Author Archives: Melea Lineberry

Week 10 Summary

This was a great week! None of the assignments gave me any issues and I am very proud of the radio show.

The radio show assignment went even better than I thought it would. My group decided last minute to change up how we were going to record it, but it was definitely for the best and I think it turned out great. I enjoyed getting even more creative with my character and giving him a voice through this assignment. I am also happy with my group in general and how the work was split up and how everyone was pulling their weight. When I first read the assignment description weeks ago, I was nervous that it’d be a stressful group project, but this was probably one of my easier weeks. You can find the assignment here:

Daily Creates went well. I am very grateful for the DALL-E integration into Canva which turned my ideas into life. You can find my responses here:

Radio Show Progress

I am very proud of how our final radio show turned out and I am glad my group went the route we did when creating the show.

Originally, we were going to set aside time this week to record the interview segments as a group. We realized this would be too difficult with the use of voice changers, so we agreed to write all of our parts in a shared document and then record separately. While I realized that this would be easier on the recording end, I thought that the end result may end up being really awkward and clunky. I am happy to say that the final result flowed fairly naturally.

In terms of script writing, I think my part was fairly easy because as the host most of my lines are filler transitions. All in all it really didn’t take much to write and record all of my parts. I sent all of my clips to Robin who was in charge of editing.

Here is the final result:

Week 9 Summary

I feel good about this week, especially knowing that my group made decent progress on the project. With group work, it’s always a hit or miss if members will actually be responsive and contribute especially in an online class, but so far everyone seems to be pulling their weight.

Starting with the daily creates, you can find my responses here. The flower bead and futuristic bike prompts were pretty easy to complete but I had more difficulty with the hobbit and witch prompt. I think that I have a much easier time overall creating the visual prompts rather than the written ones. This is kind of interesting as the visual prompts often require a bit more work, but I barely suffer a mental block like I do for the written ones.

I had the most fun with the audio assignments. I liked drawing upon my real world experiences listening to podcasts and how the commercials, intros, and outros typically sound and applying it the world of my character and the ideas for our group project. I didn’t have any difficulty completing these. I created a commercial that promotes Isaiah Beacon Ministries and an outro where Isaiah plugs all of his content. You can find that assignment here.

I then created a bumper sticker for the podcast, as I figured most people listen to those in the car anyways. Again, no difficulties here. I did spend a bit of time messing around with wording on it as you want to make it as brief and straight to point as possible. I decided to make it more simple all around because I’d mostly want people to focus on the name of the podcast anyways. You can find that assignment here.

Finally, I wrote about the radio show progress, which was helpful for me to see what I have done and what still needs to be done. This assignment was fairly easy to complete as we had already shared a document so I could see what we’ve done in a list format. I also had the chats from Discord and texting, which helped. You can find that assignment here.

Radio Show Progress

This week, my group did a pretty good job communicating and picking a time to meet. I found my group through the shared Google Sheet, and then I emailed the existing members and sent them my phone number to create a group chat with. We then created a Discord group and started communicating on there from that point forward. Before we met over Discord, we shared a group document where everyone put a bit of information about their characters and ideas for the radio show so we’d be more prepared for our meeting.

When we met, we finalized a topic and spent some time brainstorming podcast names. We also discussed what we thought each of our character’s roles should be in the show and sort of talked about how the format should go. We exchanged ideas on how we could seamlessly use AI in our show, as myself and another member need to use a voice changer for our characters. We also talked a bit about the assignments for this week and helped each other come up with ideas to fulfill the requirements. This was also important to make sure there wasn’t too much overlap in what each of us were doing.

Most importantly, we agreed to continue working on the script and committed to a time next week to record the show. We decided that instead of creating a line by line script, each of us would contribute a few ideas that our characters would like to talk about on a shared doc and then the other team members write their character’s responses.

Bumper Sticker

I decided to create a bumper sticker because my other group members had the logos well covered. I also chose a bumper sticker because, at least in my personal experience, people mostly listen to podcasts or the radio in the car while driving. For this reason, I thought that advertising on a bumper sticker was the most appropriate.

I decided to go with a color scheme that matched the logo created by Tyler. I also think that blues are a good choice for anything sci-fi or AI related. I used “tuned into” because it suggests that the driver is listening to it constantly, which shows others that it’s a really good podcast. I also used signal towers as it seemed like an appropriate graphic that shows that it’s some sort of radio show. Of course, I wanted the name of the podcast to be bolded and underlined so people’s eyes gravitate towards the show name.

Logic Pod Audios

When thinking of and creating the different audio assignments, I was definitely thinking of my own experience listening to podcasts and how the different audios were used and recorded. I then applied this knowledge to the context of my character, Isaiah Beacon, and I think I came up with a couple of creative audios that worked well for the character.

