Author Archives: Kelli

Where is SpongeBob?

Not sure why the beginning is so blurry… YouTube is way better looking.

My main objective was to have SpongeBob on the video and using characters from SpongeBob to make my whole video. I felt like I was restarting on my project but that is okay because I least I know that I can not use animation. I found my news person on YouTube, and I used the program in order to make him say different phrases. The phrases I used were my own wording, but I did the text to speech to get his voice. The news person was not hard because I was working with the program when we were first introduced to it, I did all of my problem solving back then.

During my making of this video, there was a lot of trial and error when it came to animation. Just so everyone knows and understand, you can NOT use animation in colab.research. I tried so many times and wasted so many hours thinking I was using the program wrong, so I started reading those error messages and it kept telling me a face was not found. It finally clicked. NO ANIMATION.

After I got the news person all finished, I started on Dr. Oblivion which was way easier than the news person because the video was already ready for me however I did put it into clipchamp to make the video shorter so it won’t take a super long time in the program. I was so excited that I was able to get the program to work so smoothly.

Next, I had to figure out what to do about my SpongeBob voice and video situation.

For the voice I used a website called which it did not have the best SpongeBob voice, but it was the only website that was not going to charge me, so I took it and ran with it. I just typed what I wanted him to say and in about 5 minutes I got it, and I was disappointed with how it sounded but I mean hey! It was free.

Here is the dialogue for the video: (This was the draft before starting the program and editing)

Introduction person: Welcome to the 5pm news and we start off by saying that Artificial Intelligence has the human society nervous because of how far technology is coming. We have many people upset or angry that now even Tv shows are making it seem like AI is good. We have tv shows like SpongeBob that is doing stand up comedy about AI.

*video of SpongeBob using: A son asks his father why does he speak so quietly at home?

The father replies because there is artificial intelligence that listens to everything we say.

The son laughs, the dad laughs… and Alexa laughs.

Introduction person: Aw yes, the square yellow guy that always makes young kids laugh are even telling jokes about AI. Who knows if SpongeBob is good or not, Dr. oblivion would like to come onto the air.

  • What I asked Dr. Oblivion: Do you think AI is SpongeBob?

Dr. Oblivion: “Oh sure AI…

 Introduction person: Who knows for sure what will happen in the future but we know that SpongeBob square pants will never be lived down. Alrighty folks, that is everything for 5pm news. Have a good night!

For the video, as you may have noticed, there is no video of SpongeBob talking. I spent so much time and energy to find something, anything, and websites. All the accounts I created on the websites just for them to tell me that I need to pay. I hate to say that I gave up, but I gave up. I was running out of time for the assignment, so I had to think about something quickly and I thought, “you know how when you watch SpongeBob sometimes it is the tv static.” BAM! An idea. I was so excited.

I got the static from YouTube again and it helped connect my different parts together of my video. I also used two of the SpongeBob waiting time frame to really draw the SpongeBob vibe into my video without having the visual of him. But something was still missing from my video…ahh yes music in the background. I made sure to add the SpongeBob song while he is talking. I used the same song in the intro while the news person was talking just very quietly.

I got all the pieces I needed and then I had to put them together using clipchamp, which was not that bad, it was just a lot of clicking, deleting, moving around parts. It took me about 2 hours to complete all of the editing, transitions, and rewatching of the video.

All in all, I enjoyed the project, but it was a learning experience. After I finished it and I watched it for the final time, I was happy how it turned out but:

I will definitely give myself a hug because there would be a lot I would change now that I know how everything works with the program. I would add more dialogue talking about the static and make it connect to AI taking over the news show. Thank you to whoever read this post and watching my video.

Thank you to whoever read this post and for watching my video.

The Big Ones

I really enjoyed week 11 because it was more about participation in the class than it was work related. I do believe that my creativity has gone up a lot in this class and it makes my heart happy because I used to be able to create and use my imagination all the time. However, when you start growing up all that imagination you once had slowly fades away.

It now feels like my imagination is coming back to life and looking into Artificial Intelligence and what it has to offer the world is a crazy thing to think about.

