This week has gone really nicely, in my opinion. I’ve finished all of this first week’s BootCamp assignments successfully. I started by familiarizing myself with the semester’s structure by reading the syllabus. I then made an account on Mastodon, joined the class discord, and planned a meeting with the professors. I was fortunate enough because WordPress was already installed, and to have created a domain in a prior class, which allowed me to log in and begin working in this one. After that, I registered a blog on the main ds106 website and wrote two blog entries discussing my objectives for this course and my review of the movie.
I had a little issue since I was trying to put all of my posts on a new page called “ds106” on my domain, but instead all of my articles were going to my main homepage. My postings will now all be grouped together since I decided to put them into a ds106 category after discovering that you cannot categorize posts to specific pages on WordPress. I think my favorite part of this week’s assignments was the movie review which involved seeing Iron Man, which is one of my all-time favorites. See my film review where I examined Tony Stark’s AI system, J.A.R.V.I.S., which enables him to accomplish nearly all of his tasks.
I don’t believe I would change any of the work I turned in regarding these BootCamp assignments. I know that getting things set up the first week is essential for future success in this course, so I tried to be quite thorough with the work I finished. I don’t believe I have any larger issues with my work. I don’t currently have questions about the course.