This week was definitely a lot, and I felt pretty overwhelmed at times. But I got through it!
The Daily Creates were a highlight. They’re a fun and quick way to be creative and see what everyone else is doing. I jumped in on Monday, and the prompt was to create art about coincidences. This one took me a while to get started because, honestly, I see coincidences as random events, and I wasn’t sure how to translate that into art. It was a bit tricky at first!
The Assignment Bank is a cool idea, and I really enjoyed browsing through all the options. Doing the assignments was fun, but I did struggle a bit with the speech for Dr. Oblivion. I noticed he doesn’t always say exactly what I write, which threw me off a little at first. But then I realized he was still getting the point across, so it wasn’t a big deal.
I worked on my blog design this week too. Last week, I customized it pretty quickly, but this time I spent more time on it. I picked a theme I liked and spent some time organizing the menu, picking out colors and images, and playing with the headers and footers. It feels like it’s becoming my space now, which is cool.
Creating my course character was a lot of fun. The whole process was kind of tricky at first, especially figuring out how to introduce my character, but the character creation form really helped me stay on track. It gave me a good structure to follow, which made it easier than I thought.
This week, I also did the reading and wrote a reflection comparing it to The Matrix. That was surprisingly enjoyable, and it helped me improve my film review. I went back, added some images and GIFs, and dove deeper into the cyberpunk/tech-noir themes. It felt like a big improvement, and I’m glad I took the time to revise it.
For participation this week, I commented on some awesome blog posts and interacted with a couple of Daily Creates. Here are the links to my comments and the posts I engaged with:
Also, here are some of the Mastodon posts I interacted with:
Overall, it’s been a busy week, but I’m feeling good about what I’ve done so far!
P.S. I will be updating this weekly summary to include more of my participation!