1!

In the link above is my post for revisiting and revising my goals. Overall, I think that I achieved the goals I had originally set for myself. I did revise them to be more fitting for the rest of the semester, also made sure to make the goals challenging for ME. One of the main things I need to work on is video creation and editing. Although, this week and last week’s video assignments allowed me to practice more with that. I definitely feel more comfortable with video editing after this week. I’m excited about incorporating all of this into the future group assignment. I think that is really where a lot of my revised goals will be accomplished at.

I decided to go will choice B for this week’s Assignment Load

My choice of any 3 video assignments from the Assignment Bank. Involving my character in some way in at least two of them!

Assignment #1:

Tips From Your Local Femme Fatales. For this assignment, I made a video using Canva that talks about 10 tips that my character, Sapphria, and her close femme fatale friends could give to you all.

Assignment #2

Ranking Fruits from 1 – 10. I did this video for myself. I wanted to practice making videos with Canva a little bit more. The only other video I’ve created with Canva was for assignment #1 up above. I explored different video designs, and I found one that actually counts down from #10 (Fruits that I like but not my fave) all the way to #1 (My favorite fruit). This was a very simple assignment, but I really wanted to explore more on Canva and practice using the tools on there for future weeks ahead. I create a lot of regular poster designs but up until this week I had no idea you could create video designs on there as well!

Assignment #3

Where Would Sapphria Go? In this video creation I came up with 3 places that I feel like my character would love to travel to. I chose Giza, Monaco, and Tokyo. Sapphria Mae loves Exclusivity, Expensive things, and unbelievable experiences. That is what these places will be able to offer her!

NEXT...Daily Creates

Daily Creates – Week 6 🙂 This week I made 2 daily creates. In one of them I stuck with our class theme by posting a cyberpunk bike. The other post I talked about my safe haven!! I also loved seeing everyone elses work as well this week.


I voted for the top 3 post I loved the most! Great work everyone!

Where Would Sapphria Go?

Assignment #3 from the Video Assignment Bank this week; Where do you want to go?

The places in this video are all of the places that my character wants to travel too for her various reasons; To Giza, Monaco, and Tokyo. I chose these places for Sapphria because they are either exclusive, expensive, or entertaining to her. Sapphria loves secret treasure and will go on a risky mission to find it. She also loves living in lavish with other people’s money. And she thrives in the fast lane giving her many things to keep her busy.

I created this video on Canva, AND I successfully added music/sound effects to it! I found the sound effects on For each slide I added a fitting background color to it, I also added pictures of each place, and I added pictures of my character, her beloved sapphire gems, and airplanes or travel photos. For each different place I added a new font that I felt was themed or appropriate for the place.

Revisiting Goals from Week 1!

My original goals are posted here and posted below:

Three goals I wanted to achieve:

  • Effectively tell a story through my work.
  • Use new techniques that will make my content engaging.
  • I want to learn more about my creative side. Most courses that I’ve been taking are business related. Some possible skills I’d like to work on: Selecting imagery and music, feeling more comfortable with recording myself, and familiarizing myself with these new online publishing formats.

So far, I feel like I have achieved these current goals. I effectively told a story in my sound effect story creation. Also, when creating my character, Sapphria Mae.

Each week, I try to come up with an engaging Title/Headline for my posts, create content that goes along with the class themes, and using themes in my work. I really try to do this in the Daily Creates as well, here is one of my daily create posts with my week 3 creations and posts.

Learning how to use audacity, using iMovie to create a scene analysis, and getting more comfortable with Canva. I’ve used Canva for a good portion of the assignments. I think I’ve definitely found more creativity in myself and have gotten much more comfortable and confident with using these platforms and formats. For example, on week 2 I put all of my “posts” in one post because I thought it would look better. So, each day I would add to that one post. I then received feedback on the post and saw other students work and I see that it’s much better to format the post individually because I can share them easier and receive comments on the individual posts. I’m also not hording them all week and then blasting everyone with my work all at one.

