This week was the week of January, 15th, 2024- January, 19th, 2024. This week I learned a lot in all of my new courses but especially so in my Digital Studies course. This week I set up my Domain, registered it, and even posted. I learned how to set links for buttons on my home page and how to customize my blog! I still have more to learn but I am excited to learn more about how I can be a creator online and how to tell my story better.
Setting up my domain took the longest amount of time, and it really was frustrating learning how to use new software. At first, I couldn’t find a name for my site and I spent an hour researching what I could do to make a name click for me. Then after I found a site name it was taken and I had to find another site name that was similar and available. After setting up my domain, and registering it with the school and the course blog, the real work began. I had to download things and watch a lot of YouTube tutorials to even get started.
I created a look for my blog that I absolutely love as a base and look forward to tweaking it to make it better later also how this is a space for me to show my thoughts even though it is for a grade at the moment. For a while, I couldn’t figure out how to edit blog posts and tried editing them on the website editing page, but then finally I saw the blog posts button on my dashboard. After I learned how the software works, I enjoyed everything about setting up my blog. Below you can find the blog posts that I worked on this week!