Author Archives: Antonio Lewis

One day at a time in images


This week went by quickly and i’m excited that we finally made it to the weekend. This week I did 3 visual assignments with the majority of the editing being done using Canva. I really enjoyed creating the visual content for this week and appreciate any opportunity to improve my editing as well as trouble shooting skills. I can see myself using Canva in the future whether that is for an employer or to create my own content.


The first assignment I completed was creating my top ten list in which I decided to list my Yohan’s (my characters) favorite video games. Next I took the ‘walk of life‘ and created my own movie ending scene with the audio. This was by far the hardest assignment for me to complete this week and took a lot of trial and error. To end the week I saved the most simple assignment for last in which was creating a goofy tik tok of a pet using a viral sound. I decided to use Jaxx Yohan’s pet Malinois as the star actor and quickly finished the assignment.

Daily creates:

This week we were assigned two daily creates. For my first post I decided to show off my safe spaces where I know I can go and be at peace and relax like the beach and woods. For my second post I decided to recite the phrase in a Scottish accent, which I failed at horrible but did have a good laugh doing.

Yohan’s good boy

creative process:

I first found a funny video of Jaxx that was Tik Tok worthy, then I found a sound that matches the goofiness taking place in the video. Within a couple minutes we get a master piece of the good boy enjoying his downtime.

This is a Tik Tok of Yohan’s pet Malinois Jaxx. When they aren’t fixing the world Jaxx takes time to play around and be goofy.

Top 10 video games of all time* or at least the time I’ve been alive

creative process:

This is a collection of Yohan’s favorite video games of all time. All the visuals were jpeg images found online and edited using canva, I used Pixabay to access the free audio used.

The idea was to have a simple yet effective video that displays some of Yohan’s top 10 favorite video games. The video is meant to be consumed quickly and be self explanatory.

Walking Through Life

creating process:

This week I attempted to be creative and get back in the swing of things. For this assignment I screen recorded the end of the movie using my phone and uploaded it to Canva. Once this was done I found a good audio source to download the song using internet archive . The hardest part of it all was when I realized Canva wasn’t going to let me use the audio because it was copy righted, this put a major halt in my progress and forced me to find another way to use the video and audio. In the end after multiple failed attempts I was able to screen record what I made on Canva. This song is Yohan’s favorite from his childhood and holds great sentimental value.

I created this video knowing I should find a movie with a happier ending as the song would fit the vibe. Ready Player One is a movie I watched earlier in the year and figured would fit this assignment perfectly.

Design Reflection

From watching the Stranger Things video using I learned about how they used typography from 80’s albums and books to make Stranger Things feel authentic, by using mistakes from early technology equipment they were able to make the letters come alive and have an authentic feel. The use of negative space is very powerful. Running down the street with a blue background represents the thriller genre, the use of body parts can let you know what type of content you’re consuming and also help show what is going on, yellow is a quick way to catch the eye so it is typically used for cheap indie movies, and finally I learned that black and white to represent masculinity with orange flash for actions movies to have intense look. Below I linked an example of the three types explained.




3rd week summary

This week was a fast one, I feel like it was just Monday yesterday but somehow here I am writing another weekly summary post for this week. I showed off an amazing bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich which I believe is the best, I did a SnapChat Photoshop of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce which came out perfect for what the assignment goal was, and last I attempted to make a class header and while I was the first to upload I came back to take a glance and saw some of the amazing header my classmates made it quickly made me realize just how amazing a simple header could be I was really impressed by their work. This week I went with all visual assignments as I hope to improve me editing creativity.

Visually Stimulate Your Brain

Stay home – living is dangerous

This is a Anti Nike parody poster going against their just do it slogan.

I attempted to put workout images and a similar color theme as I wanted it to be know it was a Nike parody but didn’t want any exact copy.

Yohan The Brave ONE

My created character is physically tough but he gained this great power from superior mental strength and discipline in first mastering the mind the body came with ease.

A short and simple quote I came up with to represent the type of charterer Yohan is.

Enter Jaxx and Yohan

Meeting Jaxx

This is Jaxx he is Yohon’s best friends a crazy Belgian Malinois who would die for his owners, while people may be afraid of his intense demeanor at first, once you get to know him he is a loving, smart, and kind dog.

Doc Intros Yoson

We all have dream!

I would choose this property as my dream home because California has an amazing climate that fits my lifestyle, while I do enjoy Virginia and feeling the effects of all four seasons the appeal of warmer weather and beaches is too much to pass on. I wouldn’t want to live in a busy city so this home feels like a good fit, there is still plenty to do but it isn’t too large or busy of a city. This beachfront property with a few acres to roam would be perfect. I would have dogs and take them on daily beach walks.

Updated Tech Noir Film Review

From watching more continuum is a show that takes place in the future in a  world run by corporate power and heavily controlled by the government. The show leaves it up to your interpretation of who the bad guys are, but it is clear that the protagonist is Kierra, a police officer from the future. Eventually Kierra and terrorist from the future she was attempting to apprehend get caught in a time machine and are all sent back to the year 2012 were she then attempts to chase them down ,she catches them and attempts to return them to the future but in doing so faces many ethical dilemmas and begins to question what is going on as well. Eventually the terrorists from the future try to all go back to the past to prevent the war that created this dystopian future they’re living in now. As current events take place in the world I understand both standpoints individuals sticking up for what they believe is right on one side and on the other side a group of people who have to follow orders and keep citizens in check for the current status of the world. The story forces you in the middle of an ethical dilemma in which you aren’t completely sure whose side to support and who is right.    

Second Week Summary

This week was a busy week to say the least to be honest I opened the course pretty late into the week and fell behind with the daily creates, now that I understand the flow of the course and see you need to be checking deadlines everyday and being prepared earlier sooner than later I will be prepare for next week, to compensate I will do my remaining daily crates this weekend for the course purpose. For the daily creates I did complete, they were interesting. Thursday’s birthday celebration(happy 14th ds106 radio)brought back good childhood memories of being in the car with my family and hearing that birthday song on the radio. The other create I was able to get done was the one from today which was creating a poem with emojis with and I attempted to be creative with my approach and instead of making a custom poem like everyone else I decided to go with the itzy bitzy spider to see if anyone would make the connection. I did see the shadow daily create on Wednesday but sadly it was too dark by the time I realized.