Author Archives: Kelli

Group Work 1

The progress and process of my group has been challenging for me. I am not much of a group worker, especially when we cannot meet in person. I am not enjoying the process of working in the group because it seems as though the other two group members are teaming up to do the script…I feel like I am not doing enough for the project. I made sure to let my group members know that I am here to help however, I do not want to step on anyone’s toes. I do not even know if the radio show will have different kinds of voices because my group members are not communicating that well…I guess we will see what it ends up being like next week.

Our group has worked out that Peter and Rishi will work on the script, and I was going to create the logo and the name of the Radio show. We will each be doing a radio bumper and a commercial. We have three people in our group so that part was easy to figure out.

The different kind of tools I have used to far in making the radio bumper and commercial was:

Even though this was an audio project I found it easier to use Clip Champ because I have used it so many times, so I worked smarter and not harder by using this software than Audacity. So far, this project is going well for the different assignments I have been doing. I made sure to create audio assignments that my group could use for the Radio Show.

Flying Cars Commercial

The first thing I started with was a script I wanted my commercial to say. I knew that I wanted to add Artificial Intelligence along with Aggressive Technologies. Down below is the script I used for this commercial:

NOW!  Introducing an affordable flying car! Josh is giving away flying cars to the first 3 people to call 1-800-fly-cars. With their new Artificial Intelligence navigation and voices to make you never feel like you are the only passenger in the car.  With only having to pay 200 a month to Aggressive technologies, this car is the breakthrough of public transportation for the sky!

*talks fast*: 200 a month for 5 years, no warranty, tires for the road are not included and you will have to pay your own insurance. Colors are limited edition year to year.

Call or go online to buy yours now!

After I got my wording down for this assignment, I used FreeSound to find this audio:

I then moved back to my script, and I put it in Natural Readers and recorded it on my phone. I then emailed myself the audio of the script. Once that step was completed, it was time to push the two audios together using ClipChamp. I was able to successfully create my commercial for the ds106 Radio Show.

This assignment was very easy because I have done this before, but it was more of a PSA and it had images that were connected. Which made the commercial way easier in my opinion!

Bumpin Along

I first started with the Radio Bump by looking at some good songs I could use to give the feeling that the song was on the radio. However, this proved to be more difficult because all the sounds that are on Freesound are weird sounds and not someone actually singing a song. So, I ended up settling for the audio below:

She had a lovely voice and it was very calming and then came the easy part in my opinion because I have websites I stick with when I create audios.  The first thing I did was open up a Word and I started typing a little script on what I would like the host to talk about:

(guy online(natural)) Host: Good evening, thank you for joining us today while we listen to Ds106 Radio. We have a special guest to talk to us about AI technology. Josh take it away.

(Christopher online natural)) Josh: Thank you for inviting me to the beloved DS106 Radio! We can change every single pitch on DS106 Radio if we want to but of course will not change the lovely song that is playing.

After I created the wording I put it into Natural Readers. Then I chose the voices I wanted and recorded it on my phone. Once I got the audio from my phone to the computer, I put all the audio into Clipchamp. I chopped up the clips, formed them together and made sure the music was not overpowering what the host of the radio was saying.

All in all this assignment took me about 2 hours to complete. Which is not that bad from start to finish however that does not include me typing all of this.

Week 8

Each week I open this class workload expecting to be on my computer for 15 hours plus like what we were doing at the start of the semester. However each time I open it, and I see it is only a couple of things to get done, I get happy. The reason I get happy when I open this class workload is because I have come so far since the beginning to now.

I was honestly thinking about dropping this class, but I am happy that I stayed. This class has been so much fun and creative. I have learned so much about different things like creating videos, sounds, and websites.

This class is everything I wanted, and I am happy that I stayed to see the beauty in this class.

Week eight was so much fun letting my mind and fingers flow onto a word document. We were asking to create a tool that Aggressive Technologies would want to work with and or acquire it. I made mine as a letter style which you are able to read about down below by clicking the picture:

The next assignment we needed to do for the week would be complete three daily creates which by now everyone should know they are my favorite thing about this class.

