Author Archives: Sam's Club

Weekly Summary 2

This week was overwhelming, and I had to go to the DKC for some support, but overall a good week.

The best part of this week was finally being able to make my website more me, customizing it and making it how I saw in my mind. Even though this process took many hours I finally ended up liking the website and even enjoyed the process. I started working on this on Tuesday, I dove head first into the Daily Creates a very easy task and pretty fun to do.

The Assignments was what I started on next, trying to find the right assignments to do was kinda hard because there were so many and some did not have much of a description. I ended up choosing three that stood out to me and that I was able to create with out to much difficulty.

I decided to re-write my Movie Review because my first review was bland, and since this is my first blog I was not used to writing in first person. When re-writing it I made sure to include my insights and how some of the scenes spoke to me. Overall really happy with how it turned out.

The Course Character was also a very fun assignment, being able to use your imagination in a way I have not done in a long time felt refreshing. At first I kinda had a hard time trying to think on a character on the top of my head, but when using the creation form it helped me build the character layer after layer.

We also had to read a chapter and compare it to the movie we watched in week 1 (mine was blade runner) Dr. Oblivion we then had to ask Dr Oblivion what he thought and talk about what he said. This was assignment was kinda of difficult because Dr Oblivion kept crashing on me, eventually I got him to respond to what I said and from there it was smooth sailing.

Lastly I commented on some peoples blog to get participation points. I ended up really enjoying this because I got to see others people creativity. Here are some of the peoples blogs I interacted with:

Postman’s ideas vs Blade Runner

When I viewed Blade Runner the previous week and also read Neil Postman’s Technopoly, it highlighted for me how unchecked advancements in technology can change society unexpectedly. Both the book by Postman as well as the movie deal with what happens when technology alters our humanity, values and community—and not always without a high price.

Postman claims technology isn’t impartial; it generates winners and losers. In the movie Blade Runner, those who come out on top live in luxury, but everyone else including humans and replicants are confined to a dull, contaminated environment. The replicants were created for human service which underscores technological moral problematics: they have utility value, yet their humanity is rejected. It made me reflect on modern technology, such as AI and gig apps. They subtly push certain groups to the margins while providing advantages for others.

Postman also discusses how fresh technologies contend with old ones, modifying our values. In the Blade Runner movie, machines like the Voight-Kampff test redefine sympathy and humanity. The distinction between human and replicant becomes vague – this indication reflects Postman’s caution that technological advancements not only substitute outdated thinking processes but they also change them entirely.

In the end, both Postman and Blade Runner display how technology can change all it contacts. The movie’s dystopian world that has synthetic animals and environmental breakdown seems like a warning story. Do we follow this kind of road without question?

I want to know what you think. Dr. Oblivion, do you believe I’ve understood the main links here? Or are there different angles that require investigation? Let’s commence a dialogue on how we can look at technology in a more analytical manner before we forget the things which define us as humans.

Oblivions Response was interesting and I agreed with everything he said. He agreed with what I said about Blade Runner and added on how some people get to live lavish lives while others have to struggle in a polluted world. He also added how replicants in the movie were made to serve humans but struggles to be treated less than one. De Oblivions lastly added how it is interesting how A.I are changing are world today, and how it can leave some groups out, we have to be carful that technology does not make us forgot what’s important about being human.

Daily Create 2

January 22 – Take a photo of yourself in he first or last light of the day, so your shadow is as tall or as long as possible. Try not to make it apparent that your shadow is taking a photo.

Daily Creates

January 21 – Make some bad art today. Go on, do your worst!

Art can be defined in a lot of ways including this:

January 22 – Take a photo of yourself in he first or last light of the day, so your shadow is as tall or as long as possible. Try not to make it apparent that your shadow is taking a photo.