After reading the Techno-Optimist Manifesto, it makes me think that we use technology for everything. Technology makes us live a better and more comfortable life than how we used to do before technology. Without technology now, it would be difficult to live. Having no electricity will take a huge toll on us because, with no lights, no cellular data, or internet to keep posting on my blog would be a disaster. Technology has helped our medical field evolve with better-advanced materials and even better performance for surgery. It has helped provide surgeons with detailed preparative and being able to view the patient’s anatomy. Without Advance technology our medical field would currently be in the stone age. in addition, having technology in the medical field has had a positive impact by enabling doctors to understand and diagnose illnesses more accurately. In the film, I Am Mother, The Mother AI was allowed to create a bunker that has advanced technology that can withstand a nuclear blast with a whole nurturing system, She also had advanced technology materials to help and support anyone that was injured from the outside. I think it’s super important to have advanced technology because it will allow us to aid individuals who have suffered little to no damage. Dr. Oblivion agrees that advanced technology plays a crucial role within the medical field and allows doctors and nurses to diagnose patients more accurately and treat them more effectively. With this being said it is extremely important to keep using advanced technology because it can evolve to the point where it can help create and nurture a human.
Author Archives: Sol’s Wrld
AI: Character
Good afternoon, People! I made an AI Character for this ds106. I’m happy to introduce her to you guys. Her name is Dolly She’s an Art technician, which means she sees all tech as paintbrushes and palettes, tools, and media for self-expression. She was born today on Mars. She’s an independent single woman. She appears to be tall, lean with glossy black eyes surrounded with long thick lashes and long black curly hair. She’s a humbled, funny, and artistic character. Dolly enjoys watching Polar Express while eating Mexican food, her favorite color is pink, Favorite book is Dark Energy. While she lives day by day she likes to wear her favorite possession her golf necklace.
DS: manuscript
Sol’s Wrld 2024-01-22 20:33:33
This week has been overwhelming for me. I was excited to start with classes and start to have a routine. I was able to learn how to set up a domain account it was pretty easy until I got to create my blog page. It was harder than I expected. Once I downloaded the application I was playing around with the tools to get familiar with the site, I found it pretty cool to create my own blog page. I enjoyed picking the color and the theme of my blog page to show more of my personality. What drove me crazy was how I didn’t know how to continue forward after. Until I got help from my professor which helped me so much.
Goals in ds106
What I except to learn in this course is to expand my knowledge on technology, and interact with softwares and being able to expand my creativity in this class. By taking this course it will help me think in a creative way and to use my voice to express myself.
AI: Film Review
I find it fascinating that we as humanity put so much trust in artificial intelligence that enhances our ability to have a better lifestyle. Being able to trust a robot to assist in sensitive situations, such as having an AI robot assist in the medical field that can turn on us at any second. In the movie I Am Mother, I’m amazed at how an AI was able to take care of a baby and raise it so naturally in the bunker. The reason why the AI was raising a baby is because the world has gone through a extinction event. The AI was set to raise a daughter and develop a mother-and-daughter relationship. Once she got older she wanted to explore outside, but her mother said no because it’s contaminated. I was surprised because the daughter trusted the AI and thought it was true. Until a woman came up to the bunker window and pleaded for help because she was shot by a robot. She said the outside was not contaminated, it was just a robot-populated wasteland. I find it wild that she was shot by another AI, similar to the Mother AI. In the end, It was the Mother AI that created that whole extinction event, because she was convinced that humanity would destroy itself so she controlled all the robots to kill humans to prevent it from happening, and to have a fresh start with humanity again. It’s so crazy to me that all this time I thought it it was humanity that destroyed each other, but it was the mother AI. How can we trust something that has so much knowledge of us humans and it can destroys at any moment.