Letter to Aggressive Technologies

Good evening Aggressive Technologies,

My name is Josh and I currently work here as a mechanic for flying cars. I was the one who got picked up by you all about 5 years ago. Durning my time here, working with different kind of technologies, I have noticed that we do indeed need more updated Artificial Intelligence within the company.

Right now, all of the AI voices that we are giving the people sound like robots. That is not what the people want to hear. The people have spoken many times before telling us that the voices are our downfall, and we need to fix that. We need to make the buyers want more! If we fix this issue then Aggressive Technologies will be able to gain more money as well as buyers.

I have found a solution, however, in order to make money we have to spend money. Natural Readers wrote me yesterday stating:

Hello Josh,

We see that you are working with Aggressive Technologies, and we would like to offer you our database and our whole website. The world knows that Aggressive Technologies vocal AI is not the best as of right now. We focus on using different types of voices to help people follow along reading, but I think our website would be able to help with the company’s problem at hand. Our offer to you would be two percent cash of each flying car that you sell if you put our voices in the cars. We can also talk about using the different voices for other projects that are in the makes as well. Please feel free to reach out to us if you and your company is interested.

Thank you for your time,

Natural Readers.

I have investigated this website, and I am here to say that I believe we need to jump on this offer because it will help them out, so they do not go out of business. This company has declined very fast because they only have a few voices that sound real and others that still have the robot sound to them.

Aggressive Technologies, we could pick out the good voices they do have and then do a counteroffer of 1.5% of each car. I believe this is what we have been waiting for, a breakthrough like this could really improve our profit. We could put anything that needs to be said in the box so the phrases could be endless. Our cars would have unique voices in them making them stand out against the other flying cars company.  

Please consider this and contact me back or if you would like to talk to me in person, you know where you will find me.

Thank you for your time,


Knowing More about Aggressive Technologies

I have to say that I clicked on three different websites that were kind of hard to navigate so I ended up leaving them because I could not find their PSA.

However, I think that Josh and Dr. Ravioli should team together to create cars and moped. Dr. Ravioli really has something special so far that no one else seem to understand other than Josh. Wanting to learn more about Dr. Ravioli moped PSA, here is their website:

That will take you directly to the PSA. Thank you Dr. Ravioli, I hope you and josh will be able to speak to each other soon!

Maybe after Josh and Dr. Ravioli talk they can try to turn around Xander from not having a good experience with Aggressive Technology into a better one. Xander thinks that this company has not been treating their employees well but needless to say that Aggressive Technologies helped Josh get out of his small hometown and gave him the greatest opportunity of his life. By clicking the button you can hear more about Xander PSA.

Then we have Leila, which also had a bad run in with Aggressive Technology and you can bring up their PSA by clicking on the picture.

I guess Josh was one of the lucky few that has his pockets lined with cash. I am hoping that Josh does not get laid off and the company will take away his money that he has earned.

I think that with most companies, everyone has good and bad reviews. Depending on where you are working within the company will depend on how much you enjoy working for said company.

7th Week in a Row

This week we were asking to create history based items. I hate history, anything that has to do with it. I did however, complete all my assignment this week. Which the assignments were only two of them because I do not really count the daily creates because they do not take much time.

The first assignment was to create propaganda that was based on artificial intelligence or Aggressive Technologies. I chose to incorporate both in which you can see below. I created a sticker intended to be on a car.

If you want to know more about the design you can click on the sticker.

Next, we needed to create a Public Service Announcement which proved to be more difficult than I had intended. But down below is the finished product.

Both of these assignment were over all fun but, the video was frustrating to create.

For the last “assignment” was my 3 daily creates

Thank you for joining me again and reading my words and thoughts!

*P.S. if you would like to read about others view on Aggressive Technologies you can view my post here.

Hey Everyone, Listen to this!