First, I created the outro because it seemed like the most important part. Again, I was thinking about podcasts I’ve listened to and how the outro sometimes takes 1-3 minutes while the host gives appropriate credit and then plugs premium content that listeners can subscribe to. I used an AI voice generator to do the voice of Isaiah, and I think the voice I picked it pretty spot on to how I’ve imagined it. I then picked some upbeat, electronic music for the background. I had a fun time advertising the premium content and having Isaiah guilt his congregation into subscribing or donating because I think that’s what he’d do.

Second, I created a commercial for Isaiah Beacon Ministries, and I once again used an AI voice generator for the commercial voice. Originally, I was just going to make a commercial that just advertised service times and to increase church attendance. I then realized that Isaiah’s media empire is bigger than just services, so I expanded a bit to include the media offerings as well as the services. I was going to end the commercial after she mentions the educational content, but then I thought it would be funny to advertise a homeschool product launch so parents can safely raise their children in a pro-AI environment. This is pretty on par for Isaiah as he’s always looking ahead towards the future, so he may as well indoctrinate the children now. I once again using more uplifting, electronic music for the background.

Week 8 Summary

This was a fairly light week in terms of work, and I’m definitely not complaining!

My favorite assignment was the AI Pitch. It was actually very helpful looking through all of the AI on Rundown AI for my own research. I even downloaded an ecommerce tool to help me out at work by automating the process of writing a product description. I actually had an impromptu meeting with a developer who wanted to build an LLM for our website doing something similar, so I was grateful that I had already done some research on the topic and could ask more questions. I didn’t have any issues with this assignment and used it as an opportunity to expand the IBU (Isaiah Beacon Universe) by writing as his personal assistant.

Choosing my group was fairly straightforward, and I’m happy that it’ll be a lot easier to start now that we’ve begun communicating. I joined my group because I liked the idea to discuss AI from different perspectives. When thinking about my character and this idea, I definitely think that my character will be very confrontational with any anti-AI figures and will try to steal the show in general.

AI Pitch

I am an AI assistant pitching on behalf of Isaiah Beacon. He really wanted to be here to give the pitch himself, but as you all know, his super busy schedule simply precludes it. I believe that Beacon Media Ministries really ought to integrate the newest and greatest AI chatbot, Dante AI. I know that we already have a chatbot on our website, but Isaiah really wants to make sure a chatbot guides every facet of the user experience, which is why we wanted to integrate an additional one.

The biggest problem with AI integration for different businesses is properly inputting training data that is relevant to the company. Dante AI solves this problem by allowing you to upload your own media files, which includes websites, images, documents, etc., and Dante will create a chatbot for you with a chatbot trained on these media files.

Another perk of Dante is that it has analytics tracking infused into its chatbots, whereas with other chatbots you’d have to export this information to another service to view any growth. It is easy to share it onto our multitude of websites as well.

We wish to move forward with Dante AI, as it will give us a full chatbot integration with some additional perks.

Week 7 Summary

After a week filled with job interview prep and studying for midterms, I was very happy to have such a great week in DS 106! I really love all of the assignments that center around my character, Isaiah Beacon as he fits into this AI universe so well. I was fortunate enough not to run into any technical hiccups this week, which was very nice after last week.

Starting with the Daily Creates, I think that they went well this week. I think we got lucky and got a bunch of easy options. I particularly enjoyed looking through a bunch of puppy photos for the pure picture prompt. You can find all of my responses here.

The propaganda assignments came very naturally as Isaiah already owns a media empire that pumps out a lot of media. The PSA assignment was probably my favorite assignment, as the idea of a robot political advertisement made me laugh. I also enjoyed having the robot slip up in his script and then restart because this added a more comedic, human element. You can find that assignment here. Likewise the propaganda assignment happened fairly easily as well. I got lucky enough to find a graphic on Canva that perfectly matched what I was looking for. The catchphrase for the poster also came to me easily, and I think in the end it all looked very nice together. You can find that assignment here. The reactions assignment also went well, and I had a fun time getting into the head space of Isaiah and relaying his reactions to each of the poster. My favorite one was definitely from the Hurkle-Durkling blog. You can find that assignment here.

Overall, a very good and fun week of assignments!

Propaganda Reactions

I chose three pieces of propaganda for Isaiah Beacon to react to, one that’s anti-AI and two that’s pro-AI. Starting with the anti-AI propaganda, Xander’s poster is particularly critical of Aggressive Technologies due to being fired from them in the past. Isaiah would say that Xander was likely a lazy employee who didn’t know how to be efficient enough. With the growing power of AI, it is essential for employees like Xander to be able to compete and cooperate with AI.

Isaiah appreciated Josh’s sticker as it shows the full power of Aggressive Technologies and their forward thinking innovations. Isaiah is impressed with Josh’s hardworking ethic and incredible intelligence, and he is eagerly waiting for the flying cars.

Finally, Isaiah really loved Lady Alice’s poster as it portrays a future that Isaiah wishes to see. Isaiah believes that the intermixing of AI and humans are the best thing for the survival of the human race. Isaiah has some more traditional values as well so he loves the Normal Rockwell inspiration. I believe that Isaiah would have this hanging above his dining room table.