Author Archives: Its_Senpai

Brainstorm/Radio show ideas!

ok so first bear me through out these ideas folks!

I think it would be cool if we did some sort of radio segment groups that include all of our course characters. Let me further expand on this. Small groups of three to four course characters would be assigned to a specific segment to talk about, Movies and TV, pop culture, things happening around campus, student life etc… We could use AI to generate their image and audio for there voice’s and during the segment the characters would all banter with one another and discuss the segment topic. To make it even more interactive students in class can submit questions for the characters to ask one another and they could give their opinions for their perspective.

Another thought is something along the lines of a talk show segment. A course character would be invited to another course characters radio show, and they could be interviewed about their life, likes, dislikes, and current happenings. Since everyone has a course character that’s so vastly different, I think it would be cool to see what everyone comes with!

Week three weekly summary

Well, that’s a wrap on week three. I really enjoyed being able to tap into the design side of things and continue to use some of my creative side. I would say this week was a bit lighter compared to last week in comparison to the number of blog post, but I appreciate the level of creativity I was able to use with the visual and design assignments we got to choose to form as well as doing the AI assignment. To be honest AI is something I never gave a lot of thought about until we had to do this assignment. It was definitely interesting learning more about it and exploring the databases. It’s definitely a fun concept but like I stated in the blog post about it. AI can never truly replace an artist. It was also pretty insightful learning about the level of work and detail that went into creating movie posters. I had originally assumed they just wanted to depict cool images from the movie and put it on the poster for marketing and promotion but that not the complete case and now going forward I’m going to pay more attention to when I look at a movie poster and appreciate them a bit more. Overall, I really enjoyed this week’s course work and I look forward to next week’s assignments and continuing to tap into my creative side! Thanks for reading. Until next time.


I created most of my images in Canva because I was prompted to make my photos, so I made them in canvas and took a picture of a not technological tool. I did it in under 20 minutes!

Daily Crate 02/01/24

What would my walkup song be? Well I feel like a walkup song is all about getting the crowd hype and motivated and a song that always gets me hype when I listen to it is eye of the tiger so thats what I would go with!

The Lions Corner

For the assignment Demystifying AI, I chose two AI generated images from the platforms Adobe Firefly and Bing. The assignment suggested to choose an iconic person, but I wanted to do something a bit different and go with a animal that I think is pretty iconic. Doing this assignment allows us to ask the question or to simply ponder the effects of using AI images.

The first image was the image that was generated in Bing images, and I think this is the more realistic image and it really represents how beautiful and majestic the lion really is. When comparing it to the second image, the adobe generated image gives it more of an artistic type of vibe with the background and almost makes it look like a painting more so than a lion in its natural element. I do think both of the generators capture the essence of the lion. Even though both lions are laying down you still can see the strength in her eyes, and there confident domineer.

On to the second images. I asked the AI generator to present two lions that are sleeping. I think these images are even better than the first. For one two lions sleeping are just as scary if they were awake and walking around. Let’s just take the time to appreciate how large their paws look and how intimidating their faces are even while there sleeping. The first image is generated by Bing while the second image is generated by Adobe firefly. I think they both did a great job at giving a picture of what a lion would look like sleeping in its natural element in the wild. The lion looks at peace and relaxed but I’m sure the second it wakes up its ready to go and do what a lion does best. Its interesting comparing the AI generators because in the first image above I think the Bings portrayal of Lion is more realistic while the Adobe firefly image looks like a painting. When viewing the sleeping images of lions, I think the Adobe Firefly image looks more realistic than the Bing Image. The distinct difference in the Lions Mane. In the second image its looks like there’s a slight wind blowing, and the mane looks real and like photographer was able to get a great picture of a lion sleeping. The Bing image the Lions Mane looks more staged to me.

Nap time!

For the last images I went cartoon style and asked for the AI generated images to present a cartoon image of a Lion waiting to go to work at a bus stop. That is exactly what it did, and it looks like something straight from a cartoon. I appreciate the depictions of what the potential of a working Lion would look like. I think if a Lion had the ability to dress up and go to work then this is what a Lion would look like. A sharp and crisp suit. Well-manicured and put together. I like how in the first image generated by Bing the Lion is looking at his watch. It is giving the vibes that he has an important meeting to get to and the bus needs to hurry up and get him. While the second image gives the vibe of, he’s ready for his workday.

Overall if I had to pick an image that was the worst, I would say it was the very first image that Adobe Firefly presented. When I asked for a image of a lion it gave a image of Lion that looked like a painting which isn’t what I asked for. It did give the picture of a lion and his cub, but it looked more like a piece of art. The most impressive image would have to be the second image generated by Adobe Firefly and that is the one of the lions sleeping. I really liked how it looked like the lion’s mane was blowing in the wind, and it was the most realistic photos out of all of the lion images. I don’t think AI generated images have any threat to artist. For one you can tell when an image looks fake or generated and no matter how realistic an image looks you can still tell that it’s not something that’s real or Authentic. A piece of art gives a different appeal then AI does. You can tell the rawness, effort, beauty, and effort in a piece of artwork. Compared to AI with images that are fun and a bit out of the box but that’s just what its AI is fun and out of the box. It can’t compare to the work of artist.

All four seasons!

In Canva I created what I think of when I think of all four seasons for one of the visual assignments. My course character favorite season of them all is the fall! Since Layla loves to spend her time at coffee shops, she loves to spend time trying out new fall inspired drinks. I created an additional image that represents a bit of Layla’s favorite season aesthetic.

Design Thoughts

I found it really fascinating the level of work and details that go into creating things like movie posters and introduction scenes to some of what are favorite movies and tv shows are. There’s also color patterns in genres of movies that something I never really paid any attention to. I never really thought about the colors being tied to a particular genre of movies. Also, when it comes to the clothes the characters are wearing, it was pointed out in the interview that the kind of clothes the character wears gives the audience an idea of what kind of character that he/or she is going to be.

From details of how the starts are positioned on the poster from above the movie title or below the title gives the impression that the budget for that movie is particularly high or low. There are colors used that clearly will grab a viewer’s attention and a message that is trying to be conveyed. I honestly thought movie posters were just means to promote the movie and try and get people to come out and watch. The idea of there being more to the poster and there’s a incredible amount of detail that goes into creating them is really cool.

When it comes to tv show introductions we all have our own personal tv shows where we never skip the introduction because the song and the graphics are just too good to skip. I can appreciate the level of art and talent that creators put into making them just as great as the show itself.