This is my PSA for Aggressive Technology featuring Josh, the mechanic. In my video they talk about their flying cars and how the government will respond to this new technology. Losing money on gas as well as roads will become vacant.

In the video I used a lot of different kinds of videos to create mine which are listed below:

I used a YouTube downloader to get my videos and sounds. After got them downloaded on my computer, I used my favorite website: Clipchamp to create new videos. I also made my Josh video and audio from Heygen.

Now I had to put them all together and find audio to get with the videos from YouTube. I wrote up a script and I went to natural reader. I typed out different scripts and chose different voices for each character in the video, including the narrator. I had to use the voice memos on my iPhone to record the audio from this website because if I just downloaded from the website, they were going to charge me.

Next I had to mash everything together using Clipchamp. Which was just a lot of play around, cutting videos putting different ones together, adding audio. I finally completed it and then I forgot about the music that needs to be in the background.

I contemplated going through the whole process of putting in the music. I was so tired, but I could not leave the job unfinished. I found a music sound on YouTube, and I just downloaded it as an MP3. If you want to listen to the full song, you can view that here:

Overall, it was not my best work. I was struggling to find videos that looked similar to the next and it was very challenging for me. Then I could not find a good animation for the people talking in my video and I gave up. Definitely not my beset work but I think I did an okay job.

Imagine. Innovate. Ignite.

The colors I used were a soft but powerful blue. During this class we learned that blue was used for future movies and or posters. When I saw all the blue in the background of the car, I knew this was the picture I wanted to use. I also made sure to incorporate my course character which would be Josh.

I used Josh because he is well known within Aggressive Technologies as a head leader for making cars fly. I tried to make him overpower the background picture to show that he owns this project. If you join Aggressive Technologies, you will be able to work with one of the best in Artificial Intelligence.

The emotional appeal would be excitement which is shown by all the scientific items coming the car. This shows that Aggressive Technologies has an idea and it showing the audience what they could be a part of.

Making of the sticker:

I knew that I wanted to incorporate my course character, Josh. Of course, I only have one picture of him, so I had to make it work somehow. I will say that I was not happy about this assignment because I completely do NOT understand propaganda. I never have and no matter how someone explains it to me, it just does not make sense. When I saw that I had to make one, I closed my laptop and now here we are a day later trying to come up with something.

I went to google once a again and I looked up phrases on “artificial intelligence”. Google once again did not disappoint. I went to Soocail and picked the phrase that really stuck with me which happened to be “Imagine. Innovate. Ignite with AI.” I thought to myself, perfect I am almost done. We needed different images and a place I can put it all together.

The image I used was a picture of Josh and I had to incorporate some sort of car in the propaganda. Since Josh was a mechanic, having the car in there was very important. I thought that Aggressive Technologies was trying to hire people that would work alongside Josh. I ended up using a website called Canva to put words and the pictures on the page.

I did a lot of layering and fading to create different kinds of “futuristic” look to the sticker.

3+3= Week 6

Boy oh boy, this week has been one for the books! This week I experienced something call brain frog. I struggled this week completing any of work for about 4 days straight. No work and no school I was stuck with trying to relax my mind so that I was able to get calm my brain.

With that being said, I need an extension on week 6 work for DS. Which I just finished it tonight:

I decided to Talk to the Bot, choice A. As soon as a read this assignment I knew it was for me to create. If you want to read my struggles and watch the outcome, you can click on my character’s picture down below.

Next thing on the to do list for this week was developing Josh! His back story you can access by clicking on the button below! Remember everyone has a past, try not to judge him because this is the first time you are meeting him!

Of course, the daily creates for this week!

Overall, it was a very light week and I really enjoyed creating the AI for Josh and putting a voice to a photo as well. It took a whole a lot of time trying to figure out a face and a voice all in one day, but I completed it with the best of my ability. I really wish I could have done it on time, but I am happy that our Professor was understanding. It made me wish we had this class in person.