This week we had to listen to at least one other group radio show…I ended up listening to all of them because I was so fascinated to hear what everyone else was able to create. Down below is a button you can click on if you want to listen and read my thoughts about the shows.

The other main assignment we were asked to complete was an outline for a video we will be working on for week 12. I have a very rough draft here. I am not too sure about the requirements that I need to meet when it comes to the time frame, but I might switch it up if the professor asks for 3 minutes.

Of course, it would not be called a daily create if we did not do it each week.

My three daily creates are right below:

On the go With the Radio

I was able to attend all the shows this week, which to me is a great thing because I missed the first broadcast we did because of work. This time I made sure to let my work that I needed to leave at 6:30pm to make it to these shows on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

On Monday we listened to Ravioli Radio and Logic Pod. I was excited that most of the class was able to join this and there were a lot of people that were commenting on discord. The first podcast we listening to was Logic Pod and if you want to listen to it, it is below:

Durning their show I noticed that their Artificial Intelligence voice sounds so real. I was jealous that my Character does not sound as good. The music they used was also very entertaining and it worked will with their script. Over all for the first podcast everyone heard, they definitely set the bar high.

Next, we listened to Ravioli Radio which you can hear below:

I think right off the bat the name of the radio show is what caught most people attention. For some reason I connected the name with the movie Ratatouille. Their radio show was edited very well also with the breaking news and layering of audio. This was the radio show that really kept my attention throughout the podcast. The teamwork with this you could tell they all had a great time making it.

Tuesday rolled around and the two radio shows that came onto the air was Pop Perceptive and Three Point Chatter. The first one to air on Tuesday was Three Point Chatter.

This Podcast has an amazing opening to really catch our attention to the show that was about to start. As much as I loved the food commercials, they were not related to the podcast or theme of the podcast. Which is not all bad because sometimes the commercial is very different than what someone is viewing or listening to. The voices that were used where so calming but it did not make me go to sleep so that was good.

Next up was Pop Perceptive:

This one was very interesting to me because I was listening to the podcast through headphones and one part of the podcast was split through one ear. I could hear words in one ear and then in the other was music that was playing. I am not sure if that was meant to be that way. The robotic interference was very entertaining because I didn’t even know what was happening but I for sure kept my attention to the podcast.

Wednesday was the last two podcast which was Aggressive Testimonials and Digital Agencies. The first podcast to air was Aggressive Testimonials on DS106 Radio.

They used their own voices, and they were great! I am not sure how they did not mess up more than I would if I used my real voice. The background music was soft, but you can still here, and it was not over powering. The attitude and sarcasm had me laughing and gigging through most of the parts of the podcast.

Of course it was my groups podcast:

If you want to read my views on the show, I created you can click the button below:

Overall, I really enjoyed listening to the other groups and I made sure to attend all of them. On Monday I was in class, but I made sure to sign in and put in headphones and I am so happy that I attended. I personally think that they were in order with how well everyone did. So, Monday was the best of the best! I see now how other groups incorporated music and sounds into their talk show. I think that if we were to redo this group project, I would change the theme from podcast to more of a show without pictures. I really enjoyed the outcome of everyone’s hard work! Good job class!!


I will be using a video from an old episode from SpongeBob while he is doing standup comedy. I found this video to hopefully be easy to navigate. I am not sure if our video is supposed to be longer or shorter than 60 seconds.

The script will be funny jokes relating to AI and the crowd really is not enjoying it so he starts talking about Aggressive Technologies is a good place to work and the crowd thinks it is funny because a lot of people do not like them. However, Sandy is Josh’s girlfriend and she does not like being the only one in the room who believes in Aggressive Technologies.

Something along those lines but my mind is always changing on what I want to do. So things might change but I think it would be a fun thing to create and see how well it will work with the videos and audio I would be using.

Hopefully the video won’t take too long but you never know how long something will take in this class.

10 Weeks in a Row

This week was a wind whirl! There were so many moving parts and my group and I got everything finished by Wednesday! To me that is a record because I make sure everything is perfect before turning it in.

I will start by saying that working in a group was not for me. However, we did complete the Radio Show which you can listen to down below!

