Being able to check in and reflect on yourself is important. If you want to continue to grow and become a better version of yourself then it’s important to check in and reflect on yourself and what you want. So here is my own personal wellness check.
What worries me most about the future?
Well for one I don’t even like the word worry. So, I want to pose this question differently and answer it that way.
What is something that I want for my future self?
(Doesn’t that sound more positive) I want to finish my degree and graduate. I know that was probably a generic answer but understand I have been in school off and on for a few years now and one thing I know that I can say I want for myself is to graduate and finish school.
What do I want most in life?
Answering this question like it is is hard. I feel like as you grow up and get older the things you want change and were all just getting to know each other here. Maybe I spill all the beans on my wants in another post. Give me a few more weeks here.
What’s something that I want right now?
To be promoted at work would be great.
When did I last push passed my comfort zone?
Actually, last semester when I took public speaking. I’m not someone that likes to talk a lot in front of people and I managed to get a A in that class.
What goals do I need to have to get where I want to be?
I need to have good time management skills, good communication skills, a strong work ethic, and to be a overall good student to maintain my grades.
Until next everyone!