Category Archives: Flim Review

Artificial Intelligence: The New World

Artificial Intelligence reminds me social media in the fact that it is not real. There might be a little truth behind all the editing or picture/ videos we view but most of it was made to make the audience intrigued. Social media has influencers that most of the time have something done to them. Lip filler, nose job, botox etc. Influencers will also use a software called photoshop to delete and or add items to the pictures they post for others to look like. Artificial intelligence takes that one step forward and uses different software and machines to give us a different look than what the naked eye sees behind the scenes. There is no limit on what you can make the audience view while using AI. I have seen artists make dead people speak on how they died with just a picture of a face.

With more people starting to use AI, the scarier it is going to be in the world. The reason I say this is because, it will cause more trouble than entertainment. AI looks so real and that means people are able to create false advertising and information. I would say our best bet would not use AI at all because it can get into the wrong hands. Once it gets into the wrong hands it is only a matter of time before the end of the world. Whether it is robots who will turn against humans or humans will program robots to kill. Either way the world would be a lost cause for humanity and the future. I feel as though we have already come too far from saving the world from oblivion.

San Fransokyo

At the beginning of Big Hero 6, I notice the Artificial Intelligence for this movie would be Baymax. Baymax is made out of vinyl and carbon fiber and is a nurse bot. The difference between Baymax and battle bots is that Baymax is programmed to make his own decisions by using the software he was given, while the battle bots are controlled by the controllers the humans were using. Baymax would be considered AI and the battle bots were considered, essentially a toy.

When Baymax noticed that Hero was sad, Baymax downloaded personal loss to his own software. The creator of this movie made AI (Baymax) able to problem solve without the need of human intervention. You can also take note that Baymax can also adapt to different challenges. An example would be when Baymax could not walk straight, he looked to the side and started shuffling around the room to make it across. Throughout the movie we notice that Baymax can determined if he needs to use the helpful or fighting software in each situation, he has been put in.

When watching the movie, I had noticed that all the characters were diverse. Meaning that each character had their own role to play in making the story continue. The depiction of Artificial Intelligence in this movie was used for good however, not all movies is the AI portrayed as good. Baymax was able to determine the correct course of action during the film.