Revised/Refine Goals

  • Effectively tell a story through my character. I’ve gave little bits and pieces of my character throughout each week’s assignments, but I can’t wait to actually put together many pieces and elements of my character that I’ve built up in different ways and put it all together. Especially in the group assignment. While also incorporating the class themes.
  • Use new techniques that will make my content engaging, such as; Adding music to my work from now on, adding in extra details, designs, and images to enhance my work. Learning all of the new material has been a little challenging in itself but now that I’ve had some practice with the basics, I would like to take it up a notch each week.
  • I’ve loved getting to be creative in my own way in this class. I haven’t recorded myself yet in a video but eventually I’d like to challenge myself to do that. Getting more comfortable with recording myself and hearing myself in audio recordings is a big goal that I would like to accomplish.

Review your assignment posts and weekly summaries. How do they make the case for your efforts to challenge yourself? Do they do a good job of showing and explaining the evidence?

I’ve reviewed my work, and I believe that I have put in a lot of effort to challenge myself. At least one assignment per week from the assignment bank I try to pick a higher rated or starred assignment. I try not to only do the one or two starred ones. Working on the new platforms and learning how to use different tools has been challenging for me in itself because I’m very unfamiliar with them. I think some of the greatest work that I did was during the week that we worked on with and sounds. I put in the effort to create a cool ds106 radio bumper, made a new beat, and created a sound effect story which was very rewarding when hearing the final outcome. Also hearing the bumper live on the DS106 radio station with my fellow peers. Creating and forming the outline for my character was also a big accomplishment of mine in this class. A couple assignments that I’m proud of making that incorporated my character are: Missing Person’s Alert – Where Did Sapphria Mae Go?, Let’s Get Some Dinner where I created a Sapphria Mae Menu, and this week I created a video on Tips from Sapphria Mae and Her Local Femme Fatal Friends. I can’t wait to introduce her even more to the class.

Are there areas where you feel you need help?

I think I need help with video editing. This has been the main thing that I’ve struggled with in this class, was creating and editing video content. Although, this week has shed some light on how I can improve. I have some ideas for future assignments. I also have been looking at my peers work for tips and ideas on what I could in the future.

Daily Creates – Week 6 :)

The two daily creates I completed are posted below:

DC #1: Just like riding a bicycle

I chose to find a picture on Google for this one because I don’t currently own a bike. Although, I wish I did!! Riding a bike was one of my favorite things to do outside as a kid. By myself or with friends. I also chose a bike that represented our class them, Cyber Punk bike!

DC #2: My Safe Haven

I posted a canvas with 3 pictures on it that represents my safe haven; Which are the beach, the spa, and the gym. I always find peace, clarity, and happiness when I go to these places. I find them very important to my mental health. I’m glad I got to share that with you all and I loved seeing everyone else’s safe havens as well.

I loved seeing everyone else’s work so far this week and I can’t wait to see and comment on you all’s work for the rest of the week!

Great job on week 6 daily creates everyone.

Ranking Fruits from 1 – 10

This assignment was to Make A Top 10 or Ranking Video from the assignment bank. I chose this one because I thought it would be a fun assignment that I did for myself. In my first assignment for this week, I used Canva to also create that video assignment (Tips From Your Local Femme Fatales – Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush) and I really wanted to make another one like it.

I ranked fruits from 10 (being a fruit I like but not my favorite) to number 1 (which is my favorite fruit). In Canva I found a top ten video design that I used. Then I found pictures of fruits on google or on Canvas element tab. I started places the pictures from 1 to 10 on how I felt about them. I then chose backgrounds for each page in the video that was fitting to each fruit and moved the numbers to the top left-hand side of the page. The last edits I made were to the size and placements of the pictures.

I really enjoyed using Canva for the first video assignment and wanted to practice using it again. I didn’t realize how powerful of a tool Canva really is!!

Thank you guys for watching and reading this post 🙂