Author Archives: Home of Confusion

Daily Create #1 Week 9

We all know 007, so for this create we had to make agent 106. I always wanted to see a mix on an IP man and James Bond like movie or series, so I made agent 106 Asian and here is how it came out.

Not quite how I wanted but I liked the aesthetic this one made with the dark tones and low face. I would want the Asian agent to be an expression of the Zen culture and use classic fighting techniques and old guns like a revolver and maybe he grew up with Bruce Lee who knows.

Week 8 Summary

This week started with me joining my group for the upcoming audio assignments Im excited about. My group has a good theme and I think it will create an open podcast type vibe. It was alos nice reading and writing on other peoples ideas for their shows. From there I made and posted my daily creates and enjoyed messing around with different AI’s for those. Those three will be linked below. Then I did the AI sales pitch assignment in which I pitched the idea of screw together skis which was a funny episode from Curb Your Enthusiam. In the show Larry David gets backlash for it and it was called a dumb idea but ChatGPT didnt think so, they liked it and thought it was innovative. It was a short week but it felt better to be back. The past weeks I was undisciplined as I got busy doing research for my psychology research team. It was a goal I had not to do that but I did and just have to move on and not do it again. Im looking forward to these upcoming weeks, though! All my work is linked below!

Daily Create for Week 8 #1

Everyone is addicted to something. What is something you could not go one day without and why?

Mine would realistically be eating and drinking water, but besides that it would be training for CrossFit/working out. I do go days without training but I hate them especially if they are not a well deserved rest day and I’m not sore or tired. This is an expression for me and if I don’t do it for a while I bottle things up and get angry. I could go forever without a phone and be alone all day, but without activity for my mind and body to connect I cannot live.

Screw on Skis: Curb Your Enthusiasm

I decided to take a funny idea from an episode of Larry David’s show Curb Your Enthusiasm in which he came up with an idea to have skis that screw together like pool cues. So I used an AI generator for both creating my pitch and one to pitch it to. For making the pitch I used and asked ChatGPT what they thought. This is what is gave me:

Tired of struggling to carry your skis around? With our revolutionary new screw-open-and-closed skis, you’ll never have to worry about it again! These skis are just as easy to carry as a pool cue, so you can focus on enjoying your time on the slopes. Made with the highest quality materials, our skis are built to last and provide you with the best possible skiing experience. So what are you waiting for? Order your pair of screw-open-and-closed skis today!

And here is ChatGPT’s response:

Your pitch sounds intriguing! Highlighting the convenience and durability of your skis is a great approach. You might also consider emphasizing any unique features that set your skis apart from traditional designs, such as ease of transport and innovative technology.

Avengers Assembled

This week we assembled groups for our upcoming radio show audio projects. I got to the sheet a bit late but immediately eyed a group that was going to talk about pop culture/characters/movies and immediately wanted that one. I believe it was formed by Latifah and she was kind enough to let me join in. I’m excited about getting to talk about something I recently got big into (movies) this past year and hoping to work with some fine peers of mine. I think my group ended up in total being me, Latifah, Leila, Tubba, and Reese. I’m also excited to see everyone else’s creations. Wishing you all the best.

Clueless Captain Felix

On the Valentines Day daily create we were to create a story or reason to why mister Captain Felix here was so happy or what his expression means. To me he looks happy because he is clueless to everything going on around him and he is at peace because he is getting ready to fly. He finds peace in the sky and that is where he is headed after they capture this flick. His expression shows the simplicity to happiness and proposes rather that complicated happiness is the one thing that pushes people farther away from it. We all can strive to be more like Captain Felix. Do what makes you happy like him!

Notorious B.I.G. or Notorious S.M.A.L.L?

For the daily create on Tuesday we had to take two antonyms and make a picture or drawing to illustrate the pun we wanted to make. I personally am a big 90s hip hop guy so immediately I thought of Biggie Smalls, or the Notorious B.I.G., who was a pretty big guy, and a version himself in a smaller stature, making him the Notorious S.M.A.L.L. Both can be seen below!


I would say I’m somewhat on track with my goals. I haven’t been as disciplined as I would have liked so far in this class, but my goals of learning my way around the technology, learning to be more competent with it and having some fun whilst doing so has been accomplished to a decent degree. But at the same time, to say I have been on track wouldn’t be true. This being the reality, I would say my goals have changed, or more so rearranged, to being more disciplined with the assignments and work first and learning the skills and having fun will come embedded with that.

I would say I feel better about the course. I still don’t think I’m very good at what the course entails, but I actually glad this a course where learning is prioritized and not just a letter grade. I also like how the assignments and grading truly displays that that is the goal of the course.