This project was super fun and I am so happy with how it turned out. My team was super diligent in working together and completing this. We worked together to come up with the idea and we all dispersed the work load evenly among each other. I am so happy with how this turned out, Cant wait to do something like this again in the future!!!
Author Archives: Cat On A Moped
Weekly Summary Week 10
This week I mostly worked on the radio show. My radio show summary can be accessed here. I have had a lot of fun completing this project with my group mates and I am super excited for when it is done.
My daily creates this week were also super fun, they can be accessed here. I completed two this week and I really like how the first one came out. I also got to use Adobe Photoshop for the first time with the second one which was super cool. This week has been great! Cant wait to see what it next.
Daily Creates
This week we were asked to complete two daily creates. I completed the first one which was to design a smart watch that can track something a normal smart watch cannot. I chose to create a watch that can track when you are best fit to have a very restful nap depending on your body.

The second one I completed was to change a letter in a book and I chose the book Good Night Moon. I changed it to Good Night Loon. I used Adobe photoshop for this and it was really cool to experiment with the app.

Completed Radio Show Progress
This week my group and I worked together to finish recording and script making. We all contributed to make this project the best it can be. We all made a ton of commercials using a multitude of different tools. I used Speechify to make most of the audio for my commercials and edited and added music using audacity. We all agreed to have all of our dialogue recorded by Tuesday and we all met that goal. This project has been going super smoothly even though we found out today that it was a couple minutes short of thirty minutes. We all came together to add more dialogue and commercials to fill in the extra space and I think it has come out super well. Dr. Ravioli has a lot of air time which I am not upset about, I absolutely love his character and I am happy to know that he has a very big fan base. This Project has been super fun and I will be sad when it it officially finished but I know it is going to be amazing.
Weekly Summary Week 9
This week has been super busy! Firstly my daily creates can be accessed here. I had a lot of fun completing these and I like the way they turned out. I always enjoy completing the daily creates for the week and am excited for next week.
This week I started working on my radio show with my group and our radio show progress can be seen here. So far everything is going super well! Everyone is participating and everyone loves the ideas we have come up with. I think this will be a really amazing project when it is finished and I can not wait. I am not usually a group project kind of person but I absolutely love my group and the characters they all created. I am so excited for the final project to be finished.
Next I completed my two Audio assignments for the week. Each one was made for the radio show and the first one can be accessed here. I made a new bumper for Ravioli Radio sticking with my Jennifer Coolidge voice and my teammates have all said they love it so I am super happy. The second one is a commercial I also made for Ravioli Radio and I think it came out super well. It can be accessed here. I really enjoy making these kinds of audio clips and expanding the lore of Dr. Ravioli.
Finally, our last assignment for the week was to create a promo for our Radio show and I made a poster. I absolutely love how it turned out and you can access it here. This honestly might be the best AI generated photo I have ever made of Dr. Ravioli and I think it really captures him as a character. I am so excited to finish this project and I love working on it. I will be sad when it is done. Can’t wait for next week!
Daily Creates Week 9
This week I completed three Daily creates. The first one being making my own bead art with an image. I chose the OG photo of Dr. Ravioli and I think the outcome looks super cool.

The second one I completed was based off of the secret agent 007, but make it 106. I asked Koala to make me an AI generated Image of agent 106 and I think it came out really cool.

The last one I completed was creating my own new and improved bicycle. It was pretty hard to get right look for this using Adobe Firefly but I think it came out really good.

Radio Show Progress Week One
Getting into groups was super fun! I love everyone on my team. The first thing we did was made a group chat on discord where we discussed themes for the Radio show and name Ideas. We all agreed to name it Ravioli Radio and have my character Dr. Ravioli as the host. I made a google doc with everything we will need to complete this assignment and other information that could be handy. We have a short character description in the doc along with an outline for how we want the format of the Radio show to look like. We all have made bumpers and commercials that we linked in the google doc and on Thursday we all zoomed to talk about script and who will be doing what in terms of editing. We are all using text to speech and have almost finished our entire script. We all will be making the audios of our characters speaking their lines and we will be downloading them all onto sound cloud and linking them on the google doc. I think we have a really solid plan and I cant wait to finish this and listen to the final product. Everyone has been contributing and I love the characters we have and I cant wait to delve deeper into the lore of everyone’s character and how they will converse with Dr. Ravioli. Super excited to see how this turns out!!!
Audio Assignment Two Week 9
The second Audio Assignment I completed was one of my own creations. I made a commercial for my radio show Ravioli Radio and of course it is about mopeds. I used speechify to create the audio and grabbed the background music from freesound. I edited all of this in Audacity and I think it came out really good and I am excited to hear this along with my other Audio Assignment in Ravioli Radio when it is finished.
Audio Assignment One Week 9
This week I completed Create a ds106 radio bumper by making a radio bumper for my radio show Ravioli Radio. I had a lot of fun creating this and decided to keep with my Jennifer Coolidge theme. I think it turned out really well and I can not wait to hear it in the final audio for Ravioli Radio.
Ravioli Radio Poster
For my radio show design project I chose to make a radio show promo poster. I absolutely love how this turned out. I used Adobe Firefly and I think I will continue to use this from now on. It took me several attempts to get a good looking photo that really resonated with me and my character and I think this one is absolutely perfect. I really want my own mini moped to put on my desk. I followed the same sort of text theme my group mates did but added my own individuality. I had a super fun time creating this and I think I might make more in the future just for fun.