If you want to read how the two weeks went during this process you can click here

I also created a new bumper for the radio show and you can read about my journey creating the bumper that is in the radio show!

Next, we had to do two daily creates for this week. Which again is super fun and not really time consuming.

In total, the work load this week was light…on my end of things. I wish that this week could have gone differently but I am ready to move on. I hope next week will be enjoyable. Till next week.

The Better Radio Bumper

This is now my I think third radio bumper I have made so it was pretty easy to make using clip champ and natural readers.

This week I redid the bumper to use for the radio show because the bumper(connect with page to week 9 bumper) I had already created was not my best work. I throw that one out and I used this one.

I started this bumper with making some lines to use in natural reader:

“You are now listening to DS 106 Radio. Whether you are on the go or just sitting down, hopefully you are enjoying the talks and even the commercials, Some of the commercials in this radio are a great way to help business grow Including Aggressive Technologies, the main company right now to expand their Artificial Intelligence usage. We all know how AI is becoming a huge thing in the world today, which is what The Digital Agencies Podcast will mention. Now back to the main show.”

(Emma online natural) 

After I recorded the lines then I headed over to FreeSound and I found this incredible sound:

Of course, I head over to Clip Champ to put them all together. Which gave me this amazing audio and I believe it turned out great! However, I am unsure what exactly happened, but the music was supposed to play through the entire bumper but that was not the case. I had sent it to my group to use for the radio show and no one said anything about it missing music…maybe they just thought it was supposed to be like that.

When I was listening to the radio show and my bumper came on I knew that I had messed it up somehow. I asked my group if I should fix it and they said no it was okay. Deep down though, I wanted to fix it so badly. I did not want the person who put together all the sounds to redo the radio show because I sent them a bad audio, so I did not bother asking them again.

All in all, I really enjoyed making this and if I had not messed up, this would have been my best one yet…in my opinion!

Still Wanting to Fit in

This week was all about putting it together. I used Natural Readers to convert my lines into an AI voice. I am female with having a male character so this was very important for me to complete. To me this was the easy part because the lines were already typed so it was really:

  1. Copy line
  2. Paste onto the Natural Readers
  3. Record voice onto phone
  4. Send over phone recording to email
  5. Put it into chip champ

After I did all of that my lines did not even equal the 6 minutes which was needed to make the time frame. I had to redo some lines and make them longer but that did not take up much time.

I also redid my bumper because I felt like it did not go with the show.

Here is the old bumper:

Here is the new bumper:

I feel like the new bumper is way better but I wish I had put the music all the way through. By the time I noticed the music did not go all the way through, it was in the radio show already and I did not want to be that person to ask them to put in a different one. That was bad on my part 100% I should have double checked it.

The next day I was sent the final project through Discord because that is where my group and I were discussing the project at hand. Rishi (one of my group members) had put all of the audios together and made it one talk show. However, I did notice a few little details that needed to be made but he made sure to quickly edit the audio.

My first reaction was “oh they were using their real voices and reading off of the script.” I was not expecting that at all! I felt so out of place again; using an AI voice, it made my character stick out like a sore tongue. I ended up asking my group if I should redo my part and maybe have someone that is a male to read my script, but they said AI was okay.  

Then I got nervous because after I complete an assignment I always check to make sure I had all the requirement made and sure enough something caught my attention.

“It must not be just a recording of a conversation.”

The reason this had me nervous was because our radio show was a talk show with no background noise or anything really at all other than us talking. Of course, we had the bumpers and the commercials which all had sound with them, but man was my hands sweating. I ended up emailing the professor about this issue I was worried about.

I was told to write about it and here it is:

At the beginning of this project, I felt pushed aside because I could tell the two people I was working with were actually discussing things without me. How? Who knows, maybe they were friends, maybe they had other classes together. I do not know but one thing I do know is that I started the discord with them and there was no communication from them until I was TOLD that they were going to write the script and I just need to create a logo and record mine lines.

Once I had a chance to open discord since making it, I was stunned. I was kind of upset because they did not want my input on the plot or lines. The time I read they were going to make the lines, the intro was already made…I did not read the intro at this time but instead I offered my help but they did not want it.

