Week Three: Every story paints a picture

All work is due by midnight on Friday, 2/2/24
This week we will be looking at visual storytelling, specifically storytelling through images and design. We could also consider how artificial intelligence impacts both of these. Photography used to be the gold standard for evidence. Can we trust images now, when they’re algorithmically generated right out of the gate? Is it a photo if it was made without a camera?
What does AI mean for design? Design is a deliberate decision-making process to achieve a desired end. Is using a template truly designing? Is it design if a machine does it?

There are also ethical debates about AI image generators and their training data. Should it be a copyright violation? Is it fair use?
Speaking of fair use, this would be a good point to put in a plug for Creative Commons. Creative Commons (CC) licensed materials can be adapted, remixed, reused and shared under certain conditions. You can find CC-licensed media with the CC Search tool. You may want to play with CC images this week. What are the relative advantages of CC and AI-generated images?
Below is a detailed list of what’s to be completed this week.

Instead of writing for designers, designer Chip Kidd wrote a book on design for young people. There is a Brain Pickings article about Kidd and his book with links to further design related articles. (Brain Pickings is great for sending interested people down rabbit holes. Also a great example of the power of the hyperlink in digital storytelling.) The book is also in the SImpson Library. It is worth looking at, if you can get to the Library, because it communicates design concepts with great clarity and illustrates them on nearly every page.

Between the Lines: Chip Kidd interview

This interview is good for getting a glimpse at the connection between design and storytelling. A companion video Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is. | TED Talk shows some of what he’s talking about.
Here is a look at the design of movie posters found through Open Culture, which has further discussion. The designer notes how things like space and color convey meaning, and how designs connect over time

Here is a quick look at the design of the title sequence of Stranger Things. It flashes on the decision-making process at work in design

1. Write a reflection on what you learn about design from these articles and videos and tag it designthoughts.

2. Do a 20 minute Photoblitz. Be sure to grab the code and include the seven tasks you were assigned in a blog post, along with the photos you took. Include your reflections on the exercise in your post. Tag this post photoblitz. Thanks John Johnston!

3. Assignments One of the assignments we will be requiring this week is from a course at Middlebury College called Demystifying AI. They have setup an exercise (https://dlinq.middcreate.net/detox-2024/activity/not-art/) to get you thinking about the implications of creating images using AI, and have built an excellent framework for getting your started (as well as allowing you to opt out). Be sure to read through the entire assignment as it is framed on their site and post your entry on your blog tagging it middleburyart
In addition to the Middlebury assignment, choose two visual or design assignments from the assignments.ds106.us bank, making one or both of them about the character you have created.
Note: Most of the assignments in the bank were created by students. You can create assignments too, at any point. If you find something cool on the web and want to figure out how to do it yourself, make an assignment out of it. The Bank could probably use more AI-related assignments. If you have ideas, feel free to submit them to the Bank.

4. Daily Creates: Let’s do 3 this week.

5. Commenting: You should all be following each other’s work and offering each other feedback, ideas, support and encouragement. Several people have been doing this already, which is great, but more is better. A good habit is to visit the course site every day to see what people have posted. Click through to a few posts and share your thoughts on the work, and ideas that it may inspire. We all appreciate positive feedback, and we can all be inspired by each other. This should take no more than a few minutes a day.

6. Write your Weekly Summary: This is an every week thing. Your summary should link to or embed all your work for the week, and give your thoughts on the week as a whole. Submit the URL for this post to Canvas by the end of the day on Friday.
Lastly, we would like to crowdsource a list of AI tools that the class might use during the semester. Do you know of any that should be on the list? Can you find any worth recommending? The Rundown AI has a list that might be worth checking. See what you can find, and add them to the list through this form. We may continue this project in the coming weeks.
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