Author Archives: ds106 – Peter Leese’s Domain

Weekly Summary

This week has gone really nicely, in my opinion. I’ve finished all of this first week’s BootCamp assignments successfully. I started by familiarizing myself with the semester’s structure by reading the syllabus. I then made an account on Mastodon, joined the class discord, and planned a meeting with the professors. I was fortunate enough because WordPress was already installed, and to have created a domain in a prior class, which allowed me to log in and begin working in this one. After that, I registered a blog on the main ds106 website and wrote two blog entries discussing my objectives for this course and my review of the movie. 

I had a little issue since I was trying to put all of my posts on a new page called “ds106” on my domain, but instead all of my articles were going to my main homepage. My postings will now all be grouped together since I decided to put them into a ds106 category after discovering that you cannot categorize posts to specific pages on WordPress. I think my favorite part of this week’s assignments was the movie review which involved seeing Iron Man, which is one of my all-time favorites. See my film review where I examined Tony Stark’s AI system, J.A.R.V.I.S., which enables him to accomplish nearly all of his tasks. 

I don’t believe I would change any of the work I turned in regarding these BootCamp assignments. I know that getting things set up the first week is essential for future success in this course, so I tried to be quite thorough with the work I finished. I don’t believe I have any larger issues with my work. I don’t currently have questions about the course.

ds106 Goals

My goal is to fully engage my creative side of the brain throughout this class. I want to be able to reflect on this class’s digital media work and say, “Wow, how did I think to do something like this?” I consider myself to be a rather straightforward person overall, which is why I’d like to be more creative and explore new concepts. Additionally, I want to learn more about the programs and technology that we will be using in this session. Since I haven’t taken many computer science or digitally focused classes in the past, I think this class will be able to contribute a lot of knowledge. I previously completed a course that required weekly blog entries, which let you reflect on your week’s activities. This part of the class is one that I already know I will enjoy since it forces you to take a look back and appreciate all that you have accomplished. It’s time to showcase my innovative and imaginative ideas for this semester!

Film Review

I decided to watch the AI-related movie Iron Man. The artificial intelligence (AI) in the Iron Man film is J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System). Although I have already seen this Marvel film, it seems to get better and better every time I see it. This movie holds a particular place in my heart because I was just a kid when I first saw Iron Man with my dad and was in awe of everything that he was capable of. I think part of the reason I love Marvel so much now is because this was the first Marvel movie I ever watched! It never gets old seeing him construct his first Iron Man suit while under terrorist captivity. Needless to say, this was only the first of his several recognizable Iron Man outfits that the world has grown to love. Growing older has made me even more of an admirer of Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Iron Man; nobody plays the character more clever and witty than him. This particular film has a significant part in the Iron Man series and a bigger part in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

As previously mentioned, J.A.R.V.I.S. is the primary artificial intelligence system utilized in Iron Man. To put it briefly, Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, developed J.A.R.V.I.S. as a tool to assist him in a variety of duties. All of the data and information that Tony Stark can observe in real time while wearing his suit is referred to as artificial intelligence. Iron Man can fly, fire weapons, and defend against attacks without the need for manual intervention thanks to the AI built into his armor. Throughout the film, it is also demonstrated that J.A.R.V.I.S. can develop from Iron Man’s experiences and change in response to feedback. Tony Stark communicates with J.A.R.V.I.S. through voice command, which is essentially AI as well. Finally, one application of AI is the way J.A.R.V.I.S. protects Tony Stark’s technologies and suit. Overall, J.A.R.V.I.S. offered a wide variety of AI throughout the film, which is particularly impressive considering that, at the time the film was released in 2008, not much of this technology was existent. The Iron Man character was able to realize his full potential as a superhero thanks to J.A.R.V.I.S.