Fast forward a little bit, I told them I did not feel like we were all on the same page and I asked them to find a time where we can all talk about the script and once again, they said no… at this moment I gave up working with them. I kept my head down and recorded the lines they gave to me. I will say they asked me if I wanted to add anything but at the time there was nothing I could do.

They made it into a talk show…Not much you can add if someone has it already finished. I gave them my bumper and my commercial and they put everything together creating the radio show. Again, I was stunned, they used their real voice and my character was AI created so they sound very very different, not once did they tell me that they were using their real voice. However, I did not tell them I was using AI. Just bad communication.

I brought up the fact of redoing the whole show over again with a different plot and they turned that down really quick. I do understand that they put in a lot of time and effort however, I know this is not what the professor wanted and it makes me upset knowing that we could do better. At this time it was Wednesday, I told them because I want to redo it that I will do all the lines and editing but they did not want their effort to get throw away. (I completely understand this). We sent it into canvas and now we hope for the best.

I feel as though I was the odd ball out and it really sucked. I have been looking forward to this project ever since we found out about it and I feel like I was let down by my group in every way possible. I had no creativity in this project, and I am a very creative person so to just watch it all happen was depressing and stressful. I really hope we do not get stuck with the same group, and I say that in the nicest way possible. I am sure they are great people who did not mean for this project to make me feel pushed to the side.

All in all. I loved the idea of working in a group for the radio show, but I know the result could have been better. Here’s to another week…I guess.

Trying to Fit into Week 9

This week was a very different pace for me. Dealing with group work without knowing or even having met them was proving to have me defeated. The reason I say this is because I was dependent on other people and not just my work. None the less, everything got done in time for this Friday.

In this week I was given two audio assignments which I completed to the best of my ability. I thought that I did well on both, however, I think I might redo my radio bumper. I am happy with the assignment, but I want to change it for the radio show because I feel like it does not fit in that well. The other assignment I did was an audio commercial which was fun, and it challenged the creative side of my mind. Down below are both assignments which I put my audio in SoundCloud.

If you want to learn how this was created click Here.
If you want to learn how this was created click Here.

Next our professor wanted to know how the progress and process of the actual radio show was going which you are able to read as well if you click the button below.

Since we are creating a radio show, of course we had to create a design which you can read about how I created it if you click on the picture below.

With all of these assignments we had our famous thing we do each week: Daily Creates. However this week we only had to do three. I remember at the beginning of this class we were doing five a week. I do not miss those times…well maybe a little bit because they are my favorite thing in the class.

Till next week.

Radio Show Logo

I have decided to have a logo that was simple so the public would be able to easily remember the logo that is connected to the Radio Show. I saw the eye in the logo and the catch phrase came to me so easily, “Showing The World Through A New Eye.” I chose this catch phrase because in the Radio we are talking about Artificial Intelligence and how it is changing the world. The Radio Name that I came up with was “The Digital Agencies Podcast.” This name came from our group since all of our course characters all work in different companies.

For this assignment I used two different kinds of tools to make life easy on me:

Brand Crowd helped me choose a free design. I feel like I did the assignment backwards because now as I am reflecting on my process, I should have found a name for the Radio Show first and then looked up a designed. I went through so many pages trying to a good design which paid off because my eyes was automatically drawn to the one, I am using.

Next was deciding a catch phrase which was fun to think about, and it matched so perfectly to the logo I had already picked out. I did not use a tool for this because the words came to me so smoothly and easily.

Finally, was picking out a name for our Radio Show which I used River Side to help me out. There were a lot of trials and errors using this site. Most of the suggestions it gave me were one word. I knew that I wanted a full name and not just “A.” I typed everything into that little box: “AI”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Aggressive Technologies”, and finally when I typed “Digital storytelling” is when I was able to find the name that I thought fit our group.

On Brand Crowd you can edit what you want the logo to say. I put our radio name into the biggest text and then slogan underneath and BAM! Assignment completed. The use of these tools made my way easier than I could have imagined. I guess that is why they are tools. 😊