Author Archives: Cinder

My Creative Journey: Week 7


For week 7 I was able to once again use my newly learned photo and video editing skills. In my post You Are What You Eat I created a propaganda poster. For video editing I made a digital news article in my post called Breaking News. Lastly, I made a post called Runa Reacts where I have my character comment with her own fake Twitter account on other propaganda posters.

New Experiences and Discoveries

  • Used Canva for video editing
  • Learned how to make gifs
  • Used ArtBreeder
  • Used a Tweet generator

Daily Creates

This week I created 3 Daily Creates which can be found in my post called Inside My Creative Mind.

Inside My Creative Mind: Week 7

The Smolder

For this Daily Create I was supposed to create a gif from a scene from one of my favorite movies. I chose the Disney movie Tangled because it was my favorite to watch as a kid. For creating the gif I used MakeGif and added the captions Here comes the smolder because that is the funniest part from that scene.

My Daily Space

For this Daily Create I was supposed to show the opposite of my usual perspective every day. Normally I am sitting doing schoolwork on my laptop for hours so I took a picture from the backside.

Unexpected Fairy Tale

For this Daily Create I was supposed to write a fairy tale. For mine I chose to do the typical story about a prince rescuing a princess from a dragon in a tower, but I did mine with a twist by writing that the princess was the actual dragon who was just cursed into dragon form and was waiting on a prince to revert her back into human form.

Runa Reacts

Ever imagined how Runa Starr would react to propaganda posters? Well your dream has just come true! Here is Runa’s reaction if she had a Twitter account.

Poster from Liv it up with Liv

Poster from DK’s DS106 blog

Poster from Flower Bed

Bumper Sticker from Rebecca’s Radiant Realm


Since Runa Starr is a young adult I tried to think of what would she most likely use to comment on other people’s propaganda posters. Social media made the most sense so I used TweetGen which is a fake tweet generator that allowed me to write out her reactions as if it was a real account. I made sure to apply her personality to each post with emojis, big reactions, and using all caps to emphasize certain words.

Breaking News

Mass Shooting at West Highland Police Station

Warning: Due to video size make sure to watch video in full screen mode which you can click at bottom right of the video to view better!

Video Process

I wanted to make a more modern style news article similar to what I would see while scrolling on my phone, so I used Canva to create my news video. The red and white color theme was used to make the announcement look more urgent while the audio soundtrack I added was to help with making it seem more like a realistic news article. The video of the shootout from the Terminator is a gif I found from MakeGif that I edited in. The process was fun and I love how the video easily transitions between each slide as if it was professionally made.

You Are What You Eat

The food you eat are the bricks that build up your body. Everything you consume has an effect whether you notice it now or years later. So every greasy slab of meat, glob of butter, and sugary honeybun leaves your body gross and sluggish. Why do that to yourself when you can choose the healthy bricks like delicious fruit, roasted vegetables, yummy bread, and seasoned nuts that leave your body strong and energized! So choose your next bricks wisely and become vegan.

Poster Design

I chose to make my propaganda poster based on veganism because I tried to think of what type of poster would be seen by my character Runa Starr in her world. She loves snacking and eating fast food so I feel like it would be common in a futuristic city to have vegans protesting and spreading posters to stop eating meat around her favorite fast food restaurants. Runa isn’t vegan so I doubt the poster would have any influence on her especially since she’s a young adult who loves junk food, but I tried to design it to have a visual impact. I used ArtBreeder to make Ai generated photos of a humanoid burger until I got one that looked creepy enough with its gross body and bulging eyes staring at the viewer. I also liked the picture because it helped to push my narrative with the added words You are what you eat. I used Canva to add in the effects of the warning police tape and the captions in the front I included Become Vegan Now before its too late! I also made the font red with the final word “late” in all caps to make it look more urgent.

My Creative Journey: Week 6


This week I got to get more practice with making and editing videos and I actually had a lot of fun with the process. I got to try out making videos with TikTok for all of this week’s assignments and I highly recommend it. It allows you to record, edit, add captions, add effects, and even add music all on one app! This week I also went over my past goals for this class and checked how much progress I made so far which I spoke more about in my post The Journey So Far.

New Discoveries and Experiences

  • Used TikTok to create and edit videos
  • Tried transitions in videos
  • Used Ai to create pictures

Video Assignments

I had to create 3 video assignments this week. For the first one I made a drawing tutorial in Draw a Flower in Minutes. The other 2 requires incorporating my character, so for one I made a book recommendation list video that has characters with similar personalities as Runa Starr called If You Like Runa Starr. For the final video I did a guide on how to cosplay as Runa Starr in How to Cosplay Runa Starr.

Daily Creates

This week had two Daily Creates which can be found in Inside My Creative Mind.

Inside My Creative Mind: Week 6

Home Sweet Home

For this Daily Create I was supposed to make a collage of what I considered my safe haven. For me, its my home. Sleeping in my comfy bed, listening to music, and gaming with friends are the things that always makes me happy and brings me comfort when I am stressed. So for my collage I used Canva and got pictures of a cozy bed, headphones, and a Nintendo switch game console from Pinterest then put them over a cloud background with added graphics like music notes and a snoring thought bubble.

Accent Challenge

For this daily create I had to say, “There’s been a murder,” in a Scottish accent. For mine I tried to speak in a lower tone like the guy, but I don’t think my accent matches the description. I originally recorded it on my phone then I used SoundCloud to upload it for everyone to hear.

How to Cosplay Runa Starr

I’ve been talking about my character Runa Starr for the past weeks, so I stopped and wondered, what if she could actually come to life? Obviously that’s not possible but with guidance someone could definitely cosplay her. So I made a video guide on how to cosplay Runa Starr in seconds!

Reminder: Remember to unmute video to enjoy music and put it in full screen if that’s your preference!

Video Process

This video was inspired by the assignment called How to Video. I chose to make a how to video on how to cosplay as my character Runa Starr. Originally I wanted to cosplay her myself but I didn’t have enough time to order everything required for her outfit, so instead I found pictures for her hair, makeup, and outfit on Pinterest so I could make a visual guide. For the final pictures of her cosplay I used Ai to make pictures similar to what she could possibly look like on Canva. All video editing was done on TikTok where I was able to create transitions for each picture, add in captions, and add the song called Me Myself And I by Bebe Rexha. The song was chosen mostly due to the confident lyrics singing about being independent which sounded like something Runa would say.

If You Like Runa Starr

My character Runa Starr is a tactical genius with a tongue just as sharp. If you love headstrong female leads who kick butt without a second thought then I have the perfect book recommendations for you. In all these books Runa Starr shares very similar personalities to all the powerful women listed who shine throughout their stories.

Book Recommendations

Reminder: Make sure video isn’t muted to enjoy music, and make it full screen if that’s your preference!

Books Listed in Order:

  • Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard
  • Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir
  • Prisoner Throne by Holly Black
  • The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  • Empirium Series by Claire Legrand
  • Crescent City by Sarah Maas
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  • Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
  • Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
  • Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Video Process

This video was inspired by the assignment called Make a Top 10. It gave me the idea to list 10 characters who were similar to my character Runa Starr, but I wanted all my characters to come from the same type of media which is why I chose to do books since I read a lot and already knew many characters that fit her. For my video I chose to create it with TikTok since it has many editing options for me which helped a lot because I had a cool idea of trying to do transition shots for the first time by changing the books’ covers in the middle of the video by pausing and then replaying for each transition. I made my bookshelf the background since it fit the theme. Also the audio I chose was because I wanted a soundtrack that sounded powerful since the goal of my video is to recommend books with headstrong women. Lastly, I added the name of the characters and the books they’re from in front of each book to make it easier to recognize what I’m recommending.

Draw a Flower in Minutes

Drawing is fun and a simple hobby that anyone can enjoy! Some like making more complex detailed art but I love simplistic drawings, so I today I will teach you step by step how to draw a cute flower! So grab a piece of paper and follow along.

Material Used

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Blending stump (or use paper towel)

The Tutorial

Reminder: Make sure video isn’t muted to enjoy the music and if your prefer full screen then be sure to click the bigger size!

Video Process

This video was inspired by the assignment called Arts and Crafts Tutorial which said to make a step by step art tutorial. For my video I decided to create it using TikTok since I know it is common for creators to make tutorial videos on there. I recorded the video of me drawing the flower then added captions which originally was going to be in Spanish while my voiceover was supposed to be in English, but I decided to instead have English captions with peaceful music playing in the background.