Author Archives: Sol’s Wrld

Weekly summary: wk 14

For this week assignment, we are still currently working on our final project with my team. we are all working together for this final video to come along. For my part of the project I created a fake news channel that is reporting on how electronics are acting up and that artificial intelligence is the main reason for this. I was able to get a TikTok video on how a home Ring camera is acting strange to its home owner. I created the video on Vimeo and added the audio from onto the spokes person. I was able to convert the audio onto the video clip on the Wav2lip generator of the spokesperson from another sample clip on Vimeo. I also added a soundtrack on the background from Vimeo. In addition, I also made a propaganda poster promoting about Ai can help better our future.

Weekly Summary: Wk14

For this week assignment, we are working on our final project. As I mention Im working with the same Ravioli Radio Show team to create our final video project. Im excited to work with them again and can not wait to see our final product on this project. We already started talking about what we are going to do and what show we create to make this news channel work. Ill be creating a tiktok , on how other people show their point of view on the electronics “acting up”. As well as a fake news channel about reporting the incidents around America. As well, as what clips to create and how to create them. Stayed tune on how our project is going to come out! 🙂

Wk: 14 Outline For Final Project…

For our final project Im working with my same team from our Ravioli Radio Show. We discussed on what our outline for our final project should be. The team and I are going to create a broadcasting channel to show headlines, news clips, and other anchors at different locations. Having a commotion with our electronics and how its effecting people across the globe and broadcasting it nationwide. As well as, demonstrating it through social media such as TikToks, instagram posts, etc. In addition, having Dr. Oblivion join us as a guest speaker who is an expert in this field. Later transitioning back into our news channel demonstrating it as a disaster from our spokesperson ruining around or displaying it deserted.

WeeklySummary: wk12

For this week’s assignment, I was stressed thinking about how to do this video project. I was kinda procrastinating since last week on doing it but, I was able to come up with an idea to do my video project. I wanted to create a scenario that it was a piece of “lost film” that people stumbled upon. As well as broadcasting it nationwide for people to “wake up” and that Artificial intelligence is going to take over. I wanted to create this using the Wav2lip video since I was not able to make it work for the last assignment we got and I used Viemo. Sarah Bradshaw a member of my group from our radio show was able to help me out she sent instructions in our group chat since other members were also struggling and it was a blessing getting help from her. I was able to make the Wav2lip work!!!

Video Project…

For this video project, I was able to use Wav2lip to add the audio of my AI character making a Public Service Announcement in 60-70s video graphics. The video is supposed to be a PSA televising that we found an old film that could change how the human race is going to think about Artificial intelligence. At first, I was having trouble on how to upload the video through my files but Sarah’s instructions that she posted helped me a lot!! I’m glad that I was able to use that application because I’ve been wanting to create a video with it since we were first assigned to use it.

Weekly summary: wk 11

This week was pretty nice. I enjoyed listen other students radio show and seeing what they came up with. As well as seeing my teams radio show being broadcasted too it was so cool. I started to brainstorm ideas for the next video assignment which Im excited to produce. Im just nervous that the Wav2lip wont work. which I hope it does. But I will do further research on other application to have my options laid out.

Video Project Plan…

For my video project I had an idea where my character will interview Dr oblivion asking his opinion on AI on a news channel setting and how Ai is adapting into the world and how us humans are effected by it. Or my second choice is having my AI character do announcement where basically the AI robots “wake up” to control the human race and for people to take shelter. In a 60s-70s style video. I hope this time the Wav2lip will work because I wanted to experiment with it for our last video project. I was having trouble using it because it took the whole day and it would always stop to an error, so I decided to do the second option that we were allowed to do back in week 5 or 6.

Radio Show: Audience perpective..

Listening to Three Point Chatter, I find it cool to listen and learn about Leo’s life. It’s interesting hearing about other AI character’s life in our class. It’s funny to hear real-life food commercials on other radio shows. These AI Characters live their life like humans do. I like how the audience can learn these AI characters’ backstories and get to know other characters in class. I like the end of Three Point Chatter the song is catchy. As well as listening to Pop’s perspective I like how they talked about AI crossing over the movie world and how they can help movies improve. I also enjoyed how Jacob Wilson talked more in-depth about how AI can affect the marvel movies and how they quoted a line from the Marvel movie on how AI could be good or bad. It supports their idea. I find it cool that they were able to connect AI technology to the Spider-Man movie on how Andrew Garfield used it on his spider-web shooter. Overall, I enjoyed listening to our classmate’s radio show, hearing their shows and what they talk